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Pakistan records protest with Netherlands against blasphemous cartoon competition

No they won't give a crap about their queen. But I know the perfect recipe.

  • For Dutch ~ Burn a effigy of a homosexual and watch what happens to them.
  • For Indian Gangas ~ just order prime cut beef steak and watch what happens.
Sir just make fun of holocaust and see them dance in misery... Because this Geert Wilders is a Zionist ahole.
No they won't give a crap about their queen. But I know the perfect recipe.

  • For Dutch ~ Burn a effigy of a homosexual and watch what happens to them.
  • For Indian Gangas ~ just order prime cut beef steak and watch what happens.

Burn an effigy of a homosexual, their flag, etc. They don't mind. They may not like it but they will support your right to do it. This is the point.

Wake up, i think you drunk to much. They are provoking us and we are given them their own medicine to taste. So what is your problem.

You are provoked by a stupid cartoon? Says a lot about you.
I am amazed by the comments.

This is not a competition that you resort to the same thing you want others to Stop.

Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire – of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver [wealth], fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. (Qur’an 3:14)

“None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.”


Rest is for Allah to do justice with you for the Actions you do.

End of discussion.
But as such a fairly large percentage of Indian Hindus eat beef
Agreed but you always get outliers in every society. Some Muslims drink but I think we all can agree that most Muslim societies and peoples avoid it. Take UK. Drink is legal. It is on sale at every street corner but most Pakistani's don't drink. I mean there is some but those are exceptions and even they don't openly tout it.

India is one of the worlds lowest per capita meat eating nation in the world.
Burn an effigy of a homosexual, their flag, etc. They don't mind. They may not like it but they will support your right to do it. This is the point.

You are provoked by a stupid cartoon? Says a lot about you.
Actually most of Pakistanis don't know how to react...because they never left Pakistan...But I know exactly how to make them burn ...
  1. Make fun of holocaust
  2. Call them uncivilised wild boars
  3. Remind them of their war crimes and abuse in their colonies like Indonesia
  4. Expose their hypocrisy and double standards
  5. Call them extortionists/thieves and demand for return of the assets they looted from Asia
  6. Portray as the shameless drug dealers (which they are)
  7. Call them ignorant and cheaters
Just a few and you will see the whole country on the roads protesting 24x7 while we can sit back and :pop:
Burn an effigy of a homosexual, their flag, etc. They don't mind. They may not like it but they will support your right to do it. This is the point.

You are provoked by a stupid cartoon? Says a lot about you.
Because it is forbid in Islam which i am practicing. And no one have right to do that. If someone take picture of your wife without permission in the name of freedom, then tell me how do you feel?
Yeh. I must be slowing down. Holocaust is a red flag to the bull. You even question that and your going to be locked up. Ask British historian Irving. So much for freedom of speach.
That strips them naked in the middle of the square and exposes their ugly hypocrisy...where does their freedom of speech and expression go?
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