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Pakistan Should Prepare For the Worst After Modi's Landslide Win

^ Resistance is futile..
Resistance bears fruit ... Just put some stress on your brain and think of situation in Afghanistan; how US being a super power of world is now negotiates with 'terrorists'. Where does Indian so called 'super power' stands against any resistance.

Pakistan must try understand its place in the geo-economic sphere and seek amends in ties with India.
Pakistan know very well it's geo-economical situation ... being a rich nation does not mean to be qualified as world leader at geo-economical scale. Real powers know how to milk such nations and they are doing it at their best.
India and Pakistan relations are reciprocal ... and our capabilities are just proven on 27/02 against your so called state of the art :blah::blah::blah:.

Everything else including Iran and Afghanistan will fit into place..
Everything pertaining to Afghanistan and Iran soon will be at its place ... India have to worry about it Pakistan do not - In-shaa-Allah.
^ Resistance is futile..

Pakistan must try understand its place in the geo-economic sphere and seek amends in ties with India. Everything else including Iran and Afghanistan will fit into place..
Lol, we know our place, it is India which has forgotten its place and we will remind you your place well and proper. 27 feb was just a trailer. Pakistan is a sword which is going to cut through India like a hot knife cuts through butter
Start stocking underwears?? ..
We should have bombed the shit out of thus hindu cow urine lover...but instead we buckled in fron of usa.. when news was given to baazwala and new pakistan slogen director . That india is ready to launch 1 2 missiles at pakistan major cities...
..the n pakistan baloon .and baboons defleated......
When will we get a real momin at the helm of our country...instead of thsese eunuchs.....in uniform and without uniform...

Both of these know in case of war. They are out of buisness...
...so keep beating the trumpit and fools will dance.....
Any way half of new nation has micheal jackson.s genes..

Naya and purina pakistan...in same pajama....
^ Resistance is futile..

Pakistan must try understand its place in the geo-economic sphere and seek amends in ties with India. Everything else including Iran and Afghanistan will fit into place..

Resistance to Indian hegemony is the raison-d'etre for Pakistan for as long as the Kashmir dispute remains. No matter what happens, Pakistan will never acquiesce to this hegemony, and while I appreciate the Borg reference, it does not apply.

India has to realize that Kashmir is a mutual issue (regardless of the popular positions within India). If Modi wants to try strong-armed tactics, let him. Pakistan will prove equal to the task of responding in kind. After a few years, it will dawn upon the Indian leadership that this has been counter-productive.
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Resistance is what defines Pakistan. No matter what happens, Pakistan will never acquiesce to Indian hegemony.
We want us to resist the temptation to give into the hands of the subversive elements that won't let South Asia prosper as one. Let us join hands to resist the rampant poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, superstitions, and prevalent extremism and fanaticism that plagues our respective countries. That would be a feat worth celebrating, not this drum beating and hollow chest-thumping, this unending game of one-upmanship will lead your country nowhere.
We hate hindus and we hate india

Its why we have 150 nuclear warheads

Try your luck if you want

India tried in February and look what happened.
India just humiliated itself
Go repair your rupee do some development work for masses , forget india

This is excellent for Pakistan, in so many ways.

Minorities in India are going to get it now and they will be ripe for our support when the rebellion against the Fascists accelerates.

Your decision is not very wise.
We want us to resist the temptation to give into the hands of the subversive elements that won't let South Asia prosper as one. Let us join hands to resist the rampant poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, superstitions, and prevalent extremism and fanaticism that plagues our respective countries. That would be a feat worth celebrating, not this drum beating and hollow chest-thumping, this unending game of one-upmanship will lead your country nowhere.

That ball has been in India's court for a while now. IK has extended his wish for a peaceful region working toward prosperity since he was elected and most recently with Modi's election win. What has been the response?

It looks like you need to start resisting this mindset that India is superior and will get rid of Pakistan. The common public on both sides have nothing to gain from this stupid conflict but it seems Modi sarkar is hell bent on continuing it. I personally don't mind, can't change the mind of a fanatic.
That ball has been in India's court for a while now. IK has extended his wish for a peaceful region working toward prosperity since he was elected and most recently with Modi's election win. What has been the response?

It looks like you need to start resisting this mindset that India is superior and will get rid of Pakistan. The common public on both sides have nothing to gain from this stupid conflict but it seems Modi sarkar is hell bent on continuing it. I personally don't mind, can't change the mind of a fanatic.
Peaceful resolution cannot happen in the backdrop of threats, blackmail or terrorism. And IK is not the first leader from either country to extend a peaceful hand.
Tell me, if we were to accept IK's offer, what sort of an agreement are we looking at?
Peaceful resolution cannot happen in the backdrop of threats, blackmail or terrorism. And IK is not the first leader from either country to extend a peaceful hand.
Tell me, if we were to accept IK's offer, what sort of an agreement are we looking at?

What threats, blackmail or terrorism in India have been from Pakistan since IK came to power? Same cannot be said for Indians. It's not for me to decide what kind of agreement I'm just your average Joe. But the other option is perpetual conflict possibly leading to something worse so take your pick.
What threats, blackmail or terrorism in India have been from Pakistan since IK came to power? Same cannot be said for Indians. It's not for me to decide what kind of agreement I'm just your average Joe. But the other option is perpetual conflict possibly leading to something worse so take your pick.
What guarantee can you give me that IK can hold the current atmosphere? That some rogue general won't overthrow him and turn things upside? It has happened in Pakistan before. Hell, there doesn't even have to be a coup, somebody could work within the well established military control in Pakistan. If we accept any peace from Pakistan, will it survive the next coup?

In a scenario like that, wouldn't it be better for us to keep you at an arms distance?
5,000 heavily armed and highly trained ISIS fighters are on the ground in Northern Afghanistan...that itself is going to pose a threat to the region.

Therefore Russia, China, Pakistan & Iran need to fully support the Taliban to sweep Afghanistan
Afghanistan is the best place for Pakistan. There we can hunt them, the way we want to. And i am not really impressed with their training, they are only good against innocent people but against professional and trained commandos, they will get their match.
What threats, blackmail or terrorism in India have been from Pakistan since IK came to power? Same cannot be said for Indians. It's not for me to decide what kind of agreement I'm just your average Joe. But the other option is perpetual conflict possibly leading to something worse so take your pick.

Just an observation. Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan is virtually irresolvable, under the current circumstances. Period. Try to live with it.
We hate hindus and we hate india

Its why we have 150 nuclear warheads

Try your luck if you want

India tried in February and look what happened.
India just humiliated itself
Don't you have Hindus in your own country?
What guarantee can you give me that IK can hold the current atmosphere? That some rogue general won't overthrow him and turn things upside? It has happened in Pakistan before. Hell, there doesn't even have to be a coup, somebody could work within the well established military control in Pakistan. If we accept any peace from Pakistan, will it survive the next coup?

In a scenario like that, wouldn't it be better for us to keep you at an arms distance?

The last 3 exchanges of power have been peaceful democratic transitions if that doesn't alleviate your concern then nothing will.

Like I said I'm fine with the status quo with India, as I know it's impossible to change considering Modi's behavior. It was an Indian who is suggesting peaceful cooperation to improve the region, I was just pointing out it's India's turn to reciprocate the gestures.

Don't you have Hindus in your own country?

There'sbackwards people to be found in every country.

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