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Pakistan shows interest in Ukrainian Oplot tank and Skif missile system

PDF members are obsessed with foreign weapons. Buy as many Oplots or VT4s for all i care, but then AK production doesn't make sense. Domestically produced weapon system should fulfill all requirements of any force.

What you dont understand is that PA have huge number of old generation tanks, most of which may be transfered to Paramilitary forces as now they are going to be 2nd tier army, nearly as capable as army, which will allow PA to utilize them better in case of war with India, only way for faster induction of tanks is to induct off the shelve tanks with ToT.
Why not just replace AZ and type 85
No need to replace them, they ware still capable then most of the Indian tanks.
What you dont understand is that PA have huge number of old generation tank
Sorry but you are incorrect. Our Tanks i.e UDs,AKs/AK1s,AZs, Type-85II ( now being upgraded to UG), AZs are better then Indian tanks. On the other hand Indian T72s are obsolete.
only way for faster induction of tanks is to induct off the shelve tanks with ToT.
VT4 is being inducted.
Paramilitary forces as now they are going to be 2nd tier army, nearly as capable as army, which will allow PA to utilize
You know how much burden will that put on the budget if rangers and police also start operating armd regts. New training schools, workshop, recovery vehicles, ammunition. This would mean that we are operating two armies side by side.
It is better to put thos tanks in reserve. This will give our commanders flexibility and some boldness as well.
What you dont understand is that PA have huge number of old generation tanks, most of which may be transfered to Paramilitary forces as now they are going to be 2nd tier army, nearly as capable as army, which will allow PA to utilize them better in case of war with India, only way for faster induction of tanks is to induct off the shelve tanks with ToT.
Okay lets suppose you are right (though i disagree), so it means that planning to procure modern tanks with in an acceptable time limit has failed. This indirectly means that AK project has failed. Now the top brass is making stop gap measures to fill in the requirement for modern tanks ASAP. Did you read the word "fail" ?

Now, why I dont agree ? Firstly, 59s conversion to AZ. Secondly, upgradation of T-85s along with other lot of T-80 and AK. Thirdly, transfer of 69s to FC. Fourthly, raising of new armor units in past few years. Lastly, COIN war has not concluded and the risk factor of COIN war erupting over and over again is much more than a conventional war with India involving massive use of armored units.
Pakistan use VT-4 which is superior to Oplot in every way, plus Ukraine is enemy of Russia and Pakistan is keen to build relation with Russia, so it seems Pakistan will not go for Oplot.
You can show interest of buying a Million Dollar car, if you don't have the means!!
People don't travel to other countries to look at tanks on display. lolz

LOL, some people have a particular item they are compelled to browse. My father always stops to look at the power tools in the hardware store. No matter how many tools we have he must look at them in the hardware store.

Myself, I like to browse the middle aisle of Aldi and Lidl. For those unfamiliar with yhrm, Aldi and Lidl are German supermarkets across Europe. In the middle rows at the back they always have random items and special offers. Things you don't normally see in a supermarket. Every week I must browse the middle aisle.

Similarly I think Pakistani COAS is compelled by habit to look at tanks, regardless of if he needs them or can afford them.
You know how much burden will that put on the budget if rangers and police also start operating armd regts. New training schools, workshop, recovery vehicles, ammunition. This would mean that we are operating two armies side by side.
It is better to put thos tanks in reserve. This will give our commanders flexibility and some boldness as well.

Since when Police become paramilitary??

The conversion / upgrading was planned during Mush era but now since sometimes it's under progress as CPEC and western borders also need protection.
It is safe to say Pakistan has zero intention of buying the Oplot, they already have the VT-4 plus the domestic tank, the "interest" that the Pakistani general showed in the Oplot is the same kind of interest that you would show while in a supermanket when you grap a product because it has interesting packaging but then 5 seconds later you put it back on the shelf and move on.
Yes not only reliable but this website main guy is Ukrainian with good sources in Ukraine power circles. So yes it's authentic.
Did he tell your mamoo that Oplot manuals have been distributed??
PDF members are obsessed with foreign weapons. Buy as many Oplots or VT4s for all i care, but then AK production doesn't make sense. Domestically produced weapon system should fulfill all requirements of any force.
Domestic design needs infrastructure, which we have lacked. I will give you three examples where with establishment of the right infrastructure you should start seeing some results in a few years. First one is aviation design facility at Kamra. Second is ship model resting basin near Fatah Jang and the Ballistics lab and range at HIT. Lot more is needed both in terms of infrastructure and qualified manpower but this is a good start.
PDF members are obsessed with foreign weapons. Buy as many Oplots or VT4s for all i care, but then AK production doesn't make sense. Domestically produced weapon system should fulfill all requirements of any force.
Govts usually buy a small number of weapons to test in their terrain. Pakistan army has a history of buy and test such light weapons. Or test side by side along with service weapons.
LOL, some people have a particular item they are compelled to browse. My father always stops to look at the power tools in the hardware store. No matter how many tools we have he must look at them in the hardware store.

Myself, I like to browse the middle aisle of Aldi and Lidl. For those unfamiliar with yhrm, Aldi and Lidl are German supermarkets across Europe. In the middle rows at the back they always have random items and special offers. Things you don't normally see in a supermarket. Every week I must browse the middle aisle.

Similarly I think Pakistani COAS is compelled by habit to look at tanks, regardless of if he needs them or can afford them.

I don't frequent either Lidl or Aldi. But my wife is a frequent visitor to Lidl for the items they bring every week on special prices. Huge chunk of my disposable income is taken away by Lidl. Even for those things we really don't need. :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
I don't frequent either Lidl or Aldi. But my wife is a frequent visitor to Lidl for the items they bring every week on special prices. Huge chunk of my disposable income is taken away by Lidl. Even for those things we really don't need. :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

They're geniuses. They've added intrigue and excitement to something boring. Every week it's like "oooh I wonder what they've got today".
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