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Pakistan records protest with Netherlands against blasphemous cartoon competition

We should boycott dutch products. Not on a government level if its diplomatically difficult for us to handle but on a personal level. If we all do it, it will have an impact.
not getting fuel from shell anymore!
This is wrong. People from other religion making cartoon of other religion. Ethical wrong. Not a good thing

I have different question bro.

I mean can I draw him without making any fun, like doing some charity or giving message of god to people.
I have different question bro.

I mean can I draw him without making any fun, like doing some charity or giving message of god to people.
Iranian people made whole film about Muhammad and their was some guy with His character. He played role of Muhammad. Anybody Correct me if I am wrong.
If they make this then according to freedom of speech we also should make some good cartoons on William the silent if they didn't stop them. Our media is not showing this:angry:
The only thing that can trigger them is making fun of holocaust... a false-drama which never happened..Ask the Israelis since it never happened
@Solomon2 @500 @Beny Karachun
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Iranian people made whole film about Muhammad and their was some guy with His character. He played role of Muhammad. Anybody Correct me if I am wrong.

I heard it and they say it doesn't show his face.

I am trying to get a logical answer in support of doing so. When Allah gave him a face and a figure, why human cant use it?

In Denmark, the monarch is protected by the usual libel paragraph (§ 267 of the penal code which allows for up to four months of imprisonment), but §115[11] allows for doubling of the usual punishment when the regent is target of the libel. When a queen consort, queen dowager or the crown prince is the target, the punishment may be increased by 50%. There are no historical records of §115 having ever been used, but in March 2011, Greenpeace activists who unfurled a banner at a dinner at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference were charged under this section.[12] They received minor sentences for other crimes, but were acquitted of the charge relating to the monarch

it's so easy to troll these people and we are so stupid that we don't

All we need to do is hold a competitoin making fun of their monarchs and call it a day.
Go ahead! Do you think the Dutch care that you make fun of them? The Dutch should tell Pakistan to go stuff it.
The problem is that Wilders(and Trump too) are personalities that thrive on attention; give no attention and they actually feel insulted then.

Always has bothered me about muslims being stuck in the 7th century when it comes to matters of ego and respect.

Back when he started preaching, the Prophet was insulted& abused verbally, financially and physically. Yet when he finally came onto power he forgave all those that abused him personally without prejudice. The only ones punished were those that had laid on extreme hatred and tortured the body of muslims including women and children.

Yet, it is beyond me that somehow muslims still think that today with more than a billion of them around the world who have concrete belief that the Prophet was the supreme example of a human being and revere him, whose name is remembered daily, and who is also respected by a similar number kf non-muslims who while disagreeing with Islam acknowledge his greatness as a leader.. will somehow have his respect lessened by a few dozen artists making caricatures on paper which will eventually be forgotten in months and maybe a few thousand truly rabid critics worldwide out of 8 billion?

Whether they care for his respect when barbarians kill, rape and maim in his name by the tens of thousands.. claimed clergy that gives idiotic and senseless commandments or engages in sexual abuse is possibly a more pertinent question but beyond the scope of this thread.
Go ahead! Do you think the Dutch care that you make fun of them? The Dutch should tell Pakistan to go stuff it.
No they won't give a crap about their queen. But I know the perfect recipe.

  • For Dutch ~ Burn a effigy of a homosexual and watch what happens to them.
  • For Indian Gangas ~ just order prime cut beef steak and watch what happens.
No. If you are attacking freedom of speech, then I will speak up, Muslim or not.
Wake up, i think you drunk to much. They are provoking us and we are given them their own medicine to taste. So what is your problem.
No they won't give a crap about their queen. But I know the perfect recipe.

  • For Dutch ~ Burn a effigy of a homosexual and watch what happens to them.
  • For Indian Gangas ~ just order prime cut beef steak and watch what happens.

Sorry no riots in Ganga for steak in Pakistan or anywhere else. Many do have in India.

By the way how much your Pakistan losses in riots happened in Pakistan for cartoon created outside of it?
No they won't give a crap about their queen. But I know the perfect recipe.

  • For Dutch ~ Burn a effigy of a homosexual and watch what happens to them.
  • For Indian Gangas ~ just order prime cut beef steak and watch what happens.
Actually just burn a windmill for the dutch.

But as such a fairly large percentage of Indian Hindus eat beef and no Bajrang or moong daal has the guts or political will to say a thing to them.. still that is beyond the topic.
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