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Pakistan protests Iran over cross-border mortars

Some of them do. But we are not going to make them as our enemies at all cost. Already India and Afghanistan are causing instability and adding Iran would make it worse.

Iran should work with India on all fronts. Pakistan is no use to Iran. It's only a country that cause instability and terrorist problems in the world.
Iran should work with India on all fronts. Pakistan is no use to Iran. It's only a country that cause instability and terrorist problems in the world.
Obviously Iran would choose the one it benefits from, that I can care less about, what I want is to make every Pakistani understand that 'muslim brotherhood' doesn't exist.
You guys don't have the balls to do that. First nuke the US, which has killed more Pakistanis than any other country in the world, and then we talk.

it doesnt take balls, it only takes one button, and iran will be fumes in few minutes, and we can vaporize iran 200 times, if you come alive after being dead 200 times
Iran should work with India on all fronts. Pakistan is no use to Iran. It's only a country that cause instability and terrorist problems in the world.

You cannot trust India. You better keep Pak and India both, as much as you can.
In realpolitik, neither Iran nor Pak want a new front added to their problems. So chill out!
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3643876 said:
it doesnt take balls, it only takes one button, and iran will be fumes in few minutes, and we can vaporize iran 200 times, if you come alive after being dead 200 times

Even if you fire all your nukes on Iran; Iran will remain existing and you guys can't face a serious counterattack. I think in such scenario Iran should even work together with India.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3643876 said:
it doesnt take balls, it only takes one button, and iran will be fumes in few minutes, and we can vaporize iran 200 times, if you come alive after being dead 200 times

This is why Iran needs nukes and second stike ability.
Some of them do. But we are not going to make them as our enemies at all cost. Already India and Afghanistan are causing instability and adding Iran would make it worse. If they do something silly like today, perhaps, worst thing we will do is close or reduce trade to put pressure.

Iran was never out of the theater, shelling Pakistan cannot be termed friendly, by any means.
Even if you fire all your nukes on Iran; Iran will remain existing and you guys can't face a serious counterattack. I think in such scenario Iran should even work together with India.

we have nukes not cheap fire crackers
GDP is worthless without mentioning PPP. But I guess you never had any quality economical lectures. At least Iran don't have to beg to Germany for Patriot missiles for their safety. If Iran tomorrow decides to stop gas and oil exports to oil, fire a couple of Shahab-3, Sejjil and Ghadr missiles on Turkey's infrastructure and large cities, you country will be nothing but Zimbabwe.

That's the funniest and most stupid logic and laughable things I heard I'm cracking. Let me tell you what will happen.

If you stop oil and gas like it went on fire like a month ago straight away Gazprom will increase it with a big smile on their faces as well as Azerbaijan socar etc iran will not get money and their sanctioned country will be in problems. Let me tell you what we will do before even Nato. Or what I would do as well.

First to turn iran into a country exporting peanuts and carpets I will send Yıldırım ballistic missiles to Iranian gas and oil facilities there will be huge fire, huge black clouds big panic, F-16s with state of the art upgrades will be armed with air to air missiles along with F-4s to pound your heads, F-16s will pound you with SOM cruise missiles and destroy your obsolete air force. At the same time state of the art T-155 Fırtına artillery and Panter. When your obsolete air force gone game over.

Iran reaction - send a few propaganda junk missiles which will be shot with patriots and other things shoot a few flats just like Saddam threatened israel shot many scuds like 2-3 hit.

I'm not including NATO reaction our Arab allies reaction and their stolen islands.

Result = Iran shot a few villages in south east - Iran turned into most polluted country and game over
It's of no strategical use. India is, so as Afghanistan. We already have almost encircled you guys. That's what you get for playing the slave of KSA.

Like we cannot not encircle you with GCC and Turkey > ?

India too is btw surrounded by China, BD and Sri lanka.

Go ahead. Afghanistan will always have Pakistani influence no matter if India and Iran are there. ISI has been doing its job for decades. Heck the mighty superpower like USSR lost and now the U.S too is getting itself out of there.
I will send Yıldırım ballistic missiles to Iranian gas and oil facilities there will be huge fire

Haha, your missiles can't even reach more than 700km. And Gazprom can't help Turkey, because the pipeline is too small to cover it up. But I guess you have no knowledge at all.
If Pakistan does that, you could expect Iran going to maximum push for creating nukes. It would have them within 6 months, and then Pakistan will be doomed.

these iranian kids are pathetic, they hope to create nuclear bombs after we nuke them

nukes arnt fire crackers that can put your back on fire, my dear listen something from japanese
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