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Pakistan Rapidly increasing its nuclear Arsenal

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Thats the aim,,

Pakistan has immense amount of potential, the aim has to be to get Pakistan in order, increase education, end corruption, deal with internal enemies like the TTP.

Were going around in circles, NOTHING changes the fact that India is our enemy, just because we have other issues dosent mean we can afford to take our eye off this indian enemy & we must be able to put ourselves in a position to hurt or destroy this enemy

Pakistan is far far smaller then india, its conduct in the wars fought against a much larger foe have been superb, Only in 1971 when the people of Bangladesh demanded independence could Pakistan not do anything and considering the factors involved no one maybe the superpowers could fight a war under such circumstances, until the Kashmir situation can be resolved then india continues to be our enemy and Pakistan must continue looking after our defence needs
Well thats a good thing. We should keep working on Perfecting our Nuclear Weapons. Bring pain to enemies.

According to latest reports by USA Pakistan is increasing its Nuclear Arsenal with double rate as compared to Indians and it is most probably doing this by help of another country most probably Saudi Arabia
Classical diplomacy, now USA will twist saudi arm to get saudi family back to USA, s side........and how does usa knows that how many weapons does india have and hence how can they say we are preparing 3 or 4 times more nuclear weapons than india,when india has more nuclear plants and freedom to buys nuclear material then pakistan
bhai nuclear war start karna hai kya.......by ur logic.... US should give some nukes to Israel.....

They did that long time ago. Israel has close to 200 nuclear warheads in its inventory.
Do we keep a check on the production of US nukes...?

but you or anyone has any right to keep a check on US, US on the other hand has a God given right to check everyone, they are the morale police of this universe

This is why Pakistan's policies are a global threat.. Pakistan's nuclear program is mainly against India.. As its conventional forces are inferior to India, it's nuclear program should be for a nuclear deterrence against India.. That means enough number of nuclear warheads ( max 100 warheads) and delivery platforms (must be capable of surviving pre-emptive attacks or nuke strikes.. Eg.. nuclear triad).. Here the first requirement is already achieved but pursuing again with rapid rate only makes ' Nuclear Instability ' in the region..
Giving nuclear wepons and techs to saudi arabia makes the whole region unstable.. Then Iran will try more for nukes.. Syria, Israel, other arab nations are all will drag to a nuclear race.. So Pak policies are really a threat to global peace..

we have bigger ambitions than India, we want to rule the world
Most of the story is nonsense

However Pakistan's aim is to have an effective nuclear detterant, to let its enemies know that they have enough war heads and missile to respond to any attack

A couple of days ago there was an article about Pakistan complaining to the USA about indian military expansion, alot of indians jumped at it and laughed about "Pakistan whinging to america" etc

The reality is Pakistan is expanding its military both nuclear war heads, missiles and various other tech's as well as working with allies like Saudi or Turkey to increase our defence

India's military expansion is how Pakistan legitimises its own expansion, no country can say anything to Pakistan about expanding our assets because we can always bring up the example of what India is doing & has done over the last decade

India's being Pakistan's main enemy cant expect to expand its military and then expect Pakistan to do nothing, India has had more money to buy the things they require but Pakistan by hook or crook has to remain effective

But take the patterns of expansion Mr.Your economy is not that expanding compared to your nukes.
Pakistan needs seven percent growth rate for survival: FPCCI

I dont blame Pakistan .Defeat in 1971 make Pakistan too traumatic.So they do what any normal countries do .Increase their last method for survival.But Pakistan cant see bigger picture.Every country ,when their economy increases increases their military be it US ,or China or India or even Pakistan.Japan is a different case.
That is simply India do.China defence budget is 3times greater than us.But we dont increase our nukes.
US is too powerful than China .But for that China dont increase their nukes rapidly.Even India and China has nuke no first use policy.

Nuclear bomb is a waste of money .If Pakistan get foreign funds it may not that problem .But when it increases with our own money then it become a disaster for fragile economy.Your population also increasing.
good news and bad for indians :pakistan:

now they gona run to their daddy USA or Russia for pakistan bashing thats what they are good at
Nuclear bomb dosent help anything or anyone

it is a deterrent, it is a safe guard for Pakistan

Pakistan's main enemy is India & Pakistan needs to be able to do two things, be able to hit every part of india and ensure they have enough missiles and war heads to destroy india taking into account 1st/2nd/3rd strike and weapons survivability

In the last 15 years or so India's economic rise has enabled it to expand its military and buy weapons like never before

Pakistan cant allow India to feel that any adventure on its part would go unanswered, so Pakistan at great pain has taken steps to expand our military, nuclear and missile arsenals.

Even though due to financial/political/diplomatic contraints Pakistan hasent been able to push ahead with all desired projects, the basic work is on going so as soon as the economic situation gets better and funds become available we can pick up & achive the intended aims i.e, subs, longer range missiles etc

But Pakistan is not our enemy.China is also not our enemy.No other countries is our enemy.When they cooperate in usual manner.Our main enemies are corruption, illiteracy and poverty.We are fighting against for last 67 years .But can make some significant advancement like Polio eradication.increase in literacy.
But any countries become our enemy when they question our integrity.But that is a normal defense procedure no more no less.
good news and bad for indians :pakistan:

now they gona run to their daddy USA or Russia for pakistan bashing thats what they are good at

No No good news for us.Increase your nuclear arsenal .Keep increasing rapidly.Expense also skyrocketing and voice in international stage also decrease.So we can maintain a constant nukes.Increase our economy .bring more prosperity to our country.
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Nothing true in the news. Fake.........
And we don't need more nuclear weapons.
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