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Pakistan shows interest in Ukrainian Oplot tank and Skif missile system

Zarvan is doesn't work that way.
If on one side, we believe that Russia is willing to sell equipment,
then it will be silly to engage Ukraine, whom russia has a problem with already
and wouldn't like any money flowing into that country.

There is a lot of mix and match that happens behind the deal.

Just this week, Pakistani General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) visited a Military Test Site in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine and witnessed field tests of various combat vehicles and systems.

Chief of Army Staff had indicated strong interest in the test performance of the Ukrainian modern weapon system, among which he highlighted the newest Oplot tank and the Skif anti-tank system (an export modification of the Stugna missile system).
“Pakistan is keen to enhance defense cooperation with Ukraine on the basis of Transfer of Technology and Joint Ventures in future as both sides can benefit from each other’s experience,” said Spokesperson Pakistan Armed Forces.

Both sides agreed to further optimize military to military ties particularly in defense production, training, counter-terrorism and intelligence domains.


The dignitaries appreciated Pakistan’s sincere efforts for bringing peace and stability in the region and reiterated Ukraine’s desire for enhancing bilateral cooperation in all domains, according to spokesperson.

ICTV screen grab
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Executive Editor

Pakistan shows interest in Ukrainian Oplot tank and Skif missile system (defence-blog.com)
Perhaps initially but 88 tanks were transferred to FC per mod report after refurbished and FC personal after initial training taken over same is the case for 130mm artillery guns now part of FC
I had stated in my orignal post
" fc personal are being given on job training as well as sent to armor school, its a very smooth process/transaction"
All officer like the rest of f.c are PA officers on deputation.
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