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Pakistan shells hit inside Afghanistan

Selling out to foreigners is you family business, your history is full of it, don't need to remind you about the 1000 years of slavery.

No please remind them of that slavery. Indians like to think they have some kind of glorious history. They dont. They have a history of slavery, servitude and treachery. That is indian history. Churchill called them the worst scum on the planet.

Much much more needs to be done. We need solid intelligence gathering and need to strike high value targets such FM Mullah and others with precision strikes. Nothing less with do.

Fazlullah needs to be erased from the face of the earth. Someone in Afghanistan knows where he is, that's for sure. I wouldnt be surprised if that dog Ghani knows exactly where that pig hides out.
If it's halal for Iran to fight it's war in Syria far away from its borders, its ok for Turkey to send it's troops inside Syria, why the fck we are sitting on our arses not sending our troops inside Afghanistan?

Among the islamic block there are two classes..master class and slave class...the master class has always led wars while the slave class have always accepted the imposition of whatever khalifa came...

Iran , Turkey and Afghanistan belong to the master class..
We belong to the slave class, hence why we have always cherished for Iranian style revolution, Ottoman Khalifas and Afghan invaders..!
Name them anything. These days IS is a fashionable name of terrorists.

The issue is Pakistan's own weak policy. It seems what Pakistan achieved under Raheel Sharif is being slowly wasted away.

Fact remains and there should be official acknowledgement of this fact from civilian government. The fact is that India is officially patronizing terrorists in Afghanistan to create mess in Pakistan. This is a war declared on us since 2004 and Pakistan must respond by attacking Indian cities.
Next 24 hours are very important if there will be any kinetic action by Pakistan across the border. There is a sympathy for Pakistan all across and our action will be understood by most nations bar few including America. We need to strike and strike fast. Any more time wasting and this opportunity will slip away with world moving on. There has to be a sustained air campaign for atleast 48 hours and with PAF giving media coverage every few hours showing the RAW and NDS terror infrastructure been blown by laser guided bombs.

If it's halal for Iran to fight it's war in Syria far away from its borders, its ok for Turkey to send it's troops inside Syria, why the fck we are sitting on our arses not sending our troops inside Afghanistan?
Calm down within 24 hours everything will become normal..PSL and Panama will take over again..We can't cross the border (several issues) even if we loose 50k more like in past decade..No worry we are a nation of 200 million we will defend.Battle ground will always be Pakistan since we are not capable to take war in enemy homes.
Iranians and Turks are different class.. They can do
There is no concept of dignity and honor in Indian culture

Muslims have fought civilizational and empire building wars. We have won a few lost a few. Hindus never really did any of that. They were just cannibalising each other until they were enslaved by one foreign army after the other. Pathetic history.
We will remain in afghan forever inshallah ...we will help building afghan but pakistan is spreading terror in afghanistan ...best of luck lets see who wins
Actually we did play that game in the 70s and 80s and by 90s the world saw enemies of Pakistan hanging by the poles in Kabul. If you think it will be different this time you are a fool.

  • Pakistan allegedly takes "revenge" on ISIS for 80 lives
A senior Pakistani government official said Friday that the death toll from a massive ISIS suicide bombing at a Sufi shrine in the country’s had risen to 80, as the Pakistani military purportedly followed through on its threat to seek “revenge” against the militants in a neighboring country.

The police commissioner in Hyderabad, the nearest large city to the town of Sehwan where the shrine was attacked, said a total of 250 people were wounded in the explosion.

The terror attack -- Pakistan’s deadliest in years -- stunned the nation and raised questions about the authorities’ ability to rein in militant groups despite several military offensives targeting militant hideouts.

It also threatened to drive a deeper wedge between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Islamabad quickly lashed out at Kabul, saying the bombing was masterminded from across the border, in militant sanctuaries in Afghanistan.

Underscoring tensions, Pakistan fired a blistering round of artillery shells into Afghan territory and shut down the Torkham border crossing, a key commercial artery between the two neighbors.

The Sehwan shrine, which reveres a Muslim Sufi mystic, is frequented by the faithful of many sects of Islam but the majority of the worshippers are Shiite Muslims. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group reviles Shiites as heretics.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani was quick to condemn the attack and say his security forces are battling all terrorist groups, including ISIS.

An Afghan police official said Friday, however, that Pakistan had launched a blistering artillery assault on eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, where a self-declared affiliate of ISIS is based.

Gul Agha Roohani, provincial police chief of Nangarhar, told The Associated Press in Kabul that Pakistan fired several artillery rounds early on Friday into the province’s Lalpur district, near the Afghan-Pakistan border.

There was no immediate comment from Pakistan to confirm or deny strikes inside the neighboring country.

On Thursday, however, after the attack, Pakistan’s army chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa said “each drop of nation’s blood shall be revenged, and revenged immediately. No more restraint for anyone.”

Pakistani security forces also killed and arrested dozens of suspects in sweeping raids overnight and into Friday inside the country.

The Pakistani military said it had handed over to Kabul a list of 76 suspected “terrorists” hiding in neighboring Afghanistan, demanding immediate action by Afghan authorities and the suspects’ extradition to Islamabad.

A statement from the military said the list was given to Afghan officials at the Pakistani army’s sprawling headquarters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi on Friday.

The military did not specify who was on the list, but it has long claimed that the head of Pakistani Taliban, Mullah Fazlullah, and other militants are hiding on Afghan soil with the objective of fomenting violence inside Pakistan.

Afghanistan and Pakistan often accuse each other of harboring militants who operate across the porous border between the two countries.

The shrine, in the town of Sehwan in Sindh province, honored the mystic Muslim Sufi holy figure Usman Marwandi, also known as Lal Shahbaz Qalander.

Afghanistan’s Ghani said Friday that militant groups always seek to “target civilians in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.”

“Sufis always preach peace and brotherhood among people.” But, he added, “terrorists once again proved that they have no respect for Islamic values.

PA giving messages only from last 15 years. Keep on firing artillery in open grounds.

PA and ISI had been fighting against 40 plus countries in shape of NATO and affiliates for last 15 years and fighting war of survival of Pakistan against likes of super powers of current era who were/are overwhelmingly supported by internal elite. We were supposed to have disintegrated way back then and were suppose to have been declared a failed state. But it was because of them that ALLAH had saved us all and we had quite a peaceful time with few such incidence happening because of our own sheer lack of working along PA and ISI. May it be NAP or Financial terrorism, what had we given PA in return? Have we even played our part? But yeah we are so unthankful enough to hear such statements as of yours. When I see such statements I do sometime think that we were better off with all those daily blasts and attacks as we dont bloody well deserve to have any saviors as like I said we are such an unthankful bunch of people.

Yawwn! Kashmir mila kya? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

On the contrary did U get the part of your "Atoot ang" that we are occupying like for more than 68 years? :whistle::whistle::whistle:
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