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India rejects Organization of Islamic Cooperation's resolution on Jammu and Kashmir

Hence, the Ghazwa-e-Hind promised by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in favor of Muslim army, Khorasan army, currently pointing towards Pakistan.

Like i said before, the proof is in front of you as great mighty nations with such arrogrant have perished in the past for the same reasons as India is doing now. Basically, you are doing favor for Pakistan.

Because of your arrogrant pride over nationalism, you may lose what you have in the future, Allahu Alim.

Heed this; Pakistani border will extend all the way to POSWAN - less or more, Allahu Alim. Bookmark this for future.
yeah..keep dreaming on ur gwaze hind....lol .. never gonna happen....the way its going its look difficult for Muslim nation to survive another century....look around urself...u people are killing ur kind only...shias, Sunnis, ahmadis and otheres....

first think of ur nation to save from terrorism, and lack of infra, health care , illiteracy and other then think of Kashmir....
anyway even if u keep thinking of kashmir nothing gonna happen....Kashmir is indian...
Hence, the Ghazwa-e-Hind promised by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in favor of Muslim army, Khorasan army, currently pointing towards Pakistan.

Like i said before, the proof is in front of you as great mighty nations with such arrogrant have perished in the past for the same reasons as India is doing now. Basically, you are doing favor for Pakistan.

Because of your arrogrant pride over nationalism, you may lose what you have in the future, Allahu Alim.

Heed this; Pakistani border will extend all the way to POSWAN - less or more, Allahu Alim. Bookmark this for future.

What is this ghaswa business? something to do with ghaas aka grass? Like eating grass? Eating ghaas can cause gas - which seems to be the case with some posters here, or like that poor, half naked Hindu Baniya who said - ghaas phoos khaayenge, atim bum banaayenge.
OIC should be more worried about the issues around member nations and countries around them...... But then who cares?????
Wait and See. Enjoy the journey ahead. ;)

I think you are right - Pakistan Army has already started ghuswa in Waziristan, and may even capture Islamabad, as it has victoriously done in the past. I have beer and chips ready.
Well you are Indian you don't have Rights on PDF8-)8-) Look You are Knew to this Forum Spend Sometime You will Blend In here Easily And Will Use to Do Trolling Without getting yourself Ban:D:D

I am not here to get myself banned. I am here to air out my views without any prejudice. I have not never used any foul words, abused anybody nor I have attacked anybody’s religion . I have deleted my views but that will not change the ground realities in Balochistan.Let me tell u The problem of Balochistan is as old as the birth of Pakistan.The BLA militants are not playing any CHOR POLICE game right from 1947. Infact the situation has reached to a boiling point & the Baloch leaders are holding press conference,seminars in UK,Geneva exposing the Barbarian methods adopted by the Pakistani Army to suppress the Baloch voice.More & more balochis have picked up the gun followed by more violence,more unrest,more disappearances & more protest marches by Balochis. I am also witnessing the fact that in the last few years,Pakistan has stopped the practice of raising the Kashmir issue at all Assembly,foras & sumits,whic was not the case earlier when the Kashmir issue was raised everywhere blindly.It so happened when a European diplomat asked the Pakistani Ambassador at the UN about the Baloch insurgency. I would like to remind you about the Bangladesh movement in 1971.The Bengali Muslims picked up the gun in 1971 when they had enough of discrimination by West Pakistanis. The Bengali Muslims were more in number during 1947.

About the OIC,it has to prove its credibility. It should be a transparent & a neutral based organization,Here it is passing a resolution just to placate the Pakistanis. The OIC should not remain indifferent to the situation in Balochistan or give a Nelson’s eye. I can assure you that the Pakistani govt will create a hue & cry even if the Baloch voice is raised at the OIC summit,forget appointing any envoy to Balochistan, it will even go to the extend of revoking its OIC membership.
I think you are right - Pakistan Army has already started ghuswa in Waziristan, and may even capture Islamabad, as it has victoriously done in the past. I have beer and chips ready.
they may win gahzwa agiasnt Talib by defeinding Islamabad
as they did in 65 war with india and say THEY WON
note: i dont want talib to win.... just kill all Terrorrist / Mujahid / freedom fighters all have Same DNA of terrorism .
may PA win battle with glory for all humanity
Son I'm a Baluch and I know more about my country than you ... There are many Baluch posters to shut trolls like you n waz n others r kashmiris so much for your bs.

I am not here to score any brownie points nor I have fabricated or conjured any facts .U may be a Baloch,so what.The BLA militants are not playing any CHOR POLICE game right from 1947.They have not picked up the gun not for fun & frolic nor for any adventure.About the Indian involvement in Balochistan is out of question,was the Pakistani Govt sleeping(Hibernation) for all these years right from 1947. It is as if on one fine day,the government of Pakistan discovered the presence of Indian agents in Balochistan
The problem of Balochistan is as old as the birth of Pakistan.. More then 5 wars have been fought till now Infact the situation has reached to a boiling point & the Baloch leaders are holding press conference,seminars in UK,Geneva exposing the Barbarian methods adopted by the Pakistani Army to suppress the Baloch voice.More & more balochis have picked up the gun followed by more violence,more unrest,more disappearances & more protest marches by Balochis.

About the OIC,it has to prove its credibility. Here it is passing a resolution just to placate the Pakistanis. The OIC should not remain indifferent to the situation in Balochistan or give a Nelson’s eye. I can assure you that the Pakistani govt will create a hue & cry even if the Baloch voice is raised at the OIC summit,forget appointing any envoy.it will even go to the extend of revoking its OIC membership.
hahaha....why dont u hand over Azad Kashmir ...we will becomes best buddy then....:woot:

1. Why would you even want that to happen when the population there doesn't want you?
2. Don't you already have enough land mass??

I still don't get it.Why doesn't pakistan just let go of kashmir?we will become Good friends than

Even if we let Kashmir go, will Kashmiris accept that? Will they let us let go?
Muslim Countries should cooperate and should raise its voice in favor of Pakistan for Kashmir. There should be a global call for Jehad and it should be obligatory for each and every muslim to go for Jehad in Kashmir.Fisabilillah Fisabilillah Aljehad Aljehad.

The militants who were bread feed & nurtured by Pakistan’s ISI for strategic depth in Kashmir & Afghanistan have turned their guns on their masters(ISI). Have u forgotten the recent attacks by Uzbeb Militants on Karachi airport. What about the 500 deadly bomb blasts by TTP killing 30,000 ppl apart from destruction to property & infrastructure. There is no need for any Jehad anymore, we had already seen enough of that in Pakistan.what about the current operation against TTP in Wazirstan,why is the Pakistan Army driving the Militants away & pounding their hideouts.

Muslim countries should co operate first & raise their voice to solve the Baloch problem which has been going on right from 1947.More then 5 wars have been fought till now. What do u say.

Let me tell u The problem of Balochistan is as old as the birth of Pakistan.The BLA militants are not playing any CHOR POLICE game right from 1947. Infact the situation has reached to a boiling point & the Baloch leaders are holding press conference,seminars in UK,Geneva exposing the Barbarian methods adopted by the Pakistani Army to suppress the Baloch voice.More & more balochis have picked up the gun followed by more violence,more unrest,more disappearances & more protest marches by Balochis
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