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Pakistan rejects reports of nuclear insecurity

I note that all attempts to post the original Atlantic story have been deleted and the denunciations of it are hotly repeated yet empty of content. This is an indication to me of the story's essential veracity.

Pakistanis, you should know that you're in deep doo-doo when both agreeing with a story exposing Pakistan and disagreeing with a story exposing Pakistan have become equally anti-Pakistani acts.
What attracts more attention.. A single rundown Rikshaw.. or a Mercedes motorcade?
Pakistan's nuclear safeguards are of a very high standard, and are much more than just deception.
These "hype" articles are typical of media manipulation before a large election move.

Though i agree with your post but multiple layers of security doesn't mean motorcade but sophisticated monitoring of the vehicle and its package. Since the distance travelled is less (my wild imagination) road side by monitoring can also be in place with stand by assets for that period of time some where else.
These are not "bored journalists". These guys are at the top of their profession, experienced in working in Pakistan, and widely respected. Goldberg, for example, spent weeks at the same madrassa that reared Mullah Omar, served in the Israeli Army and befriended Palestinians, interviewed A.Q. Khan after Pakistan exploded its first nuclear bombs, and traveled to Cuba last year to listen to Fidel Castro at the dictator's own request. No one cognizant of these things is going to believe an ad hominem attack against them.

Impressive credentials but one cannot help but question the authenticity of this article as it is full of B.S. Basic research will reveal that the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons is very impressive and there are multiple layers of security to avoid any mishap. There is no proof that Mr. Goldberg knows an ounce of info regarding the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons, the Strategic Command keeps a tight lit over any information and there are very few trusted individuals in Pakistan whom are aware of the location of these weapons.

Chances of Taliban defeating a brigade strength force is next to nill and for arguments sake if they do manage to capture a nuclear weapon, what exactly are they going to do with it since they wouldn't have the launch codes. Thus, these authors are doing no one any favour by fabricating this false info and publishing it in the newspaper. This is what i call irresponsible journalism, raising an alarm over nothing. Reminds me of the Iraq War where articles after articles were being published by well respect authors stating that Iraq had WMD's, we all know what the end result was.
I take it by these responses that Pakistanis are telling me that (1) "the Big Lie" still works in their country and (2) they are keen on perpetuating it.

Americans are the liars remember WMD in Iraq. Back on topic western propagand that their nkes are safe and pakistani nukes are not reeks of racism, jealousy and self denial on their part
For the stupid Atlantic article, the author is Jeff Goldberg.... more lies explanation and old fake pictures in the article.

Jeff Goldberg is a former Israeli prison guard and Israel firster. They see nukes behind every stone to not bring the safety of the Israelis nukes in question. Let us first find out whether Israel nukes are safe or not. These guys have strange notions too. They think nukes can be moved on Camel back and Pakistan only has camels for transportation system. I am surprised that instead of showing who is writing the article, the Pak FO defends itself from the absurd assertions. by Peter

I note that all attempts to post the original Atlantic story have been deleted and the denunciations of it are hotly repeated yet empty of content. This is an indication to me of the story's essential veracity.

Pakistanis, you should know that you're in deep doo-doo when both agreeing with a story exposing Pakistan and disagreeing with a story exposing Pakistan have become equally anti-Pakistani acts.

If there is only ONE thing in Pakistan that can be relied upon, it is the security of the nuclear weapons. It would be quixotic for anyone to use a perceived lack of security to advocate taking the weapons "out".
If there is only ONE thing in Pakistan that can be relied upon, it is the security of the nuclear weapons. It would be quixotic for anyone to use a perceived lack of security to advocate taking the weapons "out".

Solomon2 knows Pakistan like the back of his hand. Thats why he is a dab hand at speaking with the immense internal knowledge of Pakistan internal nuke movement.
Have to agree Pakistan is good extremely good when it comes to security of nuclear weapons. Im glad we got that out of the way - so our neighbors will be be abke to have a good sleep tonight!:enjoy:
I assume, this is what they see:

This thread is very valuable. One sees just which Pakistanis are willing to evaluate information squarely and which simply respond by reflex. Clearly the decision to meet proofs and allegations with mirrored denunciations and outright denials has been a Pakistani policy for at least thirty years and is something passed down through the education system.

The social pressures of such a thing is explosive. Even external war won't be sufficient to overcome them - there will always be someone willing to knife you in the back at home, yet if you retain enough strength to guard your rear you risk yielding the offensive to someone else and eventually surrendering your own leadership, at best becoming little more than a figurehead at home. The Romans were plagued by this sort of thing. Conversion to Christianity was only a partial cure to their illnesses.
This thread is very valuable. One sees just which Pakistanis are willing to evaluate information squarely and which simply respond by reflex. Clearly the decision to meet proofs and allegations with mirrored denunciations and outright denials has been a Pakistani policy for at least thirty years and is something passed down through the education system.

Whom do you expect to believe this BS and crap article ? The author seems to be devoid of rational thinking and merely writing under the influence ...
Gullible and propaganda fed Americans may believe it ( the same way they thought that Iraq has nukes ) but dont expect us to ... :no:
Whom do you expect to believe this BS and crap article ?
A lot of people, apparently, or else the more damning sections would be more extensively quoted in Pakistan's media.

The author seems to be devoid of rational thinking and merely writing under the influence ...
If Castro had thought Goldberg was "under the influence" of alcohol or an intelligence service he would never have invited Goldberg to Havana, would he?

Gullible and propaganda fed Americans may believe it ( the same way they thought that Iraq has nukes ) but dont expect us to ... :no:
Secur, the U.S. Congress had at least a dozen reasons to invade Iraq in 2003 link. But the only one you remember is nukes. Such thinking is likely the product of Pakistani propaganda, not American, wouldn't you say?

Gullible and propaganda fed Pakistanis believe almost anything, it seems. That's what's been coming back to bite you the past few years. Unless you change course sharply, it's going to get worse - and since that course change isn't happening at the top, isn't it going to have to start at the bottom - with you?
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