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Pakistan’s ISI from the inside

Perhaps it would be more illuminating to look at the progress of South Korea, China and Malaysia after their independence for a more suitable comparison with Pakistan's, than USA or Britain, but I digress from the topic.

I am surely hopeful that 2011 will be the year that all the fervent prayers of the whole nation in the upcoming holy month will start the process of change with Allah's blessings, including the ISI.


Sure we can look at the nations you mentioned.. let's look for the difference... ummmm.. they have honest and partriotic leadership.. they have Visionary Leaders... Their nation 'acts' when required, not just cry... they have strong rule of law.. if a person commits crime, no matter what the designation is, a punishment is given.. (again) their nation 'acts' when required... they have patriotic leadership and visionary leaders..

How else can i put more emphasis on this difference? :) Not the Army, but political leaders..
I am really quite clueless about the reasons behind the importance placed on the 'motto of the Army' - how exactly is a motto, or a changed one, relevant, when the issue before us is one of societal change, and reforms and change pushed by institutions such as the elected government, judiciary, media and civil society, that can at least argue to be 'representatives of society', and therefore harbingers of change on behalf of that society.

The argument over the Army's 'motto' is yet another canard and diversionary tactic - it is an example of resorting to criticizm of the military over whatever inconsequential tripe some can dig up.
You gentlemen have been going back and forth on Jihadi elements.. and reform for the army.(and eventually the ISI).
What I ask is.. that while being India centric in its inception, whether as a necessity or conspiracy if you may.
the PA needs the idea of Jihad for its soldier to be effective...
Every base, every piece of equipment.. every war cry is based on Islamic history.
From the cries of "Allah o Akbar" at an attack.. to the verses written on every training center and base.
This isnt a skin you can take out and graft a new one on.
Its the skeleton on which this Army is now built... whether good or bad.. its there.
The Idea can no longer be on removing this element.. but rather using it correctly for the right purposes rather than the lies and deceit that have fed its being. Which will end up with the core problem of defining what common terms do Pakistani's define themselves.. and on what common terms do the Muslims in Pakistan define themselves...since no Pakistani Hindu or Christan or Zoroastrian has killed each other that much over differing definitions of their religion.
You cant take the Jihad out of the NCO.. but you can take a look at the system that creates an officer.. and where the black sheep find the loopholes to get ahead .

The whole Jihad thing worked fine in Bangla as well till our Racist president decided to go all out.

Thank you for that excellent post, Santro - I do understand the terrible unease most Pakistanis experience when confronting the consequences of the Islamization project, a project in which the Pakistan army has been a major promoter.

Armies generally concern themselves with their core competences, that is to say defending the nation by killing the enemies of the nation.
Would you agree? And if you do, you would then have to grant that the Pakistan army's preoccupation with ideology, not of patriotism or nationalism, but Islamism, puts it in another category when compared to other armies.

You suggest that this Islamization project is now irreversible - and perhaps you are right, I really do not know whether Pakistan can muster the will to save itself or not, I really don't know. However, till this fundamental contradiction is not dealt with, the Pakistan army cannot said to be a army that can be counted on to defend Pakistan - Why? Because it's orientation cannot withstand being at war with groups that are actually as Islamist as the Pakistan army itself is.

Indeed, it's record of failure over these last 10 years, against the Islamist enemy, does not inspire confidence - much is made of a modern army confronting the Islamist enemy in Swat, yet even today, Swat remains not just dangerous to it's residents but the presence of the Army in the region cannot be said to have brought normalcy to the region - "uneasy" is a generous characterization of the Swat, we can all agree.

the core problem of defining what common terms do Pakistani's define themselves.. and on what common terms do the Muslims in Pakistan define themselves...since no Pakistani Hindu or Christan or Zoroastrian has killed each other that much over differing definitions of their religion

Thank you this - you have hit the hammer on the head of the nail -- see, so long as the Pakistan army is a "carrier" of the ethic that Pakistanis are not equal before the law, that they must be discriminated amongst each other based on their confession and their sect or lack of either, the Pakistan army cannot said to be a army that will ever defend a Pakistan in which all citizens are equal before the law -- You highlight that the Islamist army is now in the positon of fighting and killing Islamists insurgents, who charge the Islamist army of turning apostate --- In other words, the entire narrative, is exactly as you have suggested, about ideology of Islamism, having sought and made enemies of Pakistanis, the Islamists have now turned on each other - the Islamist army under a cynical leadership and the Hardcore islamist insurgents, under foreign but "Islamist" leadership.

We unhappily return to where we began, do armies have any business being involved in promoting ideologies such Islamism?? Perhaps you are right that Pakistan have lost and Islamism is a malady it must live with or you may be mistaken, because if the islamist army defeats the islamist insurgents, granted a distant possibility, the Islamist army will no longer be able to think of itself as islamist, in fact it will have no societal constituency, after all, are the Pakistani people really braving bombings and assassinations, so that they can be Islamists?? Really??

You cant take the Jihad out of the NCO.. but you can take a look at the system that creates an officer.. and where the black sheep find the loopholes to get ahead

Exactly but the point is also moot, the ethic of the Pakistan army is Islamism, Jihad frenzy is just a given, and ultimately, as we see, the islamist having gorged on the blood of innocents will turn on each other - can the nation state of Pakistan survive that without "reconstructing" the army??

I argued with Bilal that the new Light Commando units are a reflection of that "reconstruction", even as they are a acknowledgement that turning islamist on Islamist, has effected the army to it's core.
Muse, what are your reservations and/or grievences against the Army or the intelligence services?
Muse, what are your reservations and/or grievences against the Army or the intelligence services?


Pakistan needs the Fauj and her agencies to stand in the defense of Pakistan, to SUCCEED in their mission to deter and failing that, to kill, the enemies of Pakistan - and I offer that the Fauj is handcuffed, UNABLE, to perform this mission, this sacred trust, so long as it is itself, a party of the ideolgoy that is tearing Pakistan apart.

It is a great disservice to Islam and ALL Muslims, and All non Muslim citizens of Pakistan, that the Pakistan army, does not see herself as Pakistan's army but the army of a ideology.

I realize that partisans of the islamist will paint this effort in their usual tone and rage and that's OK - A successful, VICTORIOUS, Pakistan army is only possible once it is reoriented to it's mission, Killing the enemies of Pakistan, domestic, foreign, under the seas or in space and not concern herself with any confessional or sectarian concerns - Her sole concern the protection of the state and nation, citizens and their property.

Pakistan needs the Fauj and her agencies to stand in the defense of Pakistan, to SUCCEED in their mission to deter and failing that, to kill, the enemies of Pakistan - and I offer that the Fauj is handcuffed, UNABLE, to perform this mission, this sacred trust, so long as it is itself, a party of the ideolgoy that is tearing Pakistan apart.

It is a great disservice to Islam and ALL Muslims, and All non Muslim citizens of Pakistan, that the Pakistan army, does not see herself as Pakistan's army but the army of a ideology.

I realize that partisans of the islamist will paint this effort in their usual tone and rage and that's OK - A successful, VICTORIOUS, Pakistan army is only possible once it is reoriented to it's mission, Killing the enemies of Pakistan, domestic, foreign, under the seas or in space and not concern herself with any confessional or sectarian concerns - Her sole concern the protection of the state and nation, citizens and their property.

What do you mean by this Bolded Part, This is what Army is trying to do Now a days. Trying to stabilize the Pakistan. Did Army poked in to Democratic affairs since 2008? Did Army ate up the whole American aid given to it and didn't do iota in SAWAT and SWA and in Khyber or Orakzai? After 100's of ISI agents killed in Tribal areas, you suspet ISI is still playing the double game and only satisfying their personal agenda?

V Cheng and You from last 4-5 pages are constantly beating the same bush, ignoring the reforms happening in Army, ignoring the ground realities, ignoring the Situation on Ground, only satisfying you personal egos?
I am really quite clueless about the reasons behind the importance placed on the 'motto of the Army' - how exactly is a motto, or a changed one, relevant, when the issue before us is one of societal change, and reforms and change pushed by institutions such as the elected government, judiciary, media and civil society, that can at least argue to be 'representatives of society', and therefore harbingers of change on behalf of that society.

The argument over the Army's 'motto' is yet another canard and diversionary tactic - it is an example of resorting to criticizm of the military over whatever inconsequential tripe some can dig up.

They easily forget that they belong to Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Surprisingly they start comparing the (twisted) 'Jihad' of a terrorist with the actual Jihad that the actual Islam preaches us.

i mean WTF is wrong with an Islamic Republic's Army to glorify Islam when they are not blowing themselves up in suicide attacks?

If they have problems with Islam, they should get themselves screwed by asking the govt to introduce a Secular system of governance.
What do you mean by this Bolded Part, This is what Army is trying to do Now a days. Trying to stabilize the Pakistan. Did Army poked in to Democratic affairs since 2008? Did Army ate up the whole American aid given to it and didn't do iota in SAWAT and SWA and in Khyber or Orakzai? After 100's of ISI agents killed in Tribal areas, you suspet ISI is still playing the double game and only satisfying their personal agenda?

V Cheng and You from last 4-5 pages are constantly beating the same bush, ignoring the reforms happening in Army, ignoring the ground realities, ignoring the Situation on Ground, only satisfying you personal egos?

Sir, If reforms are happening, doesn't it mean that our critique is on the money?? I am convinced that the kinds of problems we have highlighted require reforms .

hey start comparing the (twisted) 'Jihad' of a terrorist with the actual Jihad that the actual Islam preaches us.
i mean WTF is wrong with an Islamic Republic's Army to glorify Islam when they are not blowing themselves up in suicide attacks?

Excellent, thank you for making my point, that the Pakistan army has an Islamist ethic, not a patriotic, national ethic. jihad of a terrorist and Actual Jihad, just as we highlighted, competing Islamisms, both equally dangerous. The Army of the Islamic republic of Pakistan is concenred not with killing Pakistan's enemies, defending the citizens and their property, but with confessional and sectarian considerations - what could be wrong with that?
Excellent, thank you for making my point, that the Pakistan army has an Islamist ethic, not a patriotic, national ethic. jihad of a terrorist and Actual Jihad, just as we highlighted, competing Islamisms, both equally dangerous. The Army of the Islamic republic of Pakistan is concenred not with killing Pakistan's enemies, defending the citizens and their property, but with confessional and sectarian considerations - what could be wrong with that?

Everything is wrong with that, starting with the motto, and ending with the religiously framed fighting in FATA, pitching marde-momin in uniform against marde-momin out of uniform and ending up with shaheeds on both sides.

Nothing wrong with that either.

Of course, since my words are tripe and being the traitor that I am regarded as, please feel free to ignore this, or may be even get it deleted.
Which only means you keep company with others whose irrationality is in doubt.
Pakistan and ISI need to get rid of USA and its allies their friendship has caused some serious damages to Pakistan and its agencies

Pakistan needs the Fauj and her agencies to stand in the defense of Pakistan, to SUCCEED in their mission to deter and failing that, to kill, the enemies of Pakistan - and I offer that the Fauj is handcuffed, UNABLE, to perform this mission, this sacred trust, so long as it is itself, a party of the ideolgoy that is tearing Pakistan apart.

It is a great disservice to Islam and ALL Muslims, and All non Muslim citizens of Pakistan, that the Pakistan army, does not see herself as Pakistan's army but the army of a ideology.

I realize that partisans of the islamist will paint this effort in their usual tone and rage and that's OK - A successful, VICTORIOUS, Pakistan army is only possible once it is reoriented to it's mission, Killing the enemies of Pakistan, domestic, foreign, under the seas or in space and not concern herself with any confessional or sectarian concerns - Her sole concern the protection of the state and nation, citizens and their property.

Ahhhhh.. again into the same pitfall.. Muse.. lets talk about ideology..

My friend, if you are against it, then apparently you are not the one to talk about Pakistan.. As i recall, Pakistan IS an ideological state, that was the sole reason for 'independence'... "A country of, and for Muslims".. and the Army has to be an "Army of Pakistan".. so the ideology is "Islamic"...

Coming to your point of uniformed Jihad and non-uniformed Jihad.. My friend, if you had gone through the posts between VCheng and myself in last few pages, you'd come to know that it is not the problem of Islam, it is OUR problem as a nation.. we do not educate ourselves with what Islam is, we depend upon definitions provided by "Others".. whereas, we have been told (ordered) to seek knowledge (both Islamic and Wordly) to differentiate between right and wrong.. Why don't you first 'study' Islam and then talk about its positives and negatives??

Anyways, back to the point, Pakistan's Army HAS to have the Islamic Ideology, we were never a secular state, we are not a secular state and we will Never be a secular state. Let me provide you another grievance, Islam provides more logical rights to ethnic minorities as compared to your so called ‘secularism’.

Who denies that ‘Pakistan Army should be Army of Pakistan’, no one would deny that. Our Army IS the Army of ‘Islamic’ Republic of Pakistan! A country which was made on the name of Islam.

I have been reading your posts in this thread (and others), your posts are pretty ambiguous. You talk about so many things, and then leave what you mean to say unclear, the end-line is always the same “Pakistan Army should not be Islamised”, sorry mate, you haven’t provided any ‘valid’ reason to do that!

Make your points clearly, to clarify yourself and others, and we can have a discussion over them, twisted logic is not a sign of ‘intellect’ but rather a confused brain.

The BOLD part of your post is a blame you are putting on Army without any SOLID facts to back it up.. again.. suggestive hypnotic technique.. i mentioned it in another post of mine somewhere.. would you mind providing evidence of what you are referring to in this para?? Because as far as i can see, they are doing their job by putting their lives on the line..

Just my two cents…
Everything is wrong with that, starting with the motto, and ending with the religiously framed fighting in FATA, pitching marde-momin in uniform against marde-momin out of uniform and ending up with shaheeds on both sides.

Nothing wrong with that either.

Of course, since my words are tripe and being the traitor that I am regarded as, please feel free to ignore this, or may be even get it deleted.

You are not a traitor my friend, you have just given up... so it is all negativity which surrounds you.. so you only seek and find negative points..

I'll give you a 'play' for free time :).. with all this negativity surrounding you.. instead of finding what is further going bad, try for what is happening good.. i'll give you a 'hint'... look at Pakistani nation as whole... compare them from 80s to the nation it is now.. it'll bring smile to your face :)

As i said before, nations are not built overnight.. they take time..

Just my two cents..

A successful, VICTORIOUS, Pakistan army is only possible once it is reoriented to it's mission, Killing the enemies of Pakistan, domestic, foreign, under the seas or in space .

I think you are confusing the mottos of the US Army and the Pakistan army
They easily forget that they belong to Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Surprisingly they start comparing the (twisted) 'Jihad' of a terrorist with the actual Jihad that the actual Islam preaches us.

i mean WTF is wrong with an Islamic Republic's Army to glorify Islam when they are not blowing themselves up in suicide attacks?

If they have problems with Islam, they should get themselves screwed by asking the govt to introduce a Secular system of governance.

They can't do that openly bro.. they have to keep it suggestive, they do not have any strong standing in logical aspect of it.. Secularism has no solid standing when compared to Islam.. so they can just 'suggest' with 'undertones' nothing more!
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