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Pakistan rejects Panetta's comments on militant safe havens

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I agree so much now, looking at his face now I realize that he indeed was a mistake of his parents.

Wonder why we cannot keep our comments & views professional & where is the need to get personal.

No offence meant but when Moderators comment in this manner what can we expect from the young 'uns.

I have no time for Panetta but only an outsiders interest in keeping things sane & professional.
Mistakes do happen. But here the one who committed mistake is blaming others for his mistakes or shall I say blunders.

In case if that really was a mistake.
As against what even the moderators think I am. I am asking you logically that his contention is that though it was a blunder, which I agree he may not, he was found hiding in a place where the drones indeed have been able to kill some high-value targets. So why not clean that area and other like them? After all it's in Pakistan's interest to do that too, isin't it?
WASHINGTON: Suicides are surging among America’s troops, averaging nearly one a day this year, the fastest pace in the nation’s decade of war.**

The 154 suicides for active-duty troops in the first 155 days of the year far outdistance the US forces killed in action in Afghanistan, about 50 per cent more, according to Pentagon statistics obtained by The Associated Press.

The numbers reflect a military burdened with wartime demands from Iraq and Afghanistan that have taken a greater toll than foreseen a decade ago. The military also is struggling with increased sexual assaults, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and other misbehavior.

Because suicides had leveled off in 2010 and 2011, this year’s upswing has caught some officials by surprise.

The reasons for the increase are not fully understood. Among explanations, studies have pointed to combat exposure, post-traumatic stress, misuse of prescription medications and personal financial problems.

Army data suggest soldiers with multiple combat tours are at greater risk of committing suicide, although a substantial proportion of Army suicides are committed by soldiers who never deployed.

The unpopular war in Afghanistan is winding down with the last combat troops scheduled to leave at the end of 2014.

But this year has seen record numbers of soldiers being killed by Afghan troops, and there also have been several scandals involving US troop misconduct.

The 2012 active-duty suicide total of 154 through June 3 compares to 130 in the same period last year, an 18 per cent increase. And it’s more than the 136.2 suicides that the Pentagon had projected for this period based on the trend from 2001-2011.

This year’s January-May total is up 25 per cent from two years ago, and it is 16 per cent ahead of the pace for 2009, which ended with the highest yearly total thus far.

Suicide totals have exceeded US combat deaths in Afghanistan in earlier periods, including for the full years 2008 and 2009.

The suicide pattern varies over the course of a year, but in each of the past five years the trend through May was a reliable predictor for the full year, according to a chart based on figures provided by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner.

The numbers are rising among the 1.4 million active-duty military personnel despite years of effort to encourage troops to seek help with mental health problems.

Many in the military believe that going for help is seen as a sign of weakness and thus a potential threat to advancement.

Kim Ruocco, widow of Marine Maj. John Ruocco, a helicopter pilot who hanged himself in 2005 between Iraq deployments, said he was unable to bring himself to go for help.

“He was so afraid of how people would view him once he went for help,” she said in an interview at her home in suburban Boston.

“He thought that people would think he was weak, that people would think he was just trying to get out of redeploying or trying to get out of service, or that he just couldn’t hack it – when, in reality, he was sick. He had suffered injury in combat and he had also suffered from depression and let it go untreated for years. And because of that, he’s dead today.”

Ruocco is currently director of suicide prevention programs for the military support organization Tragedy Assistance Programs, or Taps.

Jackie Garrick, head of a newly established Defense Suicide Prevention Office at the Pentagon, said in an interview Thursday that the suicide numbers this year are troubling.

“We are very concerned at this point that we are seeing a high number of suicides at a point in time where we were expecting to see a lower number of suicides,” she said, adding that the weak US economy may be confounding preventive efforts even as the pace of military deployments eases.

Dr Stephen N Xenakis, a retired Army brigadier general and a practicing psychiatrist, said the suicides reflect the level of tension as the US eases out of Afghanistan though violence continues.

“It’s a sign in general of the stress the Army has been under over the 10 years of war,” he said in an interview.

“We’ve seen before that these signs show up even more dramatically when the fighting seems to go down and the Army is returning to garrison.”

The military services have set up confidential telephone hotlines, placed more mental health specialists on the battlefield, added training in stress management, invested more in research on mental health risk and taken other measures.

The suicide numbers began surging in 2006. They soared in 2009 and then leveled off before climbing again this year.

The statistics include only active-duty troops, not veterans who returned to civilian life after fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan. Nor does the Pentagon’s tally include non-mobilized National Guard or Reserve members, part-time troops who normally divide time between civilian life and military services.
Suicides are surging among US troops | DAWN.COM

They need to address to their failures and frustrations first. Have they controlled all talibans of Afghanistan, if they themselves with an alliance of nations cannot control them, then must not blame others. Pakistan is doing whatever it can do, it is Pakistan who has massively suffered in WOT. Definitely PA would address terrorists according to own priority.
I have no time for Panetta but only an outsiders interest in keeping things sane & professional.

right :yahoo:

ever wondered why Taliban are gaining support among the Afghan population?
wondered why even the nonPashton are fed up with the occupation forces after seeing their young ones killed as a game by the American soldiers?

keeping the discussion sane, explain to me that gradual hostility and regual protests against the occupation forces in Kabul and Kandhar are due to clueless American policies and the way the loonies like Panetta are running this war or is it also Pakistan's fault that Afghans react when they see their loved ones shot at point blank and then burnt, their body parts collected as trophies, their religious books desecrated and their privacy & women humiliated in night raids is the main cause?

you Indians claim to be true friends of Afhganistan,
I want to know

why not even once you guys have condemned the brutal treatment of civilians by the Americans?
why not ever you guys have said a single word of condemnation over the night raids, their kill teams, the burning of Quran and continued bombing of the civilians?


right :yahoo:

ever wondered why Taliban are gaining support among the Afghan population?
wondered why even the nonPashton are fed up with the occupation forces after seeing their young ones killed as a game by the American soldiers?

keeping the discussion sane, explain to me that gradual hostility and regual protests against the occupation forces in Kabul and Kandhar are due to clueless American policies and the way the loonies like Panetta are running this war or is it also Pakistan's fault that Afghans react when they see their loved ones shot at point blank and then burnt, their body parts collected as trophies, their religious books desecrated and their privacy & women humiliated in night raids is the main cause?

you Indians claim to be true friends of Afhganistan,
I want to know

why not even once you guys have condemned the brutal treatment of civilians by the Americans?
why not ever you guys have said a single word of condemnation over the night raids, their kill teams, the burning of Quran and continued bombing of the civilians?

I couldn't agree more. You seem to have missed the trees for the woods.

My remarks were limited to the ' mistake' of his parents. Had you been a lesser mortal like me one would have laughed it away.

Now you are elevated and will be emulated.

As regards the rest, blast away.
right :yahoo:

ever wondered why Taliban are gaining support among the Afghan population?
wondered why even the nonPashton are fed up with the occupation forces after seeing their young ones killed as a game by the American soldiers?

keeping the discussion sane, explain to me that gradual hostility and regual protests against the occupation forces in Kabul and Kandhar are due to clueless American policies and the way the loonies like Panetta are running this war or is it also Pakistan's fault that Afghans react when they see their loved ones shot at point blank and then burnt, their body parts collected as trophies, their religious books desecrated and their privacy & women humiliated in night raids is the main cause?

you Indians claim to be true friends of Afhganistan,
I want to know

why not even once you guys have condemned the brutal treatment of civilians by the Americans?
why not ever you guys have said a single word of condemnation over the night raids, their kill teams, the burning of Quran and continued bombing of the civilians?
I see your frustration is with Indians, good going mod!

And if I understand correctly you are pointing to all the Indian members right?

did you see how my fellow Indians have responded?
as expected they have turned the discussion to myself now.

I asked to show me if even one of them has, for once, condemned the criminal acts by the individual and group of American soldiers on the Afghan civilians, including, young and old, women and children?

how smartly they bypass that and remind me that I am a mod, wow good going

still waiting for the answer, sane debate was requested so I started with a simple question aimed at them due to ever so present interest of Indians as web-warriors and their government as Afghan saviors & well wishers.
Talking will not do any good this time because time has changed now for Pakistan, Pakistan needs to act & they need to take major steps to show US that they are the boss around here. It is time that Pakistan shuts US Embassy & US consulates in Pakistan who are the main cause of terror & chaos in Pakistan.

This corrupt Govt. has already damaged Pakistan a lot & things have never been this bad for Pakistan. No food, no water, no gas, no electricity, no petrol, corruption on the top etc. you name it & this Govt. has done it all. PPP should be eliminated from Pakistan. US needs to be cut off from Pakistan completely & for good. No more US.
I see your frustration is with Indians, good going mod!

And if I understand correctly you are pointing to all the Indian members right?

Don't put yourself in the firing line, however it's another thing that getting exposed tends to send a shiver down one's spine and bitter truth often hurts. :)
did you see how my fellow Indians have responded?
as expected they have turned the discussion to myself now.

I asked so show me if even one of them has, for once, condemned the criminal acts by the individual and group of American soldiers on the Afghan civilians, including, young and old, women and children?

how smartly they bypass that and remind me that I am a mod, wow good going

still waiting for the answer, sane debate was requested so I started with a simple question aimed at them due to ever so present interest of Indians as web-warriors and their government as Afghan saviors & well wishers.

To most, it is a war that Pak has brought upon itself of its own choice and willingly too. A self inflicted injury.

Control the tribal areas yourself ( if you can) and the Drones possibly will stop. If you cannot then retaliate or lump it .

So long as things were going the Pak way and Mush downward every one was creaming off the milk it was fine. Never mind that OBL was found inside Pak, never mind that the Doc who exposed / found him is behind bars for 33 years.

One can appreciate the sense of anger at the Salala incident and while Pak seeks an apology form the US ( without giving one to BD) yet it has not apologised for not being able to find or know that OBL was living within itself - wives kids and all.

.. and Yes , from a moderator one expects a minimum level of sanity in the quality of posts. Making remarks like ' parents mistake' are unbecoming of a moderator.
Don't put yourself in the firing line, however it's another thing that getting exposed tends to send a shiver down one's spine and bitter truth often hurts. :)

you said better than me actually and thanks for that. those who know me, know that too that when I engage in a debate with someone it is as a fellow PDF member.

I was indeed imploring the Indians who are ever so keen to show their support for a "select few" in Balochistan and also select few in Afghanistan. but since American atrocities have not discriminated among the different ethnic groups I wondered why I missed any sign of support or even a regret over the loss of Afghan lives at the hands of Americans due to some "isolated incidents" that have been on regular bases lately

To most, it is a war that Pak has brought upon itself of its own choice and willingly too. A self inflicted injury.

Control the tribal areas yourself ( if you can) and the Drones possibly will stop. If you cannot then retaliate or lump it .

So long as things were going the Pak way and Mush downward every one was creaming off the milk it was fine. Never mind that OBL was found inside Pak, never mind that the Doc who exposed / found him is behind bars for 33 years.

One can appreciate the sense of anger at the Salala incident and while Pak seeks an apology form the US ( without giving one to BD) yet it has not apologised for not being able to find or know that OBL was living within itself - wives kids and all.

.. and Yes , from a moderator one expects a minimum level of sanity in the quality of posts. Making remarks like ' parents mistake' are unbecoming of a moderator.

wrong answer my dear :disagree:

read my post again that you quoted.

oh wait never mind. dont worry about it

we understand :azn:
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