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Pakistan Should Prepare For the Worst After Modi's Landslide Win

That ball has been in India's court for a while now. IK has extended his wish for a peaceful region working toward prosperity since he was elected and most recently with Modi's election win. What has been the response?

It looks like you need to start resisting this mindset that India is superior and will get rid of Pakistan. The common public on both sides have nothing to gain from this stupid conflict but it seems Modi sarkar is hell bent on continuing it. I personally don't mind, can't change the mind of a fanatic.
The ball has always been in your court. We asked you to end support for the militants in Jammu and Kashmir. You denied it and took a step further to celebrate them and their 'achievements'. Unless that changes India is not coming for a discussion of disputes. Things could've been much easier if there wasn't a smoking gun on us.

Modi visited Pakistan, invited Pak PM to swearing in ceremony this was looking all good and I honestly thought things will get back to normal and what followed was an attack on our airfields in Gurdaspur, pathankot and Uri. India will only deal with the civilian leadership, establishment can sit and watch or they can continue with what they are doing and India will still continue to ignore any peace talks.
The ball has always been in your court. We asked you to end support for the militants in Jammu and Kashmir. You denied it and took a step further to celebrate them and their 'achievements'. Unless that changes India is not coming for a discussion of disputes. Things could've been much easier if there wasn't a smoking gun on us.

Modi visited Pakistan, invited Pak PM to swearing in ceremony this was looking all good and I honestly thought things will get back to normal and what followed was an attack on our airfields in Gurdaspur, pathankot and Uri. India will only deal with the civilian leadership, establishment can sit and watch or they can continue with what they are doing and India will still continue to ignore any peace talks.

Keep telling yourself Kashmiri struggle for freedom is not genuine maybe you'll believe it yourself someday.
Keep telling yourself Kashmiri struggle for freedom is not genuine maybe you'll believe it yourself someday.

I told you in my Post # 58. It is virtually useless and futile to discuss Indo-Pak dispute with any Indian.
The last 3 exchanges of power have been peaceful democratic transitions if that doesn't alleviate your concern then nothing will.

Like I said I'm fine with the status quo with India, as I know it's impossible to change considering Modi's behavior. It was an Indian who is suggesting peaceful cooperation to improve the region, I was just pointing out it's India's turn to reciprocate the gestures.

There'sbackwards people to be found in every country.
If it happens once, it won't happen again. But if it happens twice, it will happen a third time. But that's not the point here.

I'm all for a peaceful resolution but it has to happen on equal terms.
The last 3 exchanges of power have been peaceful democratic transitions if that doesn't alleviate your concern then nothing will.

Like I said I'm fine with the status quo with India, as I know it's impossible to change considering Modi's behavior. It was an Indian who is suggesting peaceful cooperation to improve the region, I was just pointing out it's India's turn to reciprocate the gestures.

There'sbackwards people to be found in every country.
Define backward.
From the horses mouth rather than opinions of others
FULL acceptance speech in central hall parliament today.
This man is so obsessed with Pakistan and his hate for Muslims, he just has one thing on his mind and confirms what all PDF and opinion writers in Pakistan say about him. Obsessed Obsessed just Obsessed

We want us to resist the temptation to give into the hands of the subversive elements that won't let South Asia prosper as one. Let us join hands to resist the rampant poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, superstitions, and prevalent extremism and fanaticism that plagues our respective countries. That would be a feat worth celebrating, not this drum beating and hollow chest-thumping, this unending game of one-upmanship will lead your country nowhere.
I agree my friend.
Honestly, I am not a war-monger here. The challenge for Pakistan is that if the Kashmiris are dying and all Pakistan and India do is talk about economics, then its not going to work.

My own take is that there is no military solution on either side for this Kashmir issue. I think violence (on both ends) should be curtailed and then Musharraf/MMS plan should be revived.

I think it is achievable but both sides will need to make accommodations. India must resist the temptation of thinking that since it is economically more powerful, it can force its position on Pakistan, it cannot and the longer this festers, the more radicalization and violence. On Pakistan's side, the longer this conflict drags on, the more damaging it is for Kashmiris, Pakistan and India. Pakistan is certainly losing out on the opportunity to trade with India and it is not a small opportunity so there are significant upsides for Pakistan if peace is had.
My own take is that there is no military solution on either side for this Kashmir issue.
Brother, i have been screaming my lungs out on that. I am from Assam(yes), i know all about insurgency, we agreed upon a political solution in my state as did Nagaland recently and we are doing fine. Let us hope that saner heads prevail in our countries, we have had enough violence for two lifetimes in our places.

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