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Pakistan rejects Panetta's comments on militant safe havens

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You guys have been carrying a lot more that what is required, training jihadis and what not also allowing the drones to kill innocent civilians. Why keep doing it, dint you guys have had enough? If yes then what is stopping you to shoot down some drones?

Huh. I am not talking about drones. I was talking about that "mistake" that according to you Uncle Sam committed. Why shouldn't Uncle Sam take the blame for that jail break?
with his open mouth, is he trying to explain how Al Libbi was able to (or allowed to) escape from American custody after Pakistan actually has captured and handed over to them?

Sometimes letting a captured rabbit go leads the hunter straight to the family burrow.
pakistan and usa made afghanistan, the mess it is now......... now usa is just clearing up the mess and its ur duty to clear it too... pakistan is getting the taste of its own medicine... once the americans leave afghanistan i bet pakistan will start funding taliban again.......... coz that keeps the pakistans biggest industry alive i.e "WAR"

We did what was good for us. And we will do what would be good for us. In any case whether Afghanistan is in mess or it is another Singapore we would make sure it shouldn't harm our state like it used to do before Taliban and that's what we will pursue for. If it goes through funding of Taliban then be it.

Moron - that is me in the avatar
. We have fair Indians as well.

Good for you. Looks like my comment about father wasn't that irrelevant and useless after all. ;)
Pakistan cannot defeat the drones killing its own people, come back and say this when you defeat the drones..

Pakistan has defeated the broader attacks against its interests.
In Military and strategic terms the murderous and illegal drone attacks are needle pricks which make big headlines and cause political upheavals but they don’t have much impact on Pakistan's ability to take down india :azn:
Good for you. Looks like my comment about father wasn't that irrelevant and useless after all. ;)

That's all right man. He conveys his respects to your mother. :)

Just got back..


May I suggest both of you take a smoke/ cold drink/ beer break and dont get personal.

It isnt necessary to have the last word all the time. You'll only end up hurting each other for no avail.

My two cents.
Good for you. Looks like my comment about father wasn't that irrelevant and useless after all. ;)

By your this logic, you are implying that all fair skinned Pakistanis have their ancestral links with Caucasians.. :woot:

Really ?? do you want to go there???
This is getting hilarious !!

I hope the mods see it this way .
I still can't understand why someone is pissed about some random comments about someone on an online forum. May be there are other "reasons" as well.;)

Personally I dont care what anyone calls Panetta on this forum (and am sure neither does he).. My surprise was on the source of that comment..
Huh. I am not talking about drones. I was talking about that "mistake" that according to you Uncle Sam committed. Why shouldn't Uncle Sam take the blame for that jail break?
does it matter if they accept it except to give you satisfaction of achieving something when there is nothing to be satisfied about the whole affair?
Actually its your "daddy" who's usually guiding Panetta uncle.


As Third Eye asked. It is time to end this.

Your post were too informative for Pakistani members in more ways than one. :D

It is time to end discussion with happy clown.


created by Israeli who angered at Panetta.
US is not only attacking your country it has destroyed your reputation around the world, how much do you want to loose for a neighbor who doesn't give a damn....

hahaha US has destroyed its own reputation by showing the world what its made up of through Abu Gahriab , Sgt Bales ( child killer ) , Steven Green ( child rapist ) , urinating marines and also with dumping of dead US servicemen in land fills.
US has destroyed its own economy through a decade of war.

As a result today Pakistan can piss in the face of Leon Panetta , perhaps this was not possible ten years ago
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