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Pakistan shows interest in Ukrainian Oplot tank and Skif missile system

We might not be interested in Skif as it is quite similar to iur Baktar-Shikan.
Al Zarrar and Type 85 tanks
No, not so soon. They are still better than most Indian tanks i.e T72s.
Al Khalid II tank but instead buy OPLOT as AL KHALID II.
No that is not possible. AKII development is already underway and according to a member due to financial reasons AK1 production was delayed and hance was AKII's.
I think the chief is looking at those tanks the same way the rest of us might look at a supercar if we saw one in a car park.

You can show interest of buying a Million Dollar car, if you don't have the means!!
People don't travel to other countries to look at tanks on display. lolz
The question is are we interested in Oplot tank or some systems which are in it. If we are interested in whole Tank then there could be two reasons for it. First Pakistan Army plans to get rid of Al Zarrar and Type 85 tanks and transfer them to Para Military Forces and induct OPLOT and VT 4 and AL KHALID as our main Battle Tanks. The second reason could be that we are not going to develop Al Khalid II tank but instead buy OPLOT as AL KHALID II.

Why not just replace AZ and type 85 with either Alkhalid I/II or VT4. Why waste time and resources for getting another tank type? And I think that AK-2 is already in pretty advance stages of development from all the tits and pieces dropped here and there. @Dazzler might shed more light on them
Modern wars are not going to be fought in the classical battle ground scenario where tanks were important nowadays more useful and intelligent ways of fighting war present , hence maintaining large tank force is useless secondly we have decided not to fight with India so why do we need these things if we are going to live like puddle of India, the main use of thanks nowadays maybe on the Afghan border where we do not need these tanks, so why to spend precious national resources ,
Interest does not mean PA is buying.
I think when COAS visits, it means some of the procurements in the final stages.

The man-portable anti-tank guided missile system SKIF


"Skif man portable antitank missile system is intended to destroy man power, stationary and moving modern armoured targets with combined, carried or monolithic armour, including ERA (explosive reactive armour), as well as pinpoint targets like weapon emplacements, a tank in a trench, light-armoured objects and helicopters. The system's feature lies in its possibility to aim the missile at a target from closed emplacements and shelters that reduces the risk of the gunner destruction by reply fire attack of the enemy.

The system is completed with 130mm and 152mm missiles in transport and launching containers with tandem hollow-charge (RK-2S, RK-2M-K) and high-explosive fragmentation (RK-2OF, RK-2M-OF ) warheads.


Firing range, m:

- at daytime
- at night time


Flight time at maximum range, s
not more than 25​
Guidance system
by laser beam with target tracking in automatic mode​
- tandem hollow-charge, armour penetration behind ERA, mm
- high-explosive fragmentation with EFP, armour penetration, mm

not less than 80
not less than 60​

not less than 1100
not less than 120​
Weight of missile in container, kg
Overall dimensions, mm:
- missile calibre
- container length
- container outer diameter


Weight, kg:
- launcher
- guidance device
- remote control
- thermal imager

Operating temperature range, °C
from minus 40 to +60​
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The question is are we interested in Oplot tank or some systems which are in it. If we are interested in whole Tank then there could be two reasons for it. First Pakistan Army plans to get rid of Al Zarrar and Type 85 tanks and transfer them to Para Military Forces and induct OPLOT and VT 4 and AL KHALID as our main Battle Tanks. The second reason could be that we are not going to develop Al Khalid II tank but instead buy OPLOT as AL KHALID II.

Such visits occur time to time as part of specific modernization efforts.
It's not necessary that we will buy any Ukrainian product in bulks.

We are upgrading our UDs, and a detailed interest in Oplot program might indicate that we are exploring the scope of UD upgradation in same line as Oplot program.

Similarly, Pakistan has/had a next gen ATGM program. So, may be Ukrainian product is being explored as a learning experience? In what capacity our NG-ATGM will be full filled is yet to be known. Kornet? HJ-12? Or something else? Who knows!
Pak is definitely diversifying her military supply chains. It may be due to ATAK-2 too. For it’ll use Ukranian engines. Just to ensure that Ukraine has no problems with that if Pak gets ATAK-2....

If one starts early even a thief finds a way out....
Can't see any buy of the Oplot, the VT-4 will be procured in greater numbers, whilst domestic efforts continue with the AK2.
The SKIF may have a place as an additional tool for infantry, it does have a fire and forget systems capability.
The question is are we interested in Oplot tank or some systems which are in it. If we are interested in whole Tank then there could be two reasons for it. First Pakistan Army plans to get rid of Al Zarrar and Type 85 tanks and transfer them to Para Military Forces and induct OPLOT and VT 4 and AL KHALID as our main Battle Tanks. The second reason could be that we are not going to develop Al Khalid II tank but instead buy OPLOT as AL KHALID II.


What many members are forgetting is that Pakistan have created a force to protect CPEC, also protection of western border and IS ops in Baluchistan are need of time.

So there is possibility that PA may gradually release its older generation tanks for Para military forces who are now tasked with bigger threats, easy way to get tanks in numbers is to order VT-4, AK-1 & Oplot-Ms with upgrading of T-80UD to Oplot-M standard while development of AK-2 continues.
Can't see any buy of the Oplot, the VT-4 will be procured in greater numbers, whilst domestic efforts continue with the AK2.
The SKIF may have a place as an additional tool for infantry, it does have a fire and forget systems capability.

If ATGM is effective against current threats, low cost in purchasing and operating and above all have Fire and Forget capability then good to have.
Yes not only reliable but this website main guy is Ukrainian with good sources in Ukraine power circles. So yes it's authentic.
And you can trust a Ukraine guy report things on Pakistan? A sales man always will talk big to try sell his products. Right?
I think when COAS visits, it means some of the procurements in the final stages.

PDF members are obsessed with foreign weapons. Buy as many Oplots or VT4s for all i care, but then AK production doesn't make sense. Domestically produced weapon system should fulfill all requirements of any force.
Can't see any buy of the Oplot, the VT-4 will be procured in greater numbers
But the possibility of upgrading our already present UDs to oplot standards is very much real.
Btw I don't know why army will interested in a SALCOS atgm when we have Baktar-Shikan. Also this system is heavier then BSWS.
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