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Pakistan sold Iran nuke tech in 1980s, former President Rafsanjani reveals .

If nuclear bombs can be made by smuggling then the whole world would have nukes.

Kids liks you cant judge a phd scientist.

Mushi punished him because he insulted mushi at the time of ghauri missile test when he came drunk on the test site.
Mushi had personal hatred with AQ khan , so he made him an example as he became powerful.

Dude nuclear bombs can not be made by people who think cars can be run on water. I am sorry but that is basic physics.

No amount of argument can change that fact.
Bhai, just read up on the Jewish 4 blood moon (just happened) and temple. It's their eschatology that where the masjid al-aqsa stands has to be destroyed to build their temple before 2017 This is why all of a sudden the Zionists are attacking the Palestinians. They have occupied part of the harem that caused the Palestinians to rise up and started stabbings, etc The Zionist leader Natanyahood said, the Hitler did not want to do the holocaust, it was the Mufti of Palestine idea to demonise the Palestinians to kill them easily.

They will not pull down the Masjid until Pakistan is not de-nuked!

erwww This guy Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani lolz everybody knows this guy is zionist dog. i have not spared any country of looking under microscope for crypto j e w. ayatollah revolution is very suspicion. turkey has got its crypto j e ws.

erwww This guy Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani lolz everybody knows this guy is zionist dog. i have not spared any country of looking under microscope for crypto j e w. ayatollah revolution is very suspicion. turkey has got its crypto j e ws.


If you know any our country you need to expose them!
So bloody what - who can do shit about it? AQ Khan walks a free man and so do all the others involved. Sanction threats and deportation threats are for weaklings. India and US need to deal with it.

Following list is a reality with which every ones needs to get comfortable with

1. Gwadar
3. Militarization of SCS.

There's no pressure in heavens or on earth that can stop any of the above. Biggest loser in all of this is India, which will just keep dreaming of meaningless memberships in International fora as a third grade applicant and lose where it really matters, business.

What India can do best is make a Bollywood movie about it! :D
If you know any our country you need to expose them!

yara this has been happening since prophet time crypto jew infiltration, how do you think Europe was dark ages. but it was ottoman empire young turk/russia bolshaveik that exposed it to europe..

yara this has been happening since prophet time crypto jew infiltration, how do you think Europe was dark ages. but it was ottoman empire young turk/russia bolshaveik that exposed it

Bhai-jaan some people can't understand the policies of our gormant and need concrete evidence to make them understand. Do you have anything other than they sell themselves like whores for money?
erwww This guy Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani lolz everybody knows this guy is zionist dog. i have not spared any country of looking under microscope for crypto j e w. ayatollah revolution is very suspicion. turkey has got its crypto j e ws.

This was from a Israel visit, heres another picture in same clothes in Al Aqsa Mosque....

Bhai-jaan some people can't understand the policies of our gormant and need concrete evidence to make them understand. Do you have anything other than they sell themselves like whores for money?

well these guys don't expose themselves literally they do things symbolically but one way to find out is how they welcome USA or Israel with open arms, willing to trade vital resources while everyone starves. sometimes they have dinner with friends who are well known Zionist which is dead give away. forget about iran turkey middle east they pi ss easy but it Pakistanis Zionist are hard to decode i know some faces but i don't know names. most of them always in financial area like banking/imf etc.
let look at India most Indians boost about rich billionaires in their country who don't give a s h it about them one of them is mittel steel guy. (mittel with uncle rothshcild)

even imran khan got me suspicious when he married the goldsmith who are related to Rothschild. One thing you gotta learn is zion jew women are used as infiltration into gentile tribe to guide the destiny of that nation according to Talmudic laws.

all the idiots on Forbes magazine are usually Rothschild front made men.
so called self millionaire / billionaires.
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Along with Rafsanjani.......
Rafsanjani besides Rouhani are two retards. I prefer a strong government like Ahmadinejad any day over them. They're both traitors and idiots in our country...
What was the need of saying this when Iran herself have officially surrendered her nuclear programs? Do Iran want Pakistan to be next?

They want to shame Pakistan because they have been denied the nuclear toy gun. Sour grapes may be??:D
well these guys don't expose themselves literally they do things symbolically but one way to find out is how they welcome USA or Israel with open arms, willing to trade vital resources while everyone starves. sometimes they have dinner with friends who are well known Zionist which is dead give away. forget about iran turkey middle east they pi ss easy but it Pakistanis Zionist are hard to decode i know some faces but i don't know names. most of them always in financial area like banking/imf etc.
let look at India most Indians boost about rich billionaires in their country who don't give a s h it about them one of them is mittel steel guy. (mittel with uncle rothshcild)

even imran khan got me suspicious when he married the goldsmith who are related to Rothschild. One thing you gotta learn is zion jew women are used as infiltration into gentile tribe to guide the destiny of that nation according to Talmudic laws.

all the idiots on Forbes magazine are usually Rothschild front made men.
so called self millionaire / billionaires.

Mere bhai-jaan all this is circumstantial evidence, we need proof; either they say or action speak for themselves. Just as the traitor Ghair Musharaf kept talking about ''enlightened (illuminated) moderation'' as if we need a poodle like him to teach us about Islam. A coward who talks big and has SSGs protecting him. He is not the only snake in the gormant and faurj, but he is the scum that purged all the righteous officers from Colonel and above. Now it's all sell-outs and secularists on top. The soldiers are sincere and used by the greedy gineral!

Take a look at the map of Pakistan now and they've made provinces on tribal lines so they can break it easily as they planned in Times magazines.

There are many masonic lodges in Pakistan; Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi. How was the license given to open such places?

To come back, bhai we need to expose them as they are enemies and like you I'm a Kashmiri and by Allah living on the front lines I don't fear the Indians, but these rats are dangerous. Don't forget how the Iraq war was won. It took one Iraqi ginral to be bought off and promised residency in Amrka and he gave the order to disband the army. The Amrkan could not break into Baghdad and got hammered and their supply lines were hit.
Thanks a lot Former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani... Your information will help us a lot....You Nailed it...Thanks again....This is a Amazing WOW news.

Ok we did. Sue us.

Ask your country leaders and Army chief to accept it on to the world forum....Provided IF YOU HAVE GUTS.
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