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Pakistan Ready to Move Forward on Kashmir If India Agrees, Gen Bajwa told US Officials

Kick Pajwa to other side of LOC he can move forward
However unless DGISPR can confirm or deny it is rumor

Or of course his private Phone call is released by Hackers anything is possible these days
What difference does a statement make, in all practicality Mil-establishment on orders from their colonial masters moved on from Kashmir post 9/11 period.
Coming from an Indian based source, so take it with a truck load of salt. However, why is the supposedly neutral outgoing Army chief making these kind of statements.

I have started taking things on pdf with a pinch of salt.. why share when you are not sure of something.... now see this idiotic comment right under yours. Ignorance breeds ignorance.
As Pakistanis we don’t care what this pudda yavon da kutti da puttar Bajwa says or doesn’t say.

We civilians of Pakistan took half of kashmir from the bhartis and it’s us who the bhartis will catch on the sequel when we take the rest.

Big up on ya self to all the real Pakistanis out there and lanat on all the bajwa ball lickers.

And to the bhartis that think all this is gonna go away. It’s never gonna go away and you can never get rid of us cuz we’re the muthafuckin PROBLEM in your life you pussy'O's. We never gonna go away. You can bet your last bottle of gao muttar on that.
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By move forward he means handing over Kashmir to India, LOC could become a permanent border.

It's from an Indian source so I wont go all in

but then it is Bajwa we are talking about, you can expect anything from this POS
I mentioned that in OP. But it is a CNN affiliate to a bit of truth somewhere. Not flagrant RSS propaganda.

I have started taking things on pdf with a pinch of salt.. why share when you are not sure of something.... now see this idiotic comment right under yours. Ignorance breeds ignorance.
It is a CNN affiliate reporting, so not outright Indian Hinduvta Propaganda. This was most probably discussed and now they have launched a trial balloon to gauge reaction.

Like I have said before, pull your blinders off and look beyond.
Coming from an Indian based source, so take it with a truck load of salt. However, why is the supposedly neutral outgoing Army chief making these kind of statements.

What does it mean if a guy makes a statement to somebody, somewhere, just before his retirement. If it has to have any value, shouldn't it come from PK government to IN Government, In private? Looks like someone wants to create a talking point for debate.
Coming from an Indian based source, so take it with a truck load of salt. However, why is the supposedly neutral outgoing Army chief making these kind of statements.

Agrees to what? This doesn't make sense.
What does it mean if a guy makes a statement to somebody, somewhere, just before his retirement. If it has to have any value, shouldn't it come from PK government to IN Government, In private? Looks like someone wants to create a talking point for debate.
Tells you who is calling the shots in Pakistan. It is not this patchwork of crooks aka PDM coalition, it is supposedly a neutral & retiring COAS. Expect 11th hour extension or somehow him taking over ala Sissi.

This is a controlled release (in my opinion) to gauge reaction from all corners.

Agrees to what? This doesn't make sense.
Convert LoC into IB and be done with Kashmir forever.
Coming from an Indian based source, so take it with a truck load of salt. However, why is the supposedly neutral outgoing Army chief making these kind of statements.

No dont!

Without any clearance from elected government, army chiefs always push their own foreign policy. The army leadership has this habit. They want to control foreign policy. This was very much evident when army chief condemned Russia invasion of Ukraine in defence symposium while just a day ago PM IK did not.

Bajwa has been making statements on Kashmir every now and then.

They want govt like the one in Islamabad right now so army can control foreign policy.
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