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Pakistan ranks 60th at Global Hunger Index

D*ck measuring is approperiate or even fun when its done regarding progress.

Imho both India and Pakistan have failed their people, 60 years after independance a quarter of the children still go hungry! :undecided:

Instead of comparing who's done better shouldn't we be combining forces to see if we can eliminate hunger permanently?
Children are the future of our nations, the more we invest in them the better and brighter the future will be.

Just my 2 cents.
I dont understand. Why do you people (indians) are so ashamed of poverty in India? It is a global phenomena. Every other person in the world has a right to remove poverty in any nation. So it matters to us.

No Webby!!! Ashamed is the person who brought Indian poverty into discussion & he is no Indian for sure. The topic of discussion was about Pakistan lagging behind in Hunger Improvement index & the next post was about how India has more number of poor. This was totally offtopic & brought into light simply to cure some heartburns & indigestion. The summary of the topic is no matter if India has 2% more hungry people than Pakistan but it is improving much faster as evident from the first post.

Ego contest? What makes you think it is an ego contest? Or it really hurt your feelings because we want to discuss poverty of your super power nation?

Your sarcasm itself suggests that you wish to mock India's poverty rather than discuss it. And I don't see why you would wish to do so when Pakistan itself is neck deep in poverty. Just because India has 2% more hungry people doesn't makes Pakistan's poverty go away.

C'mon Webby!! We all expect much higher standards from you.
Imho both India and Pakistan have failed their people, 60 years after independance a quarter of the children still go hungry! :undecided:

Instead of comparing who's done better shouldn't we be combining forces to see if we can eliminate hunger permanently?
Children are the future of our nations, the more we invest in them the better and brighter the future will be.

Just my 2 cents.

:tup: your 2 cents are worth a million...as in SA context..the socio reasons for poverty are similar if not exactly the same and ideally there should be a mechanism of sharing the failures and best practices ...Unfortunately what we see is lack of WILL
If you insist on rankings then here you go....

What amuses is that 94th position is highlighted in red in the 2nd post while 88th position seems like a pride or a good postion since its not highlighted....

But for me if it's not more than satisfactory then i can not say its worst either. if Indian reduction target is 17.6 for the period from 1990-2015. That way India reduced hunger by 8.7 points since 1990 gives hope.

At the same time Pakistan improved by ~3 while china by ~4.5 points in the same duration if you insist on comparing.

its not that I am saying Pakistan is doing bad or India is doing good here...But the good thing is that we are improving . Poverty is not something that you uproot in a year or two...it takes time.

Members involved in P***ing Contest should should see the indexed point improvements if they insist.

We have long way to go and lots of hard work to do....by the way any one of you personally involved in Poverty reduction program here ? I doubt...

You are drawing inaccurate inferences from my post. It was quite straightforward, and a very general statement of why comparisons should be made, and with whom. You can disagree with my rationale - but there is no need to go off on tangents and make accusations of "chest thumping, and denigration of others, by virtue of lower/higher socio-economic indicators".

There was nothing of the sort in my post, and there never has been.

Please, next time you feel there is some "writing between the lines" just ask for clarification.
Global Hunger index 1990
China-= 12.77
Pakistan = 25.73
India = 33.73

Global Hunger Index 2007
China = 8.37 diff = +4.407
Pakistan = 22.70 diff= +3.03
India = 25.03 dif = +8.7

All the above countries have improved but one can clearly see India's rate of improvement it greater than other too. India still needs to improve a lot the main factor for lag being -
• “In India, economic growth in the agricultural sector has lagged considerably behind growth in other sectors over recent years. This has had a negative effect on progress in alleviating poverty and hunger in rural areas,” says the report."

Source -
1) Panthic Weekly: Balkanization of India will solve the hunger problem!
2) IndianExpress.com :: Hunger index: Pakistan, China better off
Agnostic Muslim,

mate... my bad...Apologies !!!, i wanted to quote the second poster's response, I have removed the quote from my post.
Ego contest? What makes you think it is an ego contest? Or it really hurt your feelings because we want to discuss poverty of your super power nation?

Because firstly its off topic. The topic is Pakistan's poverty and not India's.

So obviously, posting Indian poverty stats here is simply a one-upmanship contest.
Its sad that starving people are being used to compare egos.:disagree:

I have seen posts that are far less off-topic being deleted here....maybe the rules ought to be implemented more uniformly..:D
No Webby!!! Ashamed is the person who brought Indian poverty into discussion & he is no Indian for sure. The topic of discussion was about Pakistan lagging behind in Hunger Improvement index & the next post was about how India has more number of poor. This was totally offtopic & brought into light simply to cure some heartburns & indigestion. The summary of the topic is no matter if India has 2% more hungry people than Pakistan but it is improving much faster as evident from the first post.

Your sarcasm itself suggests that you wish to mock India's poverty rather than discuss it. And I don't see why you would wish to do so when Pakistan itself is neck deep in poverty. Just because India has 2% more hungry people doesn't makes Pakistan's poverty go away.

C'mon Webby!! We all expect much higher standards from you.

So much cries, and voices against poverty of India and Pakistan being discussed. Perhaps if this is so off topic and a heartburn, may be it should have another dedicated topic to discuss this issue, since many here feel that their country is being mocked because of the discussion of the facts.

There is no mocking from my side, but if you feel so, as it puts your super power status of your nation to shame, then i can fully understand.

Now discuss the topic in relation with poverty in India and Pakistan and not that if it has to be discussed. I or the other mods will decide if it has to or not, so its open for discussion.

I suggest members to bring more facts for understanding of this poverty, areas, and what we can do to improve. I hope it will not be further heart breaking.

So much cries, and voices against poverty of India and Pakistan being discussed. Perhaps if this is so off topic and a heartburn, may be it should have another dedicated topic to discuss this issue, since many here feel that their country is being mocked because of the discussion of the facts.

There is no mocking from my side, but if you feel so, as it puts your super power status of your nation to shame, then i can fully understand.

Now discuss the topic in relation with poverty in India and Pakistan and not that if it has to be discussed. I or the other mods will decide if it has to or not, so its open for discussion.

I suggest members to bring more facts for understanding of this poverty, areas, and what we can do to improve. I hope it will not be further heart breaking.


Webby, I have no qualms discussing the poverty issue w.r.t both India & Pakistan but only if right questions are asked. Nobody raised a question in regard to poverty eradication measurements taken by the respective governments. How effective have been those measurements? Poverty or hunger isn't just going to go away on its own. If there is a sincere willingness to discuss this issue then it needs to be done in correct light. I don't see any objective in posting such trifle statistics as Pakistan having 2% less poor than India or India having a higher per capita income than Pakistan. All such gimmicks arn't going to make any cut into miseries of the poor on both sides. I say again if this is a serious issue worth discussing then please raise the right questions which unfortunately nobody has done yet.

As for Super-power thingy.. I havn't seen any Indian member here who has for once said that. Even the Indian media is embarresed about calling itself one. You can have a look in the Indian economy thread I & II. I have myself posted several such news & none of them are from Indian source. It is mostly in western press that you hear about it & we do not bother with them of what they write. We didn't refute them when they called India a basket case during 80s & I don't see any reason why we should do so now. Even the fast emerging China has 8.5% hungry people. Its per-capita is also only 5% of that of US. But still it is globally acknowledged (including Pakistan) as a future super-power simply for the potential it holds. And so does India..

It was posted by you earlier that Pakistan has 1/4th of the children born underweight. .

Webby, Please check again, It was not posted by me but part of your own Post (second last para) which i quoted to emphasis on why the members could not see the figures there for their own country when discussing Pakistan's rank at GHI.. but chose to highlight one particular line in the second post concerning India . Ask any neutral person and he would say that "this topic was strated with a heading of Pakistan's ranking and ended up in showcasing India".

Infact this is what Bushroda is trying to say...that we have no qualms in discussing the Poverty, improvement programs and innvovative approaches etc..

I just came across this article posted here a while back.


I think it supports my point.


Webby, In your opinion malnutrition has less to do with poverty and it has more to do with nutrients. I completely agree on the second half but cant say the same is true for the first half

I am not sure if this is the only reason for Malnutrition in Pakistan, but In India it is mostly due to Poverty and lack of education in Rural or Urban Area.

Farmers are being educated now on how they can increase the nutrient content in their harvest...its slow process but bound to be successful.

Check out another plan for controlling malnutrition (proposed by the same organization which published these statictics) besides Millennium Village Prorgam.


OTP sites have been established in various settings to ensure greater proximity to the community. Here we see just two examples where firstly a health worker has simply set-up under a tree and secondly, an existing ‘local health post’ is
utilised. The aim is to ensure that communities can more easily access the provision of take-home packages as well as more rapid referral to the stabilisation centre if illness is seen. The more numerous the OTP sites, the greater coverage the programme can provide.

Source: Concern

I m not sure if the spelling is correct but "Tawana Pakistan" is a good intitiative that i heard from a Pakistani Colleague of mine...
Hunger index: India below neighbours

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

NEW DELHI: India ranks way down at 96 among 119 developing countries included in the Global Hunger Index, a business Web site reported.

This rank is well below all its neighbours, barring Bangladesh, and falls in the category in which the hunger situation is deemed “alarming”. Even Nepal is four notches higher than India at number 92 and Pakistan eight points above India at number 88.

Even neighbouring countries facing continuous domestic strife, such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka, are ranked markedly above India, being placed at number 68 and 69, respectively. Mauritius is among the top 20 countries where the problem of hunger is the least. China, though ranked at number 47, falls in a category where hunger is “not a serious” issue.

The global hunger index has been created by the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute and was formally released globally on Tuesday last as part of the report entitled “The World’s Most Deprived: Characteristics and Causes of Extreme Poverty and Hunger.”

This report is the first of its kind to use household survey data to look at those living below the one-dollar-a-day line. The index is designed to capture three dimensions of hunger: lack of economic access to food, shortfalls in the nutritional status of children, and child mortality, which is, to a large extent, attributable to malnutrition.

Notably, this index reveals that while India did fairly well in combating hunger between 1992 and 1997, there has been virtually no improvement in this field in the subsequent period, between 1997 and 2003. While India’s hunger index score dropped from 32.80 points (extremely alarming category) in 1992 to 25.73 points (alarming category) in 1997, it has been static between 1997 and 2003.

“The lack of improvement in India’s GHI score between 1997 and 2003 despite continued growth is a cause for concern, since India’s GHI still indicates alarming levels of hunger,” the report states.

Making a comparison between India and China, the world’s two population giants, the report observes that they have made large contribution to the overall positive development in these two regions. Food energy deficiency has declined in both countries.

Child malnutrition, on the other hand, has reduced by more than 13 percentage points in India, against only 7 percentage points in China. The under-five mortality rate has also slumped by about 30 per cent in India from 1992 to 2003.

However, the report maintains that in India, the “medial poor” (living on between $0.50 and $0.75 a day) have fared better in terms of improvement in poverty and hunger than those living on between $ 0.75 and $ 1 a day.

Still, the fate of the medial poor is only marginally better than that of the “ultra poor” living at less than $0.50 a day. On the whole, the report has concluded that the economic growth in developing regions during the past two decades delivered the greatest benefits for those people living just below the dollar-a-day poverty line and the least for the poorest of the poor, or ultra poor, living at less than half-a-dollar a day.

It also reckons that, across all developing regions of the world, the poorest households are most often located in remote rural areas with limited access to education, roads, and health services and members of these households often face exclusion due to their ethnicity, gender or disability.

Reducing hunger and poverty (less than a dollar line) by half by 2015 is among the Millennium Development Goals adopted by 189 member states of the United Nations in September 2000. As the half-way mark to the target date of 2015 has already approached, there have been doubts whether these goals would be reached or not. The “business as usual” approach will simply not be sufficient to meet this pledge, the report maintains.

Hunger index: India below neighbours
I'm trying to figure that out aswell, as far as I know this is a different report titled: “The World’s Most Deprived: Characteristics and Causes of Extreme Poverty and Hunger.”

Could be an independant report.

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