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Pakistan soldiers killed by friendly fire in ambush !


1 PAK Soldier gets Shahadat 1000 terrorists will die InshaAllah
Mods/Admins and Agno dont you think its time to ban nescafe for celebrating death of soldiers who are fighting against terrorists??

I second this, there are some takfiri closet supporters that need to be shipped out.
Those of you - who are shocked at friendly fire incident's - have obviously never heard of the "fog of war" - I have known young soldiers to die in exercises - or other incident's it's more common than you think, the Armed Forces - call it a "blue on blue" incident.

Aftermath by S. Sassoon.

HAVE you forgotten yet?...
For the world's events have rumbled on since those gagged days,
Like traffic checked while at the crossing of city-ways:
And the haunted gap in your mind has filled with thoughts that flow
Like clouds in the lit heaven of life; and you're a man reprieved to go,
Taking your peaceful share of Time, with joy to spare.
But the past is just the same--and War's a bloody game...
Have you forgotten yet?...
Look down, and swear by the slain of the War that you'll never forget.

Do you remember the dark months you held the sector at Mametz--
The nights you watched and wired and dug and piled sandbags on parapets?
Do you remember the rats; and the stench
Of corpses in front of the front-line trench--
And dawn coming, dirty-white, and chill with a hopeless rain?
Do you ever stop and ask, 'Is it all going to happen again?'

Do you remember that hour of din before the attack--
And the anger, the blind compassion that seized and shook you then
As you peered at the doomed and haggard faces of your men?
Do you remember the stretcher-cases lurching back
With dying eyes and lolling heads--those ashen-grey
Masks of the lads who once were keen and kind and gay?

Have you forgotten yet?...
Look up, and swear by the green of the spring that you'll never forget.
This is what happens when you keep your eyes closed.

i shouldnt term it as unprofessional but then these mistakes are unforgivable.

i dont know what was the caliber of that mortar, knowing the caliber could tell where the mortar was placed and who was in charge of the position, but the number of causalities suggest that it was (atleast) an 81mm mortar bomb.

i am still unable to understand how would the bomb land where the col, probably the CO was, but then this kind of incidents are not new to any military.

Artillery/mortar cover is a very essential part of any operation, the kill zone of a shell or bomb (the radius within which the splinters would cause causality) is THE most important value to determine the extent to which own forces can near the enemy before the artillery/mortar cover can be lifted. This value in turn determines the distance from the target/objective where upon friendly forces would be devoid of artillery cover. Now this distance should balance both the sides; one, that the it should be small enough (towards the enemy side) that own troops can reach at the point where the enemy comes within the effective range of own small arms, two, it should be include some safety allowance i.e. a small amount is added to this distance so that own troops are not subjected to own fire mistakenly, which in turn would mean that the fire would lift at an early stage there by exposing the attacking troops for a longer time then necessary which in turn could allow the enemy to regain balance (which was pinned down because of the artillery fire previously - this is the stage which we term as the most dangerous situation,Why? because at this point own troops (who are in open and exposed) are hardly a few hundred meters away from the enemy (who is behind cover/dugged in), and this could prove disastrous as by allowing the enemy to use their weapons at this stage by lifting away the artillery cover would mean that they will duck shoot you like hell!!). This entails planning, deliberate planning.

So, as both the requirements are contradicting (weather to lift the fire too early so that own troops dont come under own fire or dont lift the fire too early so that the enemy's head is pinned downed for a longer period thus allowing own troops to near the object as much possible), a risk assessment has to be made. Normally attacking troops would 'like' to suffer a few casualties by allowing the fire cover to continue for a longer duration, in a bargain to near the objective as this would yield lesser casualties in the overall scheme of operation as opposed to save the causalities from own fire later to be duck shot by enemy's fire.

The above arrangement can result into the situation currently under discussion which had made news and had resulted into 14 casualties!!!

RIP comrades!

N.B. Ever heard of 'the first casualty in war is the plan itself?'
It's precisely that attitude which will ensure that the incident is not investigated and not corrected -- and it does not matter whether you think it is necessary or not, the reality is that so long as we refuse to think critically, to pose difficult and yes, impertinent questions, we are not going to get this right.

See, "what is Pakistan" thread - and unlike the "Indian not arab" thread, try not to close it because our "please no thinking" crowd don't like it.

Musey i respect you but then this time i must tell you that you dont know a shyt about how our military works!!

14 people have died due to 'blue over blue' and you sit here accusing the Army not to investigate and correct the error?!

How dare you!!!

There is NO fcuking 'thinking critically' involved in this, there no fringging need 'to pose difficult and yes, impertinent questions', but yes 'we are going to get this right' WITHOUT anybody telling us what to do, because there are certain shyts that happens that dont require a poke, finger or critical thinking to investigate or inquiry it, why? Because there are people who are more concerned then you (if you can show concern while sitting on that couch of yours, people under whose nose mistakes had happened has more integrity 'to pose difficult and impertinent questions' to those who committed mistakes so that they are not repeated, or else half of our Army had been killed by our own G-3s and 105 mm howitzers since '47!!)
an internal inquiry will surely be made, brother. Be patient (but not too patient)

there should be no complacency on this matter it's very serious
Internal investigation will be made?? How will we know?? Because they said they investigated?? And just an internal investigation? is that the substance of watch dog investigations?

A small request, perhaps someone can points us to other internal investigations in the army and where we may access such reports??

So, now all the "usual suspects" are sitting on their thumbs and mouthing condolences - yet had they cared for the lives of those in uniform, they would have been vigilant to ask questions about core proficiencies, it might have prevented these deaths -- make sense??

Small bet, there will be no independent investigation, there will be the usual "tamasha", "heroes" "shaheed" etc; etc; -- you and the reading public will never read whatever report is produced by whatever investigation.
I say with full confidence that unlike govt, there IS accountability in the PA

i agree with you, there may not be public disclosures over what exactly happened, what caused the accident or a lapse in standard procedure......but mark my words an inquiry will be made, rest-assured

believe me here......
RIP to the soldiers...

I should not post this... but just two days ago some of my pakistani counterparts were making fun of the death of the indian soldier whose tank fall in a well
Internal investigation will be made?? How will we know?? Because they said they investigated?? And just an internal investigation? is that the substance of watch dog investigations?

A small request, perhaps someone can points us to other internal investigations in the army and where we may access such reports??

So, now all the "usual suspects" are sitting on their thumbs and mouthing condolences - yet had they cared for the lives of those in uniform, they would have been vigilant to ask questions about core proficiencies, it might have prevented these deaths -- make sense??

Small bet, there will be no independent investigation, there will be the usual "tamasha", "heroes" "shaheed" etc; etc; -- you and the reading public will never read whatever report is produced by whatever investigation.

Respect the dead, they are hero's.
Respect the dead ?? Sure, and for the living?? help them to be among the dead by playing this silly game of respecting the dead instead of the living?? Be reasonable, try and write as if you are thinking and not merely living life as if it were a ritual.
Respect the dead ?? Sure, and for the living?? help them to be among the dead by playing this silly game of respecting the dead instead of the living?? Be reasonable, try and write as if you are thinking and not merely living life as if it were a ritual.

also a good and very valid point....but dead should especially be respected, including those who died defending the country so that those living could still have time to prove themselves and their worth --so that when they die too they would be equally respected
so that those living could still have time to prove themselves and their worth --so that when they die too they would be equally respected

Sorry, abu Zulf - that's kitabi tripe - in real world, we must be ensuring our uniformed personnel do not die (there is no death with dignity, Be 100% assured of that) because they are not proficient or are "accident prone" -- Our job must be to keep them living with dignity -- that is the only kind that exists.

But I understand if you find that difficult to digest.
Funeral prayer of 13 martyred troops offered

PESHAWAR Mar 29 (APP): The funeral prayers of thirteen soldiers of Corps who were martyred in a bloody clash with militants in Khyber Agency were offered here Tuesday.

Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Asif Yasin Malik, IGFC Nadir Zaib Khan, Political Agent Khyber Agency and other senior military officers attended the funeral of Lt Col Sheraz Ali Khan, Captain Abdus Salam and eleven other troops. A contingent of army presented salute to the coffin of the martyred soldiers. Later, their bodies were shifted to the native areas for last rituals. The army officers Lt Col Sheraz Ali Khan belonged to Lahore and served in artillery.

He had received distinction certificate in March 23, 2011 in recognition of his gallantry and invaluable services for motherland. The soldiers were martyred in a militants’ ambush and mortar shell explosion in Akakhel area of Khyber Agency on late Monday night.

Corps Commander Lt Gen Asif Yasin Malik paid rich tributes to gallantry of martyred troops and said that their sacrifices would not go waste. The militants were trying to regroup in Akakhel area and were posing a threat for security of Peshawar when FC troops on tip-off were moved and frustrated their bid.

The militants also received heavy casualties in the encounter. The Corps Commander held sacrifices of the troops in high esteem and expressed his strong resolve to take action whenever militants or terrorists were found.

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