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Pakistan seeks bigger Saarc to counter India’s influence

Is it possible to just remove the Pakistan from the SAARC, or it is benificial to start a new corporation organisation, so that the region could work together which was hampered by the the pakistan for so many years.

Can't remove Pak. Pak can withdraw though.

Look, time is changing now, and after the completion of Chabhar, the Afghan would no more be dependent on Pakistan to have the conectivity with the rest of the south asian countries, and why not include myanmar, thialand also.

BIMSTEC has both the countries and Afghan will be an observer.

Pakistan need to step up its effort to create Asian Union and new united currency Asio(Just gave the name :p:). This will serve as a base for OBOR and CPEC. Plus new independent currency will make Asian countries to deal in Asio instead of $ and save them from the frequent sanctions from the west. Each member country could allow max 100k people from each countries with out visa to travel or do business in other country. This will make close collaboration between asian people and boost the trade ties and increase tourism.
Pakistan should really make this a reality!
With CPEC in our bags we can start a new and a bigger SAARC without needing India ( we still dont need them) and by doing so Modi's dream of isolating Pakistan diplomatically will never see the light of day!
Pakistan seeks bigger Saarc to counter India’s influence
WASHINGTON: Pakistan is exploring the possibility of creating a greater South Asian economic alliance to counter India’s controlling hold on the eight-member South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc), diplomatic observers say.

A parliamentary delegation from Pakistan, which is now in New York, pitched this idea during its five-day visit to Washington last week.

“A greater South Asia is already emerging,” said Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, in one of his interactions with the media. “This greater South Asia includes China, Iran and the neighbouring Central Asian republics.”

Examine: How Pakistan should respond to a dangerous time

He described the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as the key economic route linking South Asia with Central Asia. The Gwadar port, he pointed out, would be the nearest warm water port, not only for China but also for the land-locked Central Asian states.

“We want India to join this arrangement as well,” said Mr Hussain, an offer Indians are unlikely to accept as they are comfortable with the advantage that Saarc provides them.

Last month, India used its influence in Saarc to isolate Pakistan when it announced that it would not attend the regional group’s 19th summit, scheduled in Islamabad on Nov 15 and 16.

India cited Pakistan’s alleged involvement in the Sept 18 terrorist attack in Uri as the reason for its decision to boycott the summit. Pakistan strongly denies the Indian allegation and India has provided no evidence to support its claim so far. Yet three other Saarc nations — Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan — joined the boycott.

Editorial: Undermining Saarc

The boycott led to an indefinite postponement of the summit and exposed Pakistan’s isolation within the group where it once played a key role.

Among the eight Saarc nations, Afghanistan and Bangladesh are India’s strong allies while Bhutan, surrounded by India from all sides, is too small to resist any move from New Delhi.

The Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka have good ties with Pakistan, but they are not large enough to take on India.

“Apparently, the showdown forced Pakistan to conclude that in its present shape, Saarc will always be dominated by India. That’s why they are now talking about a greater South Asia,” said a senior diplomat while confirming reports that Pakistan is actively seeking a new regional arrangement.

“Pakistan hopes that this new arrangement will give it more room to manoeuvre when India tries to force a decision on it,” said another diplomat.

Diplomatic observers in Washington say that the proposed arrangement also suits China as it is also worried about India’s rapidly growing influence in the region. They argue that China can play an important role in persuading Central Asian republics and Iran to join the new arrangement.

But the observers warn that Saarc members will have little interest in supporting the idea. There is not much benefit for Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka in joining a land route far from their borders and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have their own ports.

The member that is likely to get the most benefits from a greater South Asian alliance is Afghanistan, which is technically a land-locked Central Asian nation. Any trade route that links South and Central Asian regions is good for Afghanistan.

But observers believe that Afghanistan is too closely linked to India to join any arrangement that hurts India’s interests.

Afghanistan’s presence in Saarc, however, justifies Pakistan’s argument that Central Asian nations can be included in a greater South Asia.

Afghanistan applied for Saarc membership in 2006, generating an interesting debate on the definition of South Asian identity because Afghanistan is a Central Asian country.

Saarc member states imposed a stipulation for Afghanistan to hold general elections, which were held in late 2005, enabling the country to join the group as its eighth member in April 2007.

But, as a South Asian diplomat pointed out, even if a greater South Asia became reality, there’s no guarantee that its members would support Pakistan in its disputes with India.

“Many Central Asian states have strong ties with India and Iran too has problems with Pakistan,” the diplomat added.

Published in Dawn, October 12th, 2016

just leave SAARC
BIMSTEC has both the countries and Afghan will be an observer.


Both Malaysia and Indonesia need to be included as member states along with Australia may be as an observer, I see no logical point in including Afghanistan, It's more of a central Asian republic that even South Asian let alone to fit in to the Bay of Bengal initiative

Unless ofcause India is to use BIMSTEC for it's geo political needs as well
I will show you the proof, just post one picture of the Operation Neptune Spear in Pakistan in which Osama bin Laden was killed.

What kind of crooked logic is that?

"First I'll make some wild claim and if asked for proof, will not provide it because somewhere someone also did the same".

So does that mean you'll keep making all those wild claims like being the inventor of airplane some 7000 years ago, being inheritors of IVC, Egyptian, Inca civilizations, conducting "SirGKal" strikes in Pakistan etc?

This happens only in some parallel delusional world and is not how the real judicial or scientific world works.

@ topic: SAARC is dead, we should look to strengthen ECO and work closely on bilateral terms with countries like Sri Lanka, Myanamar, Bangladesh (once Hasina's honeymoon is over) etc.
What kind of crooked logic is that?

"First I'll make some wild claim and if asked for proof, will not provide it because somewhere someone also did the same".

So does that mean you'll keep making all those wild claims like being the inventor of airplane some 7000 years ago, being inheritors of IVC, Egyptian, Inca civilizations, conducting "SirGKal" strikes in Pakistan etc?

This happens only in some parallel delusional world and is not how the real judicial or scientific world works.

@ topic: SAARC is dead, we should look to strengthen ECO and work closely on bilateral terms with countries like Sri Lanka, Myanamar, Bangladesh (once Hasina's honeymoon is over) etc.

LOgic is that those pics and vids which IA made are strategic in nature and will not be shared to the enemies, to give out our secrets just like all the armies around the world do after the surgical Strike.

For the proof, its the dead bodies, and the destruction behind for the enemies as a good proof itself, so if they claim, that there was no surgical strike, well and good, so that we could see the crying face of Hafiz Sayeed doing Janaza every friday, and IA doing surgical strike again and again, and PA and Govt. of Pakistan denying it.
LOgic is that those pics and vids which IA made are strategic in nature and will not be shared to the enemies, to give out our secrets just like all the armies around the world do after the surgical Strike.

For the proof, its the dead bodies, and the destruction behind for the enemies as a good proof itself, so if they claim, that there was no surgical strike, well and good, so that we could see the crying face of Hafiz Sayeed doing Janaza every friday, and IA doing surgical strike again and again, and PA and Govt. of Pakistan denying it.

As I said, you can keep claiming anything, world is not giving shyt about that.

You can even go on claiming that you have launched your Hanuman army with inter-galactic stealth airplanes on GHQ headquarters in Pindi and then retreated without any loses.

There is no limit to fantasies.
Both Malaysia and Indonesia need to be included as member states along with Australia may be as an observer, I see no logical point in including Afghanistan, It's more of a central Asian republic that even South Asian let alone to fit in to the Bay of Bengal initiative

Unless ofcause India is to use BIMSTEC for it's geo political needs as well

Including Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia should the priority for BIMSTEC
As I said, you can keep claiming anything, world is not giving shyt about that.

You can even go on claiming that you have launched your Hanuman army with inter-galactic stealth airplanes on GHQ headquarters in Pindi and then retreated without any loses.

There is no limit to fantasies.

Hey Hey Ha Ha Blu ............... You people are so Hillarious

1. I asked which country in the World did Officially rejected the Indian Claim of Surgical Strike except Pakistan. Your answer --------- NO answer

2. I asked which country in the world did officially condemn the Indian Surgical Strike ---- Still no answer

3. The Whole logic and dream land Drama comes from your so expert defence expert the retired Gernals, who are so funny -- thus you are only repeating their words. Inter-galactic stealth Airplane ----

Now when did Indian Army/ DGMO/ GOI / RM have ever claimed that the Para SF was dropped from any plane or they were airlifted. ?????? Funny part is your defence experts making the same remarks in the discussion making me confussed about their Logic. e.g the DG of ASPR Lt. Bajwa remark of Para trooper --- LOL Did he even don't know the difference between the Para trooper and the Special Forces.
"Bigger SAARC', is that even a word ? Changing the geography of the group is not an answer, its the citizen and Govt within should change itself before forming any group.

SAARC is dead, Pakistan should look somewhere else, I would suggest that it should sign FTA with China(as a gift towards cpec i.e interest free investment) and flourish its domestic industry.
Hey Hey Ha Ha Blu ............... You people are so Hillarious

1. I asked which country in the World did Officially rejected the Indian Claim of Surgical Strike except Pakistan. Your answer --------- NO answer

2. I asked which country in the world did officially condemn the Indian Surgical Strike ---- Still no answer

3. The Whole logic and dream land Drama comes from your so expert defence expert the retired Gernals, who are so funny -- thus you are only repeating their words. Inter-galactic stealth Airplane ----

Now when did Indian Army/ DGMO/ GOI / RM have ever claimed that the Para SF was dropped from any plane or they were airlifted. ?????? Funny part is your defence experts making the same remarks in the discussion making me confussed about their Logic. e.g the DG of ASPR Lt. Bajwa remark of Para trooper --- LOL Did he even don't know the difference between the Para trooper and the Special Forces.

1) Show me the proof which is admissible in court of law or get lost.

2) Why the **** should someone condemn something that has taken part in your fantasies only?

Indians are known pathological liars (govt, media and Modi fanboys).

EDIT: stop derailing the thread.
1) Show me the proof which is admissible in court of law or get lost.

2) Why the **** should someone condemn something that has only taken part in your fantasies?

Again running from the question. Why are you running, are you afraid.

I asked only three question, tell me the number, that support your countries Lala Land Fantasy Story.
Again running from the question. Why are you running, are you afraid.

I asked only three question, tell me the number, that support your countries Lala Land Fantasy Story.

Stop derailing the thread dude and stay on topic.

There are 100s of other threads about "SirGKal" strikes, feel free to take your fantasies there.
Stop derailing the thread dude and stay on topic.

There are 100s of other threads about "SirGKal" strikes, feel free to take your fantasies there.

Then answer in three short line and lets end the debate then. or just mention the numbers.
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