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Pakistan, Russia to up anti-terror cooperation

I am not sure that the Russians would be happy to have friendly ties with Pakistan... atleast for the present generation.... may be in future it is possible...
Obviously the relations between Pakistan and Russia are not going to be Good with a wink of eye but it needs time and i think Pakistani are heading in right direction by taking Russia in to confidence .

I think it is better that u have good relationship with the super powers in our region especially with russia .
yes u will have to..this world is getting smaller and smaller...those who have ECONOMIC clout will dominate the world...Time is running out for Pakistan they will have to focus beyond INDIA, and Pakistan have advantages too Russia is in shambles economically, they will sell NUke plants etc maybe they will hesitate to sell military eqpt to Pakistan initially.
who told u that russian has a weakt economy :hitwall: think before saying anything at present russian economy is better then indian economy.................check their per capita income it is much better then china,india............
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^^^probably he was talking about the dip that Russian economy had taken....but the good news is its very well recovering.
ruskies dont have a big alliance with them.

At least they can be trusted, thats all we want, they helped us in Karachi steel Mill project, , If our friendship was the same who knows Pakistan cud be in a lot better position
ruskies dont have a big alliance with them.

At least they can be trusted, thats all we want, they helped us in Karachi steel Mill project, , If our friendship was the same who knows Pakistan cud be in a lot better position
It is a good sign that Russia is engaging Pakistan. It is important that more nations engage Pakistan constructively because only by a higher level of engagement, Pakistan can be encouraged to fight terrorism in the true sense and shun its past links with these groups.

It is important for Russia anyway directly because of the Chechen situation and the more frequent terror attack in Russian cities.

India will not mind because the relationship is pretty time-tested and there will be understanding from Russia of Indian considerations while developing an engagement with Pakistan. And it is not just the history of the relations but also the present day economics of the same.

As for Pakistan achieving a relationship that could counter the influence of US in the region, I think that it is a too far fetched objective of creating a friendship with present day Russia. Afterall Putin was KGB in USSR. And Tom Clancy says that Komitet never forgets....:D
At least they can be trusted, thats all we want, they helped us in Karachi steel Mill project, , If our friendship was the same who knows Pakistan cud be in a lot better position

Even with US as a friend over the 50's could have made all the difference. Friends can only help bro and Pakistan always had friends of more influence than India...... till recently I mean.

But you had these friends for such a long time.
Even with US as a friend over the 50's could have made all the difference. Friends can only help bro and Pakistan always had friends of more influence than India...... till recently I mean.

But you had these friends for such a long time.

There is nothing called friendship among two nations..its just the mutual co-operation for their own interest..in the end depends on you, how well you utilise them for your own benefits.
But again it also matters..what you have got to offer against the benefits you get...thats where Pakistan has suffered. unfortunately its been used by its own friends...the earlier they realise, the beter for them.
I am not sure that the Russians would be happy to have friendly ties with Pakistan... atleast for the present generation.... may be in future it is possible...

thats past my dear
nations move on
and secondly the national policies & international relations are not based on emotions but on self interests

not because India doesnt like it. like Americans the Russians will also tell India to grow up and behave and act big as well instead of feeling insecure on every move that brings its allies closer to Pakistan
I don't know about the masses but i interact with Pakistanis almost daily via this forum and most seem to be good harted.

I am visiting Moscow next year.
I am a staunch supporter of Russia as we share same region and have mutual interests on some fronts. Imagine this now: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and few more form something like NATO. Perhaps, SCO seems to be a good platform.
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Russian Prime minister Mikhail Fradkov came to Pakistan in 2007 and it was decided to forget past both sides signed agreement for cooperation and good relations. Since than Pakistan and Russian relations are going good.

Russians are ready to invest in Railway sector and Russian gas gaint Gazprom is interested to build Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline. :chilli:
Russian interest is good for Pakistan. Its always good to have multiple options whether its economic or defense related matters. Creates more competition (Russia/US/China) and benefits the end user (Pakistan) in the end.
thats past my dear
nations move on
and secondly the national policies & international relations are not based on emotions but on self interests

not because India doesnt like it. like Americans the Russians will also tell India to grow up and behave and act big as well instead of feeling insecure on every move that brings its allies closer to Pakistan

To put how Russian establishment may feel, may be we can make a feeble attempt.

Pakistan helped defeat USSR and the ensuing disintegration.
India intervened for independent of Bangladesh from Pakistan.

Do you think there is a perspective to draw from w.r.t memory spans?

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