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Pakistan records protest with Netherlands against blasphemous cartoon competition

There is logic...but you are incapable of understanding it and I won't waste my time on someone who does not know his reason for existence.

Don't worry about reason of my existence, be assured atleast it's not following something blindly, willing to die and kill for something that I don't even freaking know why :lol::lol:
Don't worry about reason of my existence, be assured atleast it's not following something blindly, willing to die and kill for something that I don't even freaking know why :lol::lol:
So what is the difference between you and the trash can...you both don't know your reason to exist.. But one thing..trash can is faaaarrrrr more useful than you...and more beautiful as well.
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So what is the difference between you and the trash can...you both don't your reason to exist.. But one thing..trash can is faaaarrrrr more useful than you...and more beautiful as well.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Triggered :lol::lol::lol::lol: are you crying over the keyboard too???:omghaha::omghaha:
Pakistan has summoned the Dutch charge d’affaires to protest about the Mohammed cartoon contest being organized by PVV leader Geert Wilders. ‘A strong protest was lodged on the announcement by the leader of the Dutch Freedom Party and parliamentarian, Geert Wilders, to hold a competition of blasphemous caricatures,’ Pakistan’s Tribune newspaper quoted the foreign affairs ministry as saying. ‘Deep concern was conveyed at this deliberate and malicious attempt to defame Islam.’ Pakistan’s ambassador in The Hague has also been urged to ‘forcefully raise the issue’ with the Dutch government along with ambassadors of OIC member states, the statement said. Wilders said in June he has already had over 200 entries for the contest. The winner will be chosen at an event in a secure part of the Dutch parliamentary complex, where PVV MPs are based, later this year, following clearance by the Dutch counter terrorism unit. Three years ago, parliament rejected Wilders’ plan to hold an exhibition of anti-Islam cartoons inside the complex, saying ‘exhibitions in parliament must focus on the role of parliament and should not offer a platform to party political statements or be controversial.


Defaming him will make him more famous.
Killing him will make him a legend and a hero
Tolerating him will not solve the problem.
Lets neutralize him.
Lets convert our disadvantage into an advantage.
Lets use this event to reach out people, even those who usually dont have any interest in hearing about Holy Prophet.
Lets use the same mediums to neutralize him.
Yeh roay ga usdin ko jis din yeh peda hoa tha.
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The West's lurch to the right is probably worse than India's lurch to the right. Governments shouldn't allow faiths to be mocked. Sometimes it inadvertently happens, and that should be forgiven if done in ignorance. But if deliberately done to mock and put down a religion it is wrong. Would they allow a display of Nazi art which showed Jews with long noses and other insulting caricatures? Of course not.

I am not a fan of religion. But such kind of faith mocking and insulting is downright guttural. I am surprised the Arab countries haven't summoned the Dutch Ambassador.
I am trying to get a logical answer in support of doing so. When Allah gave him a face and a figure, why human cant use it?
I don’t have answer. May be we are losing patience. Muhammad forgave those people who used to throw stones, insulted Him, abused Him, tourchered Him.He forgave them All. But people using some Sahaba hadees, When they beheaded the man who insulted Him.
If intention is good & positive for drawing Muhammad face as Peace Mission , people believes it as insult and order followers to behead them.
If they make this then according to freedom of speech we also should make some good cartoons on William the silent if they didn't stop them. Our media is not showing this:angry:
Not needed.. Only forward khadim hussain rizvi type molvies.to announce jehad against duch Nation.. Announce bounties to kill any duch citizens or there military persons in every corner of the world...just wait and see then.. Lol.. It will be freedom of expression not terrorism
I don’t have answer. May be we are losing patience. Muhammad forgave those people who used to throw stones, insulted Him, abused Him, tourchered Him.He forgave them All. But people using some Sahaba hadees, When they beheaded the man who insulted Him.
If intention is good & positive for drawing Muhammad face as Peace Mission , people believes it as insult and order followers to behead them.

Is there any verse from Quran which forbids doing so or its just his followers comes out with? I mean what is the source of this stand?
We are giving him the attention he wanted. If our govt really wanted to respond they should have lobbied with OIC for kicking their ambassadors out from all Muslim.countries or stay silent.. nobody care about this useless protest..
Pakistan has summoned the Dutch charge d’affaires to protest about the Mohammed cartoon contest being organized by PVV leader Geert Wilders. ‘A strong protest was lodged on the announcement by the leader of the Dutch Freedom Party and parliamentarian, Geert Wilders, to hold a competition of blasphemous caricatures,’ Pakistan’s Tribune newspaper quoted the foreign affairs ministry as saying. ‘Deep concern was conveyed at this deliberate and malicious attempt to defame Islam.’ Pakistan’s ambassador in The Hague has also been urged to ‘forcefully raise the issue’ with the Dutch government along with ambassadors of OIC member states, the statement said. Wilders said in June he has already had over 200 entries for the contest. The winner will be chosen at an event in a secure part of the Dutch parliamentary complex, where PVV MPs are based, later this year, following clearance by the Dutch counter terrorism unit. Three years ago, parliament rejected Wilders’ plan to hold an exhibition of anti-Islam cartoons inside the complex, saying ‘exhibitions in parliament must focus on the role of parliament and should not offer a platform to party political statements or be controversial.

What can we expect from nation result of illegal relation ships .Actually most of the west is pervert and result of incest and illegal progeny
The West's lurch to the right is probably worse than India's lurch to the right. Governments shouldn't allow faiths to be mocked. Sometimes it inadvertently happens, and that should be forgiven if done in ignorance. But if deliberately done to mock and put down a religion it is wrong. Would they allow a display of Nazi art which showed Jews with long noses and other insulting caricatures? Of course not.

I am not a fan of religion. But such kind of faith mocking and insulting is downright guttural. I am surprised the Arab countries haven't summoned the Dutch Ambassador.
When you make assertions without proof in the modern world, be ready to be mocked.
I would not mind being mocked if I kept professing my belief in a flying omnipotent turtle.
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