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Pakistan should avoid any sanctionable activity: US State Dept

You're an Indian-lover and support India over Pakistan. You support China expanding ties with India military and economic disrespect to people of southern Tibet. You sold out your country for the sake of foreigners and money. You even support India joining the pipeline to benefit your ally India. Two faced Chindian.

Southern tibet???where did that come from.truly you lost the argument too early.

You're talking about "personal attacks" are you that blind you did not insult first?

I think I know my country better than you and currently Government cooperates with drone strikes as they see the militants as a big threat- so both army has been sent and drone strikes help out every now and then to take out militants. If Pakistan government truly was against drone strikes army would have shot down drones, but they don't because Government allows it. Yes civilians die and that is the Government's fault for allowing drone strikes in the in the first place, however same time free militants are going to kill civilians as well.

What you mean the Photoshop Qaher 313? I think you're more butt/hurt than the Iranians themselves.

I'm not an American apologist and nobody but your moronic self here believes that, ask any Pakistani on this forum. I have from the start been against the American operations inside Pakistan, but the GoP is not.

Now perhaps you can stop detailing the thread, you're a waste of everybody's time and effort. You don't even understand the issues, just shut up.

Sir, you mean to say that Pakistan would have shot usa drones?? And risk a war with them???
Don't forget that it was you Aka1d who started insulting China, not the other way around. :no:

You guys don't sell other people out, you sell yourselves out. First it was your Ayub Khan who offered to help India in a joint-defence against "Communist China" :-)lol:), then it was the Americans. In fact it is still the Americans today.

And none of them helped you when India came for you.

First it was your Ayub Khan who offered to help India in a joint-defence against "Communist China" :-)lol:), then it was the Americans.

Provide a source for this. Or is this another one of your false accusations...
Provide a source for this. Or is this another one of your false accusations...

Sure. :azn: This was actually told to me by one of your fellow Pakistanis, but it's easy enough to find a link:

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

Read below:

He was alarmed at President Ayub Khan's offer of joint defence to India. Bhutto felt that only those unlettered in international affairs could believe that such an offer would be accepted. In fact, it was more likely to incur the hostility of China which had so far, despite our membership of anti-communist western alliances, refrained from criticising Pakistan.

That was in 1959, when China was in the middle of the worst famine in our history, and when we were forced to fight against superpowers in all directions (first the Korean War with the USA then the Sino-Soviet split with the USSR).

But Ayub Khan soon realized such a "Pakistan-India" joint defence would be useless after China won the 1962 war. Even a China in the middle of a famine could hold our own.
Sure. :azn: This was actually told to me by one of your fellow Pakistanis, but it's easy enough to find a link:

Bhutto`s foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

Read below:

That was in 1959, when China was in the middle of the worst famine in our history, and when we were forced to fight against superpowers in all directions (first the Korean War with the USA then the Sino-Soviet split with the USSR).

But Ayub Khan soon realized such a "Pakistan-India" joint defence would be useless after China won the 1962 war. Even a China in the middle of a famine could hold our own.

Countries change alliances as per thier interests and needs..
Thats called diplomacy....
Ayub khan may be weighing his options..Dont forget that Pakistan was a 'teenager' at the time.
You guys and india been there for thousands of years...Pakisran is only 60 and lot to learn....
Countries change alliances as per thier interests and needs..Thats called diplomacy....Ayub khan may be weighing his options..Dont forget that Pakistan was a 'teenager' at the time.You guys and india been there for thousands of years...Pakisran is only 60 and lot to learn....
We had war in 1962 because of idiot Nehru otherwise we would have got great ally in form of China since then.

Pakistan is not ready to learn, not from history, not from its past mistakes. Whenever India fails, we first blame our entire establishment, we know blaming the enemy or other country is not the real problem, problem lies within.

Another thing is the intelligentsia haven't got any support from majority of the people. Whoever talk of long term planning is tagged as CIA, RAW agent.
Still @ss-kissing America I see?

Pakistan condemns ‘illegal’ US drone strikes – The Express Tribune

According to the Pakistani Government, the drone attacks are "illegal" and "violate the country's sovereignty".

You can twist it as much as you like.

These 'Protests' are for Public consumption only.
Civilian leadership and much of the army does not want to hinder USA's opium trade...oh i mean WOT.
Trying to come between USA and Afghanistan is like fighting USA for Afghanistan,which Pakistan doesnt want.
Drone strikes do keep in check the cross border infilteratiin from Afghanistan into Pakistan and from Pakistani Tribal areas into Afghanistan.
Xinchang is far more IMP for china than Afghanistan period
They don't want talibunnies in thier
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