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Pakistan rejects Indian remarks on GB elections

Even if I were to believe what you said is true, it does not mean anything like say - Poeple in J&K have been regularly voting for last 60 years and still pakistan does not accept them, how do you expect us to accept your elections in GB.
Dont accept dude. I don't insist.
Well, I don't understand the obsession behind this land grab thing since partition happened.
If my friend people had answer for that then fanatics at both sides would not spend their nights planning on how to nuke each other...

GB has always been an integral part of Pakistan. There was no such argle-bargle at the time of demarcation too. How come it's integral part of India -- the J&K?

Then seems you have missed some history....here is the map of J&K....see where is gilgit located...Hopefully now you can make sense of what MEA if talking about..

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gilget baltistan are not a part of kashmir and jammu historicly they was not a part of maharaja's kashmir.any way now gilgit baltistan are our areas what we have to do we know well indians just stay in there home and play with BD SL NEPALE inside issues.
gilget baltistan are not a part of kashmir and jammu historicly they was not a part of maharaja's kashmir.
hmmmmm...would you mind sharing some links on this?? I would like to educate myself(though i will google on my own as well)

any way now gilgit baltistan are our areas what we have to do we know well indians just stay in there home and play with BD SL NEPALE inside issues.

Sir.. the point is if you got to make hue and cry about disputed territories otherwise you yourself are weakening your claims...It was a statement made by MEA rejected by PAK...few days back a similar issue was raised by Pak envoy in UN which was rejected by India...so ignore it and chillax...
Here's an indian view point...

Gilgit-Baltistan: India must speak up

Despite our obsession with Pakistan, official and political India have not yet reacted to Islamabad's latest political move that has serious implications for India's very conception of its territoriality in Jammu and Kashmir.

In finally giving the so-called 'Northern Areas' a name, Gilgit-Baltistan, and offering the region a measure of political autonomy, Islamabad is promising to end the constitutional limbo that the region found itself in after the Partition and Pakistan's occupation of parts of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The question at the moment is not whether Islamabad will deliver on its promises to the long-oppressed people of Gilgit-Baltistan. It has been compelled to act amidst the growing unrest in the Northern Areas that has legal, political, ethnic, sectarian and geopolitical dimensions.

India, one would have thought, is obliged, by its claim for the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir, to affirm its locus standi with Gilgit-Baltistan at this important moment in its political evolution.

Gilgit-Baltistan: India must speak up
Some more news from "The Hindu"

The Hindu : News / International : Elections in Gilgit-Baltistan today

Here are key experts

India claims the territory as part of the Jammu & Kashmir state, and has lodged protests with Islamabad over the announcement of political reforms in the territory, which come close to giving it a province-like status without constitutionally declaring it as one.

Kashmiris have opposed the move, as they believe it is a tacit acceptance by the Pakistani government of the status quo on the Kashmir issue, and will undermine their cause.

Under the Gilgit-Baltistan (Empowerment and Self-governance) Order 2009 announced in September, the Legislative Assembly will replace the previous Northern Areas Legislative Council.
If you indians think Gilgit-Baltistan is yours why not hold referendum in Gilgit-Baltistan, India Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and Azad Kashmir and see how many people from those areas want to be indian and salute the tricolor indian flag with the wheel in the middle.

Never in the history of Pakistan did anyone in Gilgit-Baltistan salute an indian flag or say he/she wants to be indian and no one boycotted the elections in Gilgit-Baltistan, the same cant be said for elections that takes place in India Occuppied Kashmir.

We all seen pictures of Kashmiris saluting the Pakistani flag in India Occuppied Kashmir:


BBC NEWS | South Asia | What freedom means in Kashmir

No Pakistani would ever want to be indian be it a Pakistani from Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Gilgit, Baltistan, Islamabad, or Muzaffarabad.
Gilgit-Baltistan are part of Kingdom of Jammu and kashmir, J& is internal part of india and Gilgit and baltistan are illegally occupied by Pakistan, so India has every right to look into those affairs.

yep keep crying and cry even more when Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Kashmir celebrate Pakistan Day and 14th of August.
Gilgit-Baltistan are part of Kingdom of Jammu and kashmir, J& is internal part of india and Gilgit and baltistan are illegally occupied by Pakistan, so India has every right to look into those affairs.

hahahaa....funny...its India who occupied Jammu and kashmir not Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 06:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 AM ----------

Keep Pakistan. We may own the British empire soon :partay:

Dreams !!!!!
If my friend people had answer for that then fanatics at both sides would not spend their nights planning on how to nuke each other...

Then seems you have missed some history....here is the map of J&K....see where is gilgit located...Hopefully now you can make sense of what MEA if talking about..


Thanxs for the map, all place belongs to Pakistan.
India occupied till Srinagar and other areas, Look at Kashmir North, Muzzafrabad, Gilgit Wazara and till kargill (district of Ladakh) Pakistan have foots till there.
And the day is not far away when we will get back all our land(Inshallah).

Soon Government of Pakistan would be holding elections in Kupwara, Baramula, Badgam, Punch, Anantnag, Rajauri, Udhampur, Jammu, Srinagar,
Pulwama, Kargil, Doda, Kathua and Leh. (Inshallah)

Look at the different view of Gilgit & Baltistan, Azad Kashmir, Jamu and Kashmir.
I think this is a very good move of Pak Government.
Actually GB was never a part of the historic J&K, its just that, that territory was saved from Indian occupation by Pakistan when we saved the AJK territories too.

Anyway, our motive is simple... Conduct a plebiscite in all of Kashmir and you'll have the answer to it all.

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