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Pakistan sold Iran nuke tech in 1980s, former President Rafsanjani reveals .

This interview is from nearly a week ago, no conspiracy theories please.

Pakistan agreed to transfer some 1st generation used centrifuges to Iran. Unfortunately relations in this field didn't go beyond that, but it should have.

Pakistan has done nothing wrong, Iran never intended to go for a weapon, and our program always remained peaceful. West on the other hand, helped Israel to secretly develop nuclear weapons, they are the biggest hypocrite imbeciles on planet earth.

All nuclear countries have had outside help one way or the other. Even US used the help of foreign scientists in this regard. But those who own the international system are obviously immune from sanctions and threats.
This interview is from nearly a week ago, no conspiracy theories please.

Pakistan agreed to transfer some 1st generation used centrifuges to Iran. Unfortunately relations in this field didn't go beyond that, but it should have.

Pakistan has done nothing wrong, Iran never intended to go for a weapon, and our program always remained peaceful. West on the other hand, helped Israel to secretly develop nuclear weapons, they are the biggest hypocrite imbeciles on planet earth.

but cant Iranian leadership shut their mouth
The thinking of our policy makers during and post Zia was baffling to say the least.....
Former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has confirmed that his country received nuclear technology from Pakistan. The assertion, made in an interview published on Thursday, undermines Islamabad’s long-standing claims that its supply of technology and material to Iran, Libya and North Korea was the work of a rogue network run by the country’s former nuclear czar, Abdul Qadeeer Khan.

In an interview published by website Iran’s Nuclear Hope, Rafsanjani says “Abdul Qadeer Khan believed that the Islamic world had to have a nuclear bomb… The Pakistanis agreed to help us somewhat”.
“We were at war, and we wanted to have such an option for the day our enemies wanted to use nuclear weapons. This was our state of mind,” said the former Iranian president.

The AQ Khan network is suspected to have supplied Iran with designs for its P1-type aluminium-rotor centrifuges, during a visit the scientist made to its Bushehr nuclear facility in 1986, Later, in between 1994 and 1996, Iran received components for 500 centrifuges, a deal that was followed up with designs for the more advanced P2 centrifuges, which began operating from 2002.

Iran admitted to International Atomic Energy Agency investigators that it had met thirteen times with what it described as “the clandestine supply network” between 1994 and 1999. Now the head of Iran’s Expediency Discernment Council — an advisory body exercising oversight over policy-making and administration — Rafsanjani says in the interview that he personally travelled to Pakistan to set up the nuclear deal.

Following the breakdown of German technical cooperation with Iran’s nuclear programme in the wake of the 1979 revolution, he said: “We began to talk with the Pakistanis. In Pakistan, there was a scientist named Abdul Qadeer Khan. I took a trip to Pakistan, and I wanted to see him, but they did not let me…. I went twice to Pakistan, but I didn’t see him.”

Iran’s now-Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Ali Khamenei, who has held the position since 1989, also travelled to Pakistan without success, Rafsanjani added.

The timeline revealed by Rafsanjani confirms reports that Iran-Pakistan nuclear cooperation was sanctioned by military ruler General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who held power until his assassination in 1988.

In a 2004 article, the journalist Kamran Khan had quoted a Pakistani scientist as saying the General’s intent “to play around but not to yield anything substantial”.

Three Iranian officials are thought to have met members of Khan’s network in 1987, including Sri Lankan businessmen Mohamed Farouq and Buhary Syed Ali Tahir, and German engineer Heinz Mebus.

These men, IAEA inspectors found, provided the Iranians with a one-page handwritten note, offering disassembled centrifuge, technical drawings, calculations, and parts for 2000 machines. Iran told IAEA inspectors that in addition to the centrifuge-related specifications and equipment, the Pakistani network also turned over a document detailing how to shape enriched uranium for use in a bomb.

Later, in an 11-page note to Pakistani investigators, Khan said Iran had offered $10 billion for three atomic bombs. The deal, he claimed, was pursued by top Iranian official Ali Samkhani on a visit to Islamabad in 1990. Samkhani’s demands that Pakistan deliver on the deal, Khan claimed, were discussed with then prime minister Benazir Bhutto. In a 2009 interview — given after he had served five years under house imprisonment — Khan said that “since Iran was an important Muslim country, we wished Iran to acquire this technology”. “Iran’s nuclear capability will neutralise Israel’s power,” he added.

Khan earlier lamented, in a 1995 speech, that “developments made by certain Muslim states in the restricted technologies does not trickle down to others because of international pressure”.

General Mirza Aslam Beg, who succeeded General Zia as army chief, appears to have pushed Prime Minister Bhutto to seal the bomb deal. His support for selling nuclear weapons technology, many experts believe, that was driven by his doctrine of “strategic defiance”, which envisaged a strategic partnership between Islamabad, Kabul, Tehran and Ankara.

Even as the nuclear trafficking was underway, Beg threatened US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Henry Rowen, that “if Pakistan was cut off [from military assistance] it might be forced to share nuclear technology with Iran”. Robert Oakley, then US ambassador to Pakistan, has also said Beg considered an oil-for-bombs deal with Iran.

The trafficking picked up again in 1994 under the watch of General Abdul Waheed, despite a deterioration in Iran-Pakistan relations, brought about by Islamabad’s backing of its proxies in Afghanistan.

It is unclear if Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who held power for significant periods during this time, was also informed about the Iran relationship.

Pakistan sold Iran nuke tech in 1980s, former President Rafsanjani reveals | The Indian Express


Indian Express:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
And Iranians were so incompetent that even then they failed to produce nukes and finally did sorry sorry after wasting 3 decades
Oh come on, it was always a joke in international circles that one sub-standard scientist single handedly delivered nuke tech to many countries without pakistani state knowing about it, and when "caught" the scientist was pardoned the same day by pakistan ;)

Its worth highlighting that pakistan state is known for its rogue irresponsible behaviour and is used in that capacity by the right bidder.
Oh come on, it was always a joke in international circles that one sub-standard scientist single handedly delivered nuke tech to many countries without pakistani state knowing about it, and when "caught" the scientist was pardoned the same day by pakistan ;)

Its worth highlighting that pakistan state is known for its rogue irresponsible behaviour and is used in that capacity by the right bidder.

That sub standard scientist gave Pak a nuclear bomb and a giant middle finger to "haters"...

In the end ... Wtf are you gonna do biatch ...:D

Pak is a recognised nuclear power and nobody can do jack about it -- except bitchin & moaning.. Deal with it.

We also know about the KANDU reactor drama .. innocent Bharat played.
Oh come on, it was always a joke in international circles that one sub-standard scientist single handedly delivered nuke tech to many countries without pakistani state knowing about it, and when "caught" the scientist was pardoned the same day by pakistan ;)

Its worth highlighting that pakistan state is known for its rogue irresponsible behaviour and is used in that capacity by the right bidder.
And that sub standard scientist made us nuclear power with his team.

AQ was punished by musharaf due to his personal grudge and dislike.
And that sub standard scientist made us nuclear power with his team.

AQ was punished by musharaf due to his personal grudge and dislike.

He was a successful smuggler who gave you the bomb. That i do not deny.

Now tell me which average scientist would have endorsed the water car defying the basics of physics? Answer - not one. So his scientific knowhow is pretty obvious to everyone.

No he was not punished by musharraf, he was used to whitewash the deeds of pakistani state.
Pak gave Iran 4,000 centrifuges: Former Iranian Prez Rafsanjani | world | Hindustan Times

Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has lifted the lid on Pakistan’s role in the development of Iran’s nuclear programme, saying Pakistan provided designs and technology, including 4,000 used centrifuges for enriching uranium.

Rafsanjani also said in an interview with Iranian media this week that Iran considered pursuing a nuclear deterrent when it began its atomic programme in the 1980s in the midst of an eight-year war with Iraq.

He did not state clearly whether the transfer of the technology and designs had the sanction of the Pakistani government or was the work of the proliferation ring run by disgraced scientist AQ Khan.

Khan was among those who believed Iran should have the bomb, he said. Both Rafsanjani and Ayatollah Khamenei – Iran’s current Supreme Leader – tried unsuccessfully to meet Khan during visits to Pakistan.

“At the time that we started, we were at war and we were looking to have this capability (the nuclear bomb) for the day that our enemy would want to resort to the nuclear bomb,” Rafsanjani said.

Iran turned to Pakistan for help with its nuclear programme after it “lost faith in the Germans” following the 1979 revolution and “began thinking of alternative approaches”, he said. “We had talks with the Pakistanis, a scientist called Mr Abdal-Qadir Khan (AQ Khan),” Rafsanjani said in the interview with Etemad newspaper.

“During my visits to Pakistan, I wanted to meet him but they did not introduce him to me. Ayatollah Khamenei too did not meet him. But during the (Iran-Iraq) war, we both tried to restart the program. It seems (AQ) Khan himself was of the belief that the world of Islam should have a nuclear bomb,” he said.

“At any rate, it was agreed that they (Pakistan) should help us a bit – for example, by delivering second-hand first-generation centrifuges, along with some designs – so that we could build it ourselves. Gradually, we started the work...,” he added.

“The Pakistanis gave us 4,000 second-hand first-generation centrifuges, along with designs.”

The centrifuges received from Pakistan were used for the “first part of the enrichment work” at a facility established in Amir Abad.

Rafsanjani also provided details of the help provided by Pakistan’s close ally China. “In Saghand, the Chinese drilled very deep wells until we reached uranium,” he said.

“The Isfahan UCF (uranium conversion facility) was built by the Chinese. They produced the plans,” Rafsanjani said. “We gave the Chinese $60 million for Isfahan, but they left the job unfinished.”

There were also “all sorts of black market offers”. Without giving details, Rafsanjani said: “Some offered us 90% enriched uranium, others 100%, and others offered technology.”

Pakistan has insisted for long that all nuclear transfers to Iran were the work of Khan’s clandestine network. Khan was placed under house arrest after he confessed to running the proliferation ring in 2004. He subsequently retracted the confession and said he had acted on the instructions of successive governments.

In 2009, Pakistan lifted most of the restrictions imposed on Khan. However, it has not allowed him to be questioned by US or IAEA investigators.

In the past, Iran has informed the IAEA that the Pakistani network had provided centrifuge specifications and equipment and a document on shaping enriched uranium for use in a bomb.
In the past, Iran has informed the IAEA that the Pakistani network had provided centrifuge specifications and equipment and a document on shaping enriched uranium for use in a bomb.
Where are the Zionists...... :police::police::police:
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