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Pakistan rejects reports of nuclear insecurity

Pakistan Carts Its Nukes Around In Delivery Vans

The nukes travel “in civilian-style vehicles without noticeable defenses, in the regular flow of traffic,” according to a blockbuster story on the U.S.-Pakistan relationship in The Atlantic. Marc Ambinder and Jeffrey Goldberg write that tactical nuclear weapons travel down the streets in “vans with a modest security profile.” Somewhere on a highway around, say, Karachi, is the world’s most dangerous 1-800-FLOWERS truck.

I stopped reading here and thought about the psychiatric disorder that the author seems to suffering with ...

Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind/soul, and -ωσις "-osis", for abnormal condition) means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". People suffering from psychosis are described as psychotic. Psychosis is given to the more severe forms of psychiatric disorder, during which hallucinations and delusions and impaired insight may occur.
BS story with lies nothing of the sort is at stake wake up people .. stop beliving the media and the west our nukes are in good hands simply.
"Nukes" and "Delivery Vans, " and both in the same sentence? At the least have mercy on the stand up comedians and stop trying to snatch their living hood!
Although Pakistan has suggested it might shift towards China and forsake its ties to Washington, Chinese officials have reached an understanding in secret talks with US representatives that Beijing would raise no objections if the United States opted to secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons, said the report, citing unnamed US sources.
Interesting to see that even Chinese have abandoned Pakistan.
Interesting to see that even Chinese have abandoned Pakistan.

LOL, and where is the evidence of what was said in those "secret talks"? :lol:

This is just a wet dream for Indians. Meanwhile in the real world, Chinese firms and engineers are all over Pakistan, as well as our highest politicians.
LOL, and where is the evidence of what was said in those "secret talks"? :lol:

This is just a wet dream for Indians. Meanwhile in the real world, Chinese firms and engineers are all over Pakistan, as well as our highest politicians.

But did you bother to check the link,AFP is not an Indian source.
Who knows they could be using a truck like this to transport their nukes:

These kinds of western wet dreams are not going to end but only in their ludicrous words. Most probably US's own history of nuclear safety is a big question mark.
then who gives clearance to the COAS? SPD?

Does the Chairman, DG of SPD have clearance for going on visits like this, does he know?

Every 1 know where is AQ Labs but dere is an another Deptt who deals da rest like SPD may b its SPD.......
i think v shouldn't talk on dis....................................
^^most probably the van in question is a figment of a bored journalist's imagination.
These are not "bored journalists". These guys are at the top of their profession, experienced in working in Pakistan, and widely respected. Goldberg, for example, spent weeks at the same madrassa that reared Mullah Omar, served in the Israeli Army and befriended Palestinians, interviewed A.Q. Khan after Pakistan exploded its first nuclear bombs, and traveled to Cuba last year to listen to Fidel Castro at the dictator's own request. No one cognizant of these things is going to believe an ad hominem attack against them.
Author of this latest fairy tale against Pakistan -->> Jeffery Goldberg

Its always some sh!t-berg , sh!t-stien , some veevee some lavini or Lavi , lavin etc etc that is spouting this type of garbage , and ofcourse due to trauma suffered in 1947 indians are happy about any brick thrown at Pakistan.

bit OT : All these people are from the same cabal that was chased out of europe due to their own rotten ways and they changed their names but some names are still a give away as to who these people are and what's their background. The financial crisis in europe is also also their handy work
Pakistan rejects reports of nuclear insecurity
By Reuters
Published: November 6, 2011
Pakistan on Sunday dismissed an article in a US magazine that called it an “ally from hell” for Washington and raised questions about the safety of its nuclear arsenal and commitment to fighting militancy.
A statement from Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs termed the cover story of The Atlantic’s December 2011 issue “pure fiction, baseless and motivated.”
“The surfacing of such campaigns is not something new. It is orchestrated by quarters that are inimical to Pakistan,” the statement said.
Writers Jeffrey Goldberg and Marc Ambinder wrote that Pakistan is “an obvious place” for militants to seek nuclear weapons or materials because of a weak government and infiltration of its security forces by jihadist sympathisers.
But Pakistan, the article said, is more concerned about American designs on its nuclear arsenal and goes to great lengths to conceal its weapons.
The United States has spent almost $100 million helping secure Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, and appropriated almost $20 billion in civilian and military aid since the Sept 11, 2001 attacks in a bid to secure Pakistan’s allegiance in the US-led war in neighbouring Afghanistan .
The article said US officials have grown increasingly disenchanted with Pakistan efforts to root out sympathisers on its territory, particularly after the May 2 raid by American special forces that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a town about two hours outside of Islamabad home to the country’s premier military academy.
Since then, Pakistan fears that the Pentagon plans similar raids to forcibly “de-nuclearize” it.
The authors, citing unnamed sources, said those fears are valid.
The article details contingency plans involving hundreds of US commandos specially trained in securing weapons of mass destruction who would swoop in and disable or seize Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal in the event of the collapse of the state or a jihadist coup.
That fear explains perhaps the most startling allegation: that Pakistani authorities transport assembled nuclear weapons in civilian vans without heavy security, moving in regular traffic to avoid being noticed.
This, the authors said, makes Pakistan’s nuclear weapons “vulnerable to theft by jihadists,” compromising security in a country where numerous militant organizations of various stripes are believed to be headquartered.
The Pakistani statement rejected these fears. “No one should underestimate Pakistan’s will and capability to defend its sovereignty, territorial integrity and national interests.”
It is not just Pakistan’s weak institutions that worry the US, the article said. Its powerful military and intelligence agency, the directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), actively aid militants. ”
The Pakistani government has wilfully misled the US for more than 20 years about its support for terrorist organisations,” wrote Goldberg and Ambinder.
The US has increased pressure in recent months on Pakistan to act against militant groups in its territory, especially the Haqqani militant network that has launched brazen attacks against US and other targets in Afghanistan.
Washington says the Haqqani network is based in Pakistan’s North Waziristan along the border with Afghanistan. The former chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, admiral Mike Mullen, said in September that the Haqqani group is a “veritable arm” of the ISI.
The tensions have complicated the outlook as the Obama administration pushes ahead with plans to draw down troops and hand security control to Afghan forces by the end of 2014.
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