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Pakistan/ Sharia or Democracy?


Feb 23, 2008
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United States
I was wondering, what do you guys think would fit Pakistan? We are facing the worst problems, and my opinion, Democracy isnt working out for us. I'm thinking of Shariah Law, it would really work out if we fallow it the right way (Not TTP way). Plzzz don't start barking at me for supporting Shariah Law, I may not know too much about Sharia or Democracy, and I want to get educated with your opinion. What do you think is good and why. I would appreciate it if you can compare and contrast both.
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Sharia of which Sect ?
Who will Impose it ?

Its not Possible i think ..

Democracy is OK ..
Basic Sharia Principles already in Constitution in which all Sects agrees .
If Pakistan had Sharia law, each and every one of us would either be being whipped right now, or beheaded. So no, i'm fine without Sharia, thank you very much.

Semi-secular democratic republic looks like a good option.
If Pakistan had Sharia law, each and every one of us would either be being whipped right now, or beheaded. So no, i'm fine without Sharia, thank you very much.

Semi-secular democratic republic looks like a good option.

U sure will be whipped for posting Ms.Pakistan's pictures all the time.:lol:
Sharia law is not just a legal system but a complete system of Governance.
For instance:

1: Islamic courts ( Persecution , Legal process with Qazis , Punishments and change in Police station layout and complaint handling )

2: Shura ( Parliament ) Islamic council for national decision making or in other words Parliament would work on " Votes " in between elected members and the percentage would be kept higher that the decision once made have less chances to be challenged. MP's will still be elected thorough Elections but the requirements to contest the elections could be changed such as if someone is convicted once in any offense would not be able to participate , Bachelors degree , For ministries or departments relevant experience in that field. ETC

Parties would be encouraged to chose their ministerial nominees before the election process that people know who is going to lead the country.

3: Banking , Taxation and Health systems:
Islamic taxes could be merged down with already existent taxes and a Tax return process can be put in place for tax payers.

Halal banking and Health facilities for everyone .

4 Educational system: School modernization , change in curriculum , Basic Islamic education from age 4-6 followed by modern education from grade zero to the College level .
More separate universities and schools and research centers for Females and Transportation facilities .

5 Command and control & law enforcement :

Not much change in the infrastructure of armed forces but just a bit more centralized and interconnected force that can work together with law enforcement organizations such as Police and Intelligence .

6 Zakat & ushar system:
Collection and distribution of zakat and usar in a digital manner to make sure it gets to the Needy.

**There would be room for improvements in every sector such as Industrial , Foreign relations , International business , ETC.

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If Pakistan had Sharia law, each and every one of us would either be being whipped right now, or beheaded. So no, i'm fine without Sharia, thank you very much.

Yes you will be if you will live in a Taliban Sharia but our army has kicked it out ... don't scare.

Semi-secular democratic republic looks like a good option.

Thats not going to happen:pakistan:
Sharia of which Sect ?
Who will Impose it ?

Non sectoral Sharia law( No sect would be allowed in the Parliament) and there would not be mullahs in the Parliament but the Elected MP's who would have to prove their Eligibility to contest the elections.

Its not Possible i think ...

It is if you stop scaring the Mullah's my friend we will keep to their Jobs in the Mosque and in the society.:smitten:

Democracy is OK ..
Basic Sharia Principles already in Constitution in which all Sects agrees .

Our system is a half born baby ;) that is why it crashes every time and some General takes control.

NOW it is the time to Choose !!:pakistan:
democracy cant be compared with shariah. shariah is what laws you follow under democracy (or any governing system).
and one can say we dont follow direct shariah but indirect shariah. let me explain wat i mean by this. in our constitution we say that nothing should be against islamic law. but this does not mean it has to be islamic law.
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