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‘Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred’

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The objective of Pakistan's education policy has been defined thus in the preface to a Class 6 book: "Social studies have been given special importance in educational policy so that Pakistan's basic ideology assumes the shape of a way of life, its practical enforcement is assured, the concept of social uniformity adopts a practical form and the whole personality of the individual is developed." This statement leaves no doubt that "social uniformity", not national unity, is a part of Pakistan's basic ideology. Moving on...

The Class 5 book has this original discovery about Hindu help to bring British rule to India: "The British had the objective to take over India and to achieve this, they made Hindus join them and Hindus were very glad to side with the British. After capturing the subcontinent, the British began on the one hand the loot of all things produced in this area, and on the other, in conjunction with Hindus, to greatly suppress the Muslims."

The Std VIII book says, "Their (Muslim saints) teachings dispelled many superstitions of the Hindus and reformed their bad practices. Thereby Hindu religion of the olden times came to an end."

According to a Class 5 book, "In 1965, the Pakistani army conquered several areas of India, and when India was on the point of being defeated, she requested the United Nations to arrange a ceasefire. After 1965, India, with the help of Hindus living in East Pakistan, instigated the people living there against the people of West Pakistan, and finally invaded East Pakistan in December 1971. The conspiracy resulted in the separation of East Pakistan from us. All of us should receive military training and be prepared to fight the enemy."

Please note that what is quoted is verbatim from the text book. You asked for proof and here you have it.

and source of your above googling is ????
see I have gone through the entire episode of the Gujarath riot, it was not sparked by state, it was our muslim brothers that did the spark when you hear that some of your men are killed by people whom you consider rivals will you keep quite will you not start commiting crimes out of emotional content, you have to know human and mob behavior when situations like this happens.
As far as the birth rate you are saying, so for every Muslim brother who is killed in INdia by a Hindu 2 more Muslims are born to take his place like a hydra, what a idea?
I am not being naive here, i am being rational, as far as the 1983 unrest against sikhs is considered its congress party sponsered and not the people sponsered one. we the people make the government here not the other way arround.

It does not matter who starts it, examples of huge riots such as Bhagalpur, Ayodhya, Mumbai, Gujarat, Amritsar/Delhi have killed thousands of Sikhs & Muslims, as well as the huge violence against Christians.
It does not matter who starts it, examples of huge riots such as Bhagalpur, Ayodhya, Mumbai, Gujarat, Amritsar/Delhi have killed thousands of Sikhs & Muslims, as well as the huge violence against Christians.
and what about the Hindus who died in those riots, you are not counting all the stake holders when you represent the victims.
your post says that no Hindus got killled because of these riots. I talk for every man who died in those incidents be it Muslim, Chirisitian, Sikh or Hindu, those who died in the riots where innocents and those who fueled the riots are there as leaders of each community.
It does not matter who starts it, examples of huge riots such as Bhagalpur, Ayodhya, Mumbai, Gujarat, Amritsar/Delhi have killed thousands of Sikhs & Muslims, as well as the huge violence against Christians.

There is no justification for who started it or why it happened. But the state should ensure that justice should be given to those who have been affected. Arrests and convictions were made in Bhagalpur, Ayodhya, Mumbai, Delhi and more recently Gujarat riots case.

Sardarpura riot case: 31 convicted, 42 acquitted - The Times of India

This area is where Pakistani authorities seems to lack. Communal riots have taken place in Pakistan as well, but the state has not lived up to the expectation of its minorities.
see I have gone through the entire episode of the Gujarath riot, it was not sparked by state, it was our muslim brothers that did the spark when you hear that some of your men are killed by people whom you consider rivals will you keep quite will you not start commiting crimes out of emotional content, you have to know human and mob behavior when situations like this happens.
As far as the birth rate you are saying, so for every Muslim brother who is killed in INdia by a Hindu 2 more Muslims are born to take his place like a hydra, what a idea?
I am not being naive here, i am being rational, as far as the 1983 unrest against sikhs is considered its congress party sponsered and not the people sponsered one. we the people make the government here not the other way arround.

It is an endless discussion and bit off topic. As a matter of fact, no hindu will accept that hindus started gujrat riots and likewise no muslim gonna accept the vice versa.
There is no justification for who started it or why it happened. But the state should ensure that justice should be given to those who have been affected. Arrests and convictions were made in Bhagalpur, Ayodhya, Mumbai, Delhi and more recently Gujarat riots case.

Sardarpura riot case: 31 convicted, 42 acquitted - The Times of India

This area is where Pakistani authorities seems to lack. Communal riots have taken place in Pakistan as well, but the state has not lived up to the expectation of its minorities.

In india hindus got convicted for hindu muslim riots, as those riots were actually between hindus and muslims. In Pakistan there are no such riots, rather some personal enmities involving people of different religions. There are some so called NGOs which pretend those as riots based on religion.
We have had many unfortunate incidents of terrorism and other tragedies, but we have never had large scale communal riots that india has suffered.
The people who were poor, who couldn't even make it to East Pakistan (forget West Pakistan), or were influenced by Dar Uloom Deoband, or had some other circumstance (business, marriage) stayed back. The people that had resources to make the journey made the journey. Most Muslims in India were unfortunately pretty uneducated & backward for the most part, but when the elites/'cream of the communities' left UP, Bihar; it really left these states reeling, & the effects are still felt in UP, Bihar & Jharkhand today. My father was born in Ranchi, Jharkhand; my mother was born & raised in Patna, Bihar; & I had extended family in Amroha & Lucknow, UP; so I know exactly what happened in these 3 states. Most people from Bihar went to East Pakistan in 1947 & later, others from UP took the train to Mumbai, & came by ship. One needed to have ample resources to make the migration from such distances, it wasn't like Punjab where you had to travel 30-50 miles.
Well, it should mean that there are no Muslims in Punjab or west Bengal. And trust me that's not the case. So people from these two states who could go to Pakistan chose to stay back. In short, many Muslims chose to be Indian and looking at the current situation, they made a good choice. Besides, Bangalis could not stay with you for more than some 25 years. So the theory which says that Muslims need a different country because of Hindu India did not make any sense. Please note, absolutely no offence intended.

Pakistan wasn't originally formed in the name of religion.
So what was the reason it was formed? Please tell me.
Also indianchristians.in, & christiancouncil.in

I guess they have a blinded hatred against Hindus as well, because Indian Hindus cannot possibly be biased against others.

Instead of shooting the messenger, try to prove the claims wrong. The articles quote in detail the exact chapters in which history has been fabricated promoting anti-Muslim/anti-Islam bias in various books, try to prove it wrong.

Practice what you preach then and stay on topic and instead of using Indian books as a shield to deflect from the topic at hand, address what has been said about your country in the article....

And please do open a new thread for this as it does sound like a topic worth discussing...
It is an endless discussion and bit off topic. As a matter of fact, no hindu will accept that hindus started gujrat riots and likewise no muslim gonna accept the vice versa.

Its not a hindu muslim issue it pure human issue , how could one dare to kill fellow innocent human , :butcher:
Hiding your religion is a way frequently used by Muslims in India. (According to my Indian friend who lives in Maler Kotla)

A good example is Yousuf Khan, he had to change his name to Dilip Kumar otherwise he would not have became a film star in india.
A good example is Yousuf Khan, he had to change his name to Dilip Kumar otherwise he would not have became a film star in india.

One of my mums favorite actors and i didnt realiz he was muslim. This is so sad that one has to change his name to be accepted. Would it have made him less of an actor if he had a muslim name? This is indeed a shame. I personally wouldnt have changed my name just to be accepted. Sad
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