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Pakistan snubbed by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for giving 'sanctuary' to terrorists

Afghan "empty" void region needs to be captured and the criminal leader of that country needs to be exiled
As blunt as it gets in a multinational gathering! Time for Pak to introspect & decide whether it wants to be ridiculed In every forum or put things right to reverse the damage caused to self, which has been pretty immense!

LPC India and Indian so called forums :rofl: (Bangladesh, Afghanistan bc ye hey India ke okaat walay forums) :lol::lol:
India Scared Again ! Lolllll MUST WATCH and SHARE. Neutral Assessment of Indo-Pak WAR
If Afghanistan thinks that crying about pakistan everywhere will help Afghanistan then they are sorely mistaken. If anything it only highlights their own incompetence and incapability in bringing peace in their country.

It seems to be a duo wherever they go they scream pakistan but after a few days the headlines change and nothing happens.

This is quite a serious thing ghani has said and frankly Pakistan should jolt itself awake as to what kind of an ungrateful nation its dealing with and the pathetic attitude it wields. All trade and monetary assistance and projects should be cut off bcz its useless and will bear no fruits. Those projects would be worth a billion times more in FATA and Baluchistan than in that ungrateful hellhole called Afghanistan.

In fact right this moment the sealed repatriation of refugees ( due to winter) should be restarted bcz its just nor ghani alone but everybody in Afghanistan. They HATE us and have hated us since our inception. We may have peace with India but with Afghanistan we will never have peace. They are obsessed and insane about us. Send them all back and seal and fence the border to control their movement.

Have lost control of nearly half a country. Are losing soldiers faster than replenishment of ranks and have lost 2200+ soldiers since august and their own allies are bombing their citizens. To hell with that place.
Mark my words Indians are going to be taught some lesson by these Namak Haram Afghanis they claim to love so much. Afghanis have proved time and time again they are not loyal, not loyal to themselves, their country and even their families. Whoever waves at them the most dollars they start signing their tune.

grab the popcorn and watch
As blunt as it gets in a multinational gathering! Time for Pak to introspect & decide whether it wants to be ridiculed In every forum or put things right to reverse the damage caused to self, which has been pretty immense!

This is absolutely hilarious. It's funny how delusional our Indian friends are, and its funny watching them get off on something that did not even happen.

So Indian and Afghan envoys insulting Pakistan is considered an insult by the rest of the world. Do remind me, when was Pakistan ever insulted by any Western envoy like this. I know its an Indian fetish for a Western envoy especially the Americans to act like the Indian envoy, but reality is that never happened. If it makes you happy that Afghan and Indian envoys insulted Pakistan, so be it, but let's be real here at the end of the day this does not make an iota of difference to Pakistan. At the end of the day, Pakistan holds all the cards against Afghanistan. We shut down Torkham couple of months ago and the Afghans literally were running to us begging for us to open the border.
No i am referring to humiliating defeat of 5 times larger india in 1965 ... i am referring to captured indian war planes ... shown is war trophy in my neighbourhood ... i am talking about mumbai attack, parliment attack, uri attak where mighty indian forces cant do dime other than barking and then come up with fake surgical strike .. and when humiliated badly on loc then your mighty indian army retaliated by murdering 9 civilians in a civilian bus .. 4 kids and even ambulance on the same day ... and while to this cowardly girlish act did chest thumbing ...

I am also talking about that army which was on frontline in giving a humiliating defeat to world power soviet union ...

Now stop trolling you stupid indian ... despite of purchasing all the weapons from the world you cant fight like a man and can only hit from the back as you did in 1971 ...

But things have changed now ... your dogs ttp is devstated ... your another dog aghanistan regime is about to collapse ...

So stop barking and go to hell
First thanks for letting me know how smart are you.

Well i can see the PA professionalism from parliament, Mumbai and uri attacks. Also the professional nature of fighting must be greatly evident since you mentioned soviet union.

As For hell, i wish you could out of yours.
Cut the rhetoric & confront the reality! If a country like Afghan turns around & throws your AID money right back at your face, you know what's your worth! It's about time you guys start addressing the shortcoming within yourselves instead of looking for excuses in others backyard! Maybe then the world may start taking Pakistan seriously & start believing in your versions!

Can you stop calling India and Afghanistan the world?

What is this Indian fetish of associating themselves with the world. Do remind me where has the World acted the way Indian and Afghan envoys have? Name me a single country that has criticized Pakistan in the same tone as India and Afghanistan has? Can you Indians come out of this bubble that you represent the world.

I mean Russia which is your traditional ally just slapped you in the face and said they don't support any Anti Pakistan statements in the Heart of Asia. So please tell me, what world are you talking about?
Ghani should be a man and take back all of his Afghan brothers and sisters languishing in Pakistan. Talking tough and dumping your people in the same country that you accuse of all sorts is kind of lame and unconvincing.

Ghani is soon going to find out the hard way when he sees how his countrymen are forced to go back to opiumland.

This is absolutely hilarious. It's funny how delusional our Indian friends are, and its funny watching them get off on something that did not even happen.

So Indian and Afghan envoys insulting Pakistan is considered an insult by the rest of the world. Do remind me, when was Pakistan ever insulted by any Western envoy like this. I know its an Indian fetish for a Western envoy especially the Americans to act like the Indian envoy, but reality is that never happened. If it makes you happy that Afghan and Indian envoys insulted Pakistan, so be it, but let's be real here at the end of the day this does not make an iota of difference to Pakistan. At the end of the day, Pakistan holds all the cards against Afghanistan. We shut down Torkham couple of months ago and the Afghans literally were running to us begging for us to open the border.

The Indians and Afghans are left red faced with Pakistan's recent cooperation with China. They are going to fly over Pakistan to do trade LOL They are under the illusion that by acting undiplomatically and abusively they can achieve what they want. If anything, this latest act of desperation should be another nail in the coffin of Indian and Bollywood fanatics on our side. The proponents of talks with India and Afghanistan have been left humiliated after yet another debacle. As each day passes by, we are witnessing how desperate India and Afghanistan are becoming. This only works in our favor. What did they achieve by scolding and humiliating Aziz? Two minutes of anger venting? We won't forget and that will be for a long time to come. We will get tougher with Afghans in Pakistan. We will get more hostile towards Modi's India. Pakistan's cooperation with China and other like minded countries is going to increase another few notches. Pakistan won't even consider allowing India cheap and easy access to Afghanistan through its land. I am sure everyone is smart enough to do the math. This cheap stunt by India and Afghanistan is going to cost them dearly. If they think they can play this foul game we can play it better.

To icing on the cake is that despite Indian and Afghan shouting about Pakistan being a terrorist state has fallen on deaf ears. They constantly beg infront the entire world to brandish Pakistan a terror state. Yet, the world acknowledges Pakistan's sacrifices and fight against terror. The world knows how many millions of Afghans are fed and provided sanctuary by Pakistan. So much for brandishing Pakistan a terrorist state.
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Let's not give Ghani too too much credit. Indiots, and likely his Tajik overlords, are probably the parts the make the whole.

What is the whole? The whole is a hand, and Ghani is a sock puppet. Hand inserted in his anus, all the way to his mouth, and flaps like a sock puppet moving the way the hand wants to move.
Who want to be an asylum seeker when they have a home land which has every thing to live life.

Thousands of Afghan men want to be, did you read what Angela Merkel said about them?

All these posts are ridiculous, considering the mindset of their own male folk.
MR Ghani why do you allow the senior leadership of the Tareekhi Taliban to reside in Afghanistan? Why do you allow DAESH to freely roam Afghanistan?
Who cares what Afghan president said...:coffee: Everyone on this HoA conference understood very well that what was his agenda and whose tongue he was using :big_boss:. The Russian special Envoy statement against his blame game drama is the evidence...The reality is that Ashraf Ghani does not want peace in Afghanistan. He and his corrupt govt need money and he can say anything to please there godfathers...:jester:
Don't worry Soon Pakistan will completely seal the Porous border Between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Then no more Blame game and no more Afghan border jumping into Pakistan.

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