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Pakistan signs deal with Sri Lanka to sell Initial order of 8 JF-17s

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Hamid Mir can call himself a 'senior journalist' all he wants, but his 'journalism' has bordered on unsubstantiated opinion multiple times in the past.

Let's not forget so easily how he was in forefront of the media TTP apologists in the immediate aftermath of the Lal Masjid ops and when the FATA campaign was not going so well circa 2008/9/10.
I know that. But he can be trusted for such simple sort of information........... So nothing to worry, he also knows his own reputation will ruin to dust if he tried to ''over act'' :-)
An excellent development if true, but given past erroneous reporting by the Pakistani media on defence issues, I would suggest waiting for some sort of official confirmation - hopefully the media did not misinterpret the "8 MOU's on economy, defence and security' as '8 JF-17 fighter jets'.

Yes, it's the pessimist in me.
Hamid reported this he is travelling with Nawaz Shareef and is in Sri Lanka
We shoudnt troll Ind members as of now..
What if the news turns out to be...you know what I mean.
Even if it turns out to be true,Ind can pressurize Lanka to back off and Ind has all the might to do so.
So taking this with a pinch of namak untill unless things get solid.
Maza a gaya ......... Congrats PAKISTAN:smitten::pakistan:.


I really really really hope this news is true otherwise Indians pura saal troll kareinge hm :/
no no....
New South Asia Order :-)
Following are the MoUs signed between the two countries;ABSOLUTELY NO mention of JF-17
Could be Hawaii firing like Malaysian one.

1. MoU between the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research of Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research of Pakistan on Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation.

2. MoU for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the National Science Foundation (NSF) of Sri Lanka and Pakistan Science Foundation.

3. Agreement on Cooperation in the field of health between the governments of Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

4. MoU between the Financial Intelligence Unit of Sri Lanka and Financial Monitoring Unit of Pakistan on the cooperation in the exchange of financial intelligence related to money laundering and terrorism financing.

5. MoU between the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wayamba Development and Cultural Affairs of Sri Lanka and Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage of Pakistan on cultural cooperation.

6. MoU between the Export Development Board (EDB) and the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) regarding trade cooperation.

7. MoU on sharing of statistical census data between the Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka and the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

8. MoU on cooperation between the Gem and Jewelry Research and Training Institute of Sri Lanka and Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design.

SL President also doesn't mention anything about it


Let us enjoy as its our time and if something what you wish happened would be yours. so for the time being Hep Hep Hurray here.

Pakistan Zindabad
All nations are equal ! unlike India -- which believes it's the big brother .. Well screw that !

Now this is called Balance In The Region though bad news for anti SL fighters as the beasty is coming there with experience gained in Op Zarb-e-Azb and soon the thunder is going to grill them all.
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