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Pakistan remains the principal national security threat to India

And Taliban are from where, mars?

Pakistan's biggest enemy are Pakistanis. They go by a lot of names - TTP, LeJ, BRA, BLA, Jundullah, LEA, LeT, and innumerable other "non-state-actors".

Ultimately they are all Pakistanis, drunk high on the juice of hatred, brought up on the ideology that Zia imported.

India's problems are miniscule in comparison.

who said talibans are from Only Pakistan ? these killers are From Many different countries gets paid they dont care any country
OK what about nakslas ? arnt they indian they are indian nationalist while taliban they are from all over asia Zias Policy has nothing to do with it he stopped a possible threat to his country it was the states and world who tottaly ignored AFG after the USSR Was gone and they people of afg didnt have any hope so they did what they do best
who said talibans are from Only Pakistan ? these killers are From Many different countries gets paid they dont care any country
OK what about nakslas ? arnt they indian they are indian nationalist while taliban they are from all over asia Zias Policy has nothing to do with it he stopped a possible threat to his country it was the states and world who tottaly ignored AFG after the USSR Was gone and they people of afg didnt have any hope so they did what they do best

The TTP are mostly from Pakistan. And even in the afghan Taliban, the majority are Pakistanis. And the Taliban itself is a result of Pakistani policies. What Zia did to Pakistan is a long story, and I don't have the time to elaborate it here. There are many posts on the issue by Pakistani members on this forum, so don't take my word for it. Yes, Zia's regime was responsible for importing and patronizing pernicious ideologies of hatred and violence that was alien to Pakistani before that.

About India: Yes, Maoists are very much Indians. And they are the only indigenous terror group with some measure of success. But they are nothing compared to the potent insurgencies in pak today. India's naxalites are all living deep in the jungles of central India, and doing hit and run attacks once or twice a year. They are getting their backsides kicked by state police forces. Our armed forces or paramilitaries are not even bothered to fight with them.

On the other hand in Pakistan, the army, air force, navy (P-3s), paramilitaries and police forces are all warring against Pakistani terror groups, and still floundering. There really is no comparison. Pakistanis are much more of a threat to pak than Indians are to India. Anybody should be able to see that much.

but maoism is the biggest problem overall
And then Indians says that Pakistan is not we are competing with....its china, two front war and all that crap.... India was, is and will remain focused to Pakistan.... and Indians will always keep dreaming about their fantasy of becoming superpower.
China will not have to fear us in 2020. For one, we have not desire to take their territory, and we don't have much enmity with them. And secondly, they will be more than capable to deal with India in 2020, just as they are now.

Yes we have grown beyond the stage where Pakistan can be anything more than a nuisance for us, but to state that we will intimidate China is quite a stretch.

Pakistan and its islamist proxies in India together, is still our biggest problem, I'd say. Then we have the Maoists as well, but otherwise I don't think there is any other hostile element that can pose a credible threat to the Indian state.

Really sir? Did we have ICBMs , ABMs , Nuclear Subs, Cutting edge warships , C4ISTAR, Infrastructure priority, 5 tn $ PPP before?

And then Indians says that Pakistan is not we are competing with....its china, two front war and all that crap.... India was, is and will remain focused to Pakistan.... and Indians will always keep dreaming about their fantasy of becoming superpower.

While your country continues to grovel, your economy , military are not even a fraction of ours. Soon difference b/w us will be like America and Bangladesh. :omghaha:
Well it obvious because,

A Big guy with a Big Gun (But) with a "Brain" is not as dangerous as a Small retarded guy with a Knife and with suicidal tendencies !!
Pakistan is the principal threat to Pakistan as well.
Indians having inferiority complex against pakistanis ...... please ....... :omghaha:

Show us a single reason why anybody should have inferiority complex for pakistan or pakistanis .

5,000 people starve to death, every year in endia.
5,000 people starve to death, every year in endia.

So , why should we feel inferior to pakistan on this .

Even if we must feel inferior , it should be towards those developed nations and not pakistan .

There is nothing in pakistan which makes us Indians feel inferior .
Really sir? Did we have ICBMs , ABMs , Nuclear Subs, Cutting edge warships , C4ISTAR, Infrastructure priority, 5 tn $ PPP before?

While your country continues to grovel, your economy , military are not even a fraction of ours. Soon difference b/w us will be like America and Bangladesh. :omghaha:

Explain this to your MOD....and keep laughing
Explain this to your MOD....and keep laughing

Pakistan can't even launch a bloody missile properly. Call a failed launch of Ghauri II a success. We have an active nuke sub, will buy another, churn out 6 by 2020, 1 Completed, 1 ready for launch, 1 under construction. AGNI VI 10000KM, IAC - I, GSLV , Mars, 5 tn$ PPP. You can watch with jealousy as we reach heights that your lecherous :astagh: nature prevent you from reaching. I don't trust jingoism but outright stupidity of your logic is funny.
Pakistan can't even launch a bloody missile properly. Call a failed launch of Ghauri II a success. We have an active nuke sub, will buy another, churn out 6 by 2020, 1 Completed, 1 ready for launch, 1 under construction. AGNI VI 10000KM, IAC - I, GSLV , Mars, 5 tn$ PPP. You can watch with jealousy as we reach heights that your lecherous :astagh: nature prevent you from reaching. I don't trust jingoism but outright stupidity of your logic is funny.

dude go google pakistan missile launch failures and there is just 1 result and rest are all indian failures which speaks volumes.....and about your subs go teach your sailors how to first recharge normal conventional subs or there be another fireworks in mumbai.....
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