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Pakistan seeks bigger Saarc to counter India’s influence

Wow.... I knew that CPEC would throw India into a depression but dayyyummm, they've just gone completely insane...:lol:

I know right? talk about their butthurt being taken to levels never charted before :lol:

CPEC is economic corridor between China and Pakistan
To my knowledge there is no formal organization that can accomadate requests by 3rd countries
Russia and Turkey are already a part of it. iran and saudi arabia want to join in as well. ISOLATION OH THE ISOLATION!!! :omghaha:
I know right? talk about their butthurt being taken to levels never charted before :lol:

Russia and Turkey are already a part of it. iran and saudi arabia want to join in as well. ISOLATION OH THE ISOLATION!!! :omghaha:
Uncharted Butthurt 3 :rofl:
CPEC is economic corridor between China and Pakistan
To my knowledge there is no formal organization that can accomadate requests by 3rd countries

True. CPEC is part of the China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) project. But one needs to understand the rivalry between US and China and it's impact on OBOR.

Turkey has started moving away from US and towards China after the failed Coup.

India, Afghanistan & Turkmenistan are supporting US while Russia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan are supporting China.

Since TAPI was a US project, Pakistan has put road blocks by not allowing the pipeline to pass through its territory into India. At the same time Russia is building the new gas pipeline to Turkey and another from Iran to Pakistan to China.

The victim of this alignment is also the OBOR's Central corridor which connects Turkey & Iran to China through existing rail road as it passes through Turkmenistan.

Hence China, Turkey & Iran are dumping the OBOR's central corridor in favor of the Southern Corridor (CPEC).


then shut the mouth up and show the proof .... all the countries show the proof wat r u scared off??? it shows how ur media has blinded u believing on something that without proof cannot be accepted.. :coffee: ohh well may b there is a clue of this surjikal strike just like ur defence minister says that indian army is like hanuman :sarcastic:
You guys in Pakistan just don't understand. They don't want you guys to know Indian Army's tactics.
yep they feel they are in the roman era where youtube was not available and military tactic were so secrete :D
Well........did any one of you see anything at all?
I personally did a sirjeekal strike on modi, ajit doval and arnab goswiny 1 week ago. My mission was to bitch slap them on both cheeks. I was able to bitch slap all three of them at the same time at 2am in the morning because I found them all at the same raunchpad (don't ask me what they were doing to each other, you may hurl your lunch and children may be reading this). So I was able to sneak into new delhi quietly and swiftly, was able to successfully bitch slap all three of them on all of their cheeks (don't worry, I wore double layers of latex gloves) and was able to sneak out without any casualties.

I have photos and video proof of them getting bitch slapped and of what they were doing to each other. In fact the video even shows arnab goswiny begging for more bitch slaps. But sorry, I can't release the proof because I don't want you guys to know my tactics.

Now try and prove me wrong! :lol:
Greater SOUTH ASIA ? to include China ? Central Asia ?

Have they lost it ? :rofl: Do they know what SOUTH ASIA means ?

Just because they are isolated in South Asia doesn't mean they will come up with such funny ideas.

India pleaded for Afghanistan to join SAARC, even though its not part of South Asia. Probably you forgot what South Asia means.

Only thing isolated since a mass murderer took power in a neighboring country is their mindset and sense of rational thinking. :crazy:


What is the big fuss about SAARC anyways? Its made of two major economies that have proven to be incompetent to work together or to uplift the smaller members.
We already have an FTA with Srilanka and soon Nepal will have one as well. Maldives and Bhutan are too small to make a difference. Bangladesh, o well that's on the way to become an Indian satellite state so we might as well consider it India.

Don't forget that we have joined the SCO that includes two giants like China and Russia and we are making progress with the CPEC. That is where our focus must be.
With responsible players like China and Russia, India who too is a SCO member can not afford to sabotage the annual meetings. Either shape in or ship out.

SCO might take another 10-15 years to grow muscles and economic/political clout. Until then, we must work hard to grow stronger with high economic growth.
I personally did a sirjeekal strike on modi, ajit doval and arnab goswiny 1 week ago. My mission was to bitch slap them on both cheeks. I was able to bitch slap all three of them at the same time at 2am in the morning because I found them all at the same raunchpad (don't ask me what they were doing to each other, you may hurl your lunch and children may be reading this). So I was able to sneak into new delhi quietly and swiftly, was able to successfully bitch slap all three of them on all of their cheeks (don't worry, I wore double layers of latex gloves) and was able to sneak out without any casualties.

I have photos and video proof of them getting bitch slapped and of what they were doing to each other. In fact the video even shows arnab goswiny begging for more bitch slaps. But sorry, I can't release the proof because I don't want you guys to know my tactics.

Now try and prove me wrong! :lol:
Understandable. It's your secret tactic.
The EU has been a success because at the top it has got several nations of a similar economic stature i.e Germany, France, Italy. In SAARC only Pakistan can act as some kind of a balancing act to India, and the latter uses all of its weight and influence to prevent this from happening (as was made evident in the latest postponed SAARC conference). In essence it becomes a one man show, which is why SAARC is bound to fail. ASEAN again has been a success because at its top it has similar sized nations i.e. Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam. It was the balance of power in the Italian city states that allowed the Renaissance to emerge and flourish. Parity ensures stability and security. Unfortunately that is too much to ask from SAARC.

Pakistan is simply not enough to balance us in SA .
On topic:
We are welcoming the Pakistan to join this group and we will consider in joining Iran in current SAARC group .
Aptly put.. The only possibility of SAARC to be a viable multilateral organization is to include China in to the fold the only way to counter balance India's stature in it, Let's admit it.. It is the elephant in the room

It already exist one of the first bilateral free trade agreements in the region


Unfortunately ,that is not going to happen,no matter what

Both Malaysia and Indonesia need to be included as member states along with Australia may be as an observer, I see no logical point in including Afghanistan, It's more of a central Asian republic that even South Asian let alone to fit in to the Bay of Bengal initiative

Unless ofcause India is to use BIMSTEC for it's geo political needs as well

So you dont want the development of poor Afghans?
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