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Pakistan rejects Panetta's comments on militant safe havens

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you said better than me actually and thanks for that. those who know me, know that too that when I engage in a debate with someone it is as a fellow PDF member.

I was indeed imploring the Indians who are ever so keen to show their support for a "select few" in Balochistan and also select few in Afghanistan. but since American atrocities have not discriminated among the different ethnic groups I wondered why I missed any sign of support or even a regret over the loss of Afghan lives at the hands of Americans due to some "isolated incidents" that have been on regular bases lately

wrong answer my dear :disagree:

read my post again that you quoted.

oh wait never mind. dont worry about it

we understand :azn:

Well, will catch up after the weekend.

Time to break off.
I don't completely agree on this, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions
did you see how my fellow Indians have responded?
as expected they have turned the discussion to myself now.

I asked so show me if even one of them has, for once, condemned the criminal acts by the individual and group of American soldiers on the Afghan civilians, including, young and old, women and children?

how smartly they bypass that and remind me that I am a mod, wow good going

still waiting for the answer, sane debate was requested so I started with a simple question aimed at them due to ever so present interest of Indians as web-warriors and their government as Afghan saviors & well wishers.

Right! So here you go, I will prove how immature your argument is and how wrong you are about Indians..


here is my take on the the drones issue:


These are just from one thread our good moderator, please read more threads from your own forums, will help you..

Don't put yourself in the firing line, however it's another thing that getting exposed tends to send a shiver down one's spine and bitter truth often :)
I have posted some links to debunk what our good moderator has suggested, would like you to go through, its only one thread..
right :yahoo:
why not even once you guys have condemned the brutal treatment of civilians by the Americans?
why not ever you guys have said a single word of condemnation over the night raids, their kill teams, the burning of Quran and continued bombing of the civilians?

Here is the thing. Every coin has 2 sides. As civilians have been killed during raids, so have they been killed by insurgents. Afghanistan clearly is a war-zone, which, will have casualties. Especially, since you have COIN operations going on. Our strategic interest in that country is long term, prevent it from being a breeding ground for terrorists. Hence, we restrict our role to anything except military intervention. This policy requires us to shut our traps and work towards building bridges with the Afghans. At the same time, we know NATO/US is not going to run away from there completely anytime soon. You will not find Indian foreign policy makers comment on any happening, anywhere in the globe unless its detrimental to our strategic interests. If it does not concern us immediately, do not respond. We do not comment on Afghanistan, Balochistan, Kurdistan or any of the rest. We have learnt, we do not want to be part of this. The one time we did make a comment was Gaza. A Quran was going to be burnt by some American pastor, do you want us to comment on that. Some loony somewhere is always going to be burning something which is against someone. There are night raids and kill teams all over the planet. Why should we be commenting on anything? Think about it. We do not comment on anything what happens in Balochistan or Tibet. These are going on in countries which many believe to be on the opposing side as us. Now, when we do not comment here, why should we comment anywhere else?

We are not the torch-bearers of any country, nor do we have a want for the same, if it does not suit us. Our friendship with Afghanistan is to ensure that country develops and has a basic infrastructure up to grow up from there. We only want to set up the foundation from where Afghans can then govern their own place. Commenting on foreign policy is not what we are there for.
indian members are frustrated so see that even after 10 years of indian cheer leading america has been unable to do any significant damage to Pakistan and Pakistan retains its nuclear deterrent which is capable of hitting india in matter of minutes.
Pakistan has held america at bay for a decade , whenever they tried ground incursions they were effectivly stopped from doing so and they did try it more than once.
Pakistan is the only country to have kicked out americans from its soil by removing them from Shamsi airbase.
This corrupt Govt. has already damaged Pakistan a lot & things have never been this bad for Pakistan. No food, no water, no gas, no electricity, no petrol, corruption on the top etc. US needs to be cut off from Pakistan completely & for good. No more US.
Cool it dude! If you push the Yanks to the brink, they'll stop all your aid packages from the IMF, World Bank etc. No prizes for guessing what would then happen.

If you guys think you can bank on China to bail you out economically, you are sadly mistaken. The last time you wanted aid amounting to $7 billion, the Chinese refused and you had to beg the IMF for it. They gave it to you but imposed severe conditions.

During the 1960s, Pakistan was seen as a model of economic development around the world, and there was much praise for its economic progression. By October 2007, Pakistan raised back its Foreign Reserves to $16.4 billion. Exceptional policies kept Pakistan's trade deficit controlled at $13 billion, exports boomed to $18 billion, revenue generation increased to become $13 billion and attracted foreign investment of $8.4 billion.


For starters, the War on Terror has created great instability and led to a decline in FDI from a height of approximately $8 bn to $3.5bn for the current fiscal year. Concurrently, the insurgency has forced massive capital flight from Pakistan to the Gulf.

Then there's the State policy of funding terror groups which have now run amok creating an uncertain environment in the country.

Thirdly, the economy has been bled to death by a so called 'arms race' with India. Pakistan has now the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world, never mind the doctrine of minimum deterrence. It has almost ten times more than what it really needs, diverting much needed funds from development and poverty alleviation.

Lastly, Pakistan has suffered from unending internal political disputes that have resulted in policy paralysis.

Whether or not Pakistan is accused of helping the Haqqani network for achieving the so called Strategic Depth doctrine, the reality is that you can only go thus far and no further where the US is concerned. Pushing them too hard will hurt not the US, but Pakistan in the long term.
indian members are frustrated so see that even after 10 years of indian cheer leading america has been unable to do any significant damage to Pakistan and Pakistan retains its nuclear deterrent which is capable of hitting india in matter of minutes.
Pakistan has held america at bay for a decade , whenever they tried ground incursions they were effectivly stopped from doing so and they did try it more than once.
Pakistan is the only country to have kicked out americans from its soil by removing them from Shamsi airbase.

They don't need to carry out ground incursions. They carry out air incursions. This is after your Parliament saying they should not do this. They carried out a special operation in your country and got out. They got Raymond Davis out. They are violating your airspace even today.

The funny thing about Shamsi is that they were actually there, not you kicking them out. Your airforce base, in your country, used by another country to bomb your own citizens. It does not get sadder than this.
Because as a moderator you can troll

While someone else putting his point across via cartoons gets an infraction.

You guys need to loosen up and not take yourselves so seriously.

Would do wonders for your credibility! :)

Have a great weekend.

No infraction Jammer?

Aaah, you're Pakistani.


You can post all the cartoons to your hearts content, for nationals who believe in running with rabbits and hunting with hounds, i am certain life is a Disney.
You can post all the cartoons to your hearts content, for nationals who believe in running with rabbits and hunting with hounds, i am certain life is a Disney.
did you read the links I posted? If not why since you advised me that I run the risk of getting exposed.. If yes, why did you not respond?
The war started against Al Quaida, turned to Taliban and now to Haqqani....US is chasing an invisible enemy much like Soviet Union was during the cold war and this will take US down the drain!
The war started against Al Quaida, turned to Taliban and now to Haqqani....US is chasing an invisible enemy much like Soviet Union was during the cold war and this will take US down the drain!

Al Quida = Taliban = Haqqani = Islamic extremism/terrorism

Its the same enemy, just different names.. US has just realized this ahead of rest of the western world..
As against what even the moderators think I am. I am asking you logically that his contention is that though it was a blunder, which I agree he may not, he was found hiding in a place where the drones indeed have been able to kill some high-value targets. So why not clean that area and other like them? After all it's in Pakistan's interest to do that too, isin't it?

So according to you it is only Pakistan's duty to cover up a super power's blunders.

If that blunder wasn't intentional. Sorry that doesn't seem to be an appealing job for any country including Pakistan.
Stop being stupid, pictures like these are taken to make things appear differently
This US general ( Peteraus ) got prostate cancer , the screening for which requires the doctor to insert his finger up the back orifice to check the prostate gland , how about some one post a picture of that showing that to be what happened next.
Get a life you stupid Indian looser, twitch and turn and burn away , Pakistan has defeated indian designs.
Pakistan cannot defeat the drones killing its own people, come back and say this when you defeat the drones..
We'd rather burn in anguish, than our cities and marketplaces burn.

Looks like a good justification for a decades old Maoist violence. :rolleyes:
So according to you it is only Pakistan's duty to cover up a super power's blunders.

If that blunder wasn't intentional. Sorry that doesn't seem to be an appealing job for any country including Pakistan.

You guys have been carrying a lot more that what is required, training jihadis and what not also allowing the drones to kill innocent civilians. Why keep doing it, dint you guys have had enough? If yes then what is stopping you to shoot down some drones?
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