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Pakistan protests India glacier tourism plan

Has Pakistan budged one centimetre?

Siachen Glacier is without population and so anyone not authorised would be a sore thumb and so what jihadi will survive there?

Don't worry about soldiers dying. That is the sad cost if freedom and sovereignty is to maintained!

We claim Kashmir is ours and you claim it is yours. Fine. But inspite of the claims and your attempts to take it over by force and by surreptitious means, you have not been able to do so.

What makes you feel that you will succeed even though these 60 years you have not been able to do so.

We are all for negotiation and you speak of jihad, war and everything violent!

Violence will get you nothing.

Has the jihad stuff got you anything? The only thing that it has done is it has given a religious legitimacy for the terrorists, who themselves are now biting the hand that feeds i.e. Lal Mazjid, Mehsuds etc.

The more you encourage this so called jihad, you are only digging your own grave since they would also feel, and most of them do, that destabilising Musharraf is a jihad. Destabilising Musharraf is actually destabilising Pakistan!

The clock turns around!
Has Pakistan budged one centimetre?

The more you encourage this so called jihad, you are only digging your own grave since they would also feel, and most of them do, that destabilising Musharraf is a jihad. Destabilising Musharraf is actually destabilising Pakistan!

The clock turns around!

Well Said Salim.:cheers:
Has Pakistan budged one centimetre?!

Do i have to list all the propsals pakistan has made........

Siachen Glacier is without population and so anyone not authorised would be a sore thumb and so what jihadi will survive there!

They must have really good hotels on the Siachen Glacier where all these tourist will be staying?

Don't worry about soldiers dying. That is the sad cost if freedom and sovereignty is to maintained!!

Most of the world would say "that is the cost of occupation"

We claim Kashmir is ours and you claim it is yours. Fine. But inspite of the claims and your attempts to take it over by force and by surreptitious means, you have not been able to do so.!

The only thing i claim is that kashmir belongs to the kashmiris

What makes you feel that you will succeed even though these 60 years you have not been able to do so..!

The freedom fighters did more damage to the indian occupation army then any war that you had with pakistan.......

We are all for negotiation and you speak of jihad, war and everything violent!..!

Like you had negotiations with the chinese and then attacked them.
What about your negotiation with the freedom fighters of punjab?

Violence will get you nothing.

Has the jihad stuff got you anything? The only thing that it has done is it has given a religious legitimacy for the terrorists, who themselves are now biting the hand that feeds i.e. Lal Mazjid, Mehsuds etc.

The more you encourage this so called jihad, you are only digging your own grave since they would also feel, and most of them do, that destabilising Musharraf is a jihad. Destabilising Musharraf is actually destabilising Pakistan!

The clock turns around!

Allah willing the fight for freedom in kashmir will carry on until the yoke of indian oppression is thrown of the kashmiris.
The more you encourage this so called jihad, you are only digging your own grave since they would also feel, and most of them do, that destabilising Musharraf is a jihad. Destabilising Musharraf is actually destabilising Pakistan!

The clock turns around!

since when Kashmiri freedom fighters have stareted destabalising Musharraf ????

Please don't give me that kind of nonsense, if we were able to take 1/3 of our lands back 60 years back, we can conquer the rest also. :P

Now lets look at the reality... Originally why was Pakistan & India created for. SO THERE WOLD BE A MUSLIM STATE. & also so there would be a Secular India.

Lets face it, Kashmir belongs to Pakistan, because it is Muslim majority. LOL, just because the Majahara gives it to India is NO EXCUSE AT ALL.

We can easily prove this:

1. India is not ready to redraw the borders (or ruled it out)

Why you may ask: BECAUSE THEY KNOW ALL OF KASHMIR & even Ladakh will go to Pakistan; If they redrew the areas of Muslim majority areas even a piece of Rajasthan & the Great Indian Desert would have to be ceded to Pakistan.

2. Jawahalal Nehru rumorly had ties to the area, thus he was being dishonest and didn't give us all the land we truely deserved. Not sure how correct this is, but this is what some people say.

3. Funny part is also that Aksai Chin, even though historically tied to China, still India wants it...lol?

Kashmir overall is : 75% Muslim

In Indian Occupied Kashmir:

1. In Jammu :30% Muslim, 67% Hindu, N/A Buddhist, 3% Other

2. In Kashmir Valley :95% Muslim, 4% Hindu, N/A Buddhist, N/A Other

3. Ladakh : 49% Muslim, N/A Hindu ,50% Buddhist, 1% Other

In Pakistan Occupied Kashmir:

1. Azad Kashmir : 99% Muslim, everything else N/A

2. Northern Areas : 99% Muslim, Everything else N/A

In Chinese Occupied Kashmir:

1. Aksai Chin: N/A For pretty much everything

Yes this was from Wikipedia

I know a lot people say its undependable, or simply people randomly edit it, but obviously facts are facts and most of them are common knoweldge. I myself say that maybe the percentages maybe off by 1-5% at maximum but this is just estimate.

I checked up Aksai Chin on wikipedia; it says there are some Buddhists and Muslims Ugyurs and thats all.

Please don't give me that kind of nonsense, if we were able to take 1/3 of our lands back 60 years back, we can conquer the rest also. :P

1/3 of india was ceeded to pak by the british, and the indians agreed. it was never captured from india like u r implying.

Points raised too adolescent for worthwhile reply.


Not Kashmiris, but the rabble that found themselves unemployed after the fall of USSR backed Afghanistan claiming to be Kashmiris and the same rabble that is also plaguing Pakistan in NWFP. It is in Pakistan's interest to divert this to Kashmir so as to keep Pakistan safe and that is what is being done in the guise of 'moral support'.

Would you agree that the rabble that is plaguing NWFP are Islamic freedom fighters wanting liberation? I don't think you would agree. Yet, many feel so and repeatedly claim so. Are they right?


Please don't give me that kind of nonsense, if we were able to take 1/3 of our lands back 60 years back, we can conquer the rest also. :P

Anyone has stopped your "conquering" the remainder? If not, why this 60 years to gird up the loins and how many more to go? All tricks in the book has been tried by Pakistan and it has all have come a cropper.

Now lets look at the reality... Originally why was Pakistan & India created for. SO THERE WOLD BE A MUSLIM STATE. & also so there would be a Secular India.

Lets face it, Kashmir belongs to Pakistan, because it is Muslim majority. LOL, just because the Majahara gives it to India is NO EXCUSE AT ALL.

Good point.

And what happens to the remainder Moslems in India? They also get a State? If so, where?

We can easily prove this:

1. India is not ready to redraw the borders (or ruled it out)

Why you may ask: BECAUSE THEY KNOW ALL OF KASHMIR & even Ladakh will go to Pakistan; If they redrew the areas of Muslim majority areas even a piece of Rajasthan & the Great Indian Desert would have to be ceded to Pakistan.


At this rate you would justify that even the Christian majority NE India is actually Moslem!

2. Jawahalal Nehru rumorly had ties to the area, thus he was being dishonest and didn't give us all the land we truely deserved. Not sure how correct this is, but this is what some people say.


al Buruni!

So mathematically deduced!

3. Funny part is also that Aksai Chin, even though historically tied to China, still India wants it...lol?


Tibetans are as Chinese as the Pakistani Pashtuns are Afghanistanis and Balochis are Iranian!!

Kashmir overall is : 75% Muslim

In Indian Occupied Kashmir:

1. In Jammu :30% Muslim, 67% Hindu, N/A Buddhist, 3% Other

2. In Kashmir Valley :95% Muslim, 4% Hindu, N/A Buddhist, N/A Other

3. Ladakh : 49% Muslim, N/A Hindu ,50% Buddhist, 1% Other

In Pakistan Occupied Kashmir:

1. Azad Kashmir : 99% Muslim, everything else N/A

2. Northern Areas : 99% Muslim, Everything else N/A

In Chinese Occupied Kashmir:

1. Aksai Chin: N/A For pretty much everything

Yes this was from Wikipedia

I checked up Aksai Chin on wikipedia; it says there are some Buddhists and Muslims Ugyurs and thats all.

I know a lot people say its undependable, or simply people randomly edit it, but obviously facts are facts and most of them are common knoweldge. I myself say that maybe the percentages maybe off by 1-5% at maximum but this is just estimate.

Check the Census.

But then Pakistan has not done it for ages, of have they?

Salim, there is no need to overcomplicate things. Nor is there any need to answer my passages with pure nonsense, or information just to get oftopic.

LOL have we tried all the tricks in book? Well then obviously India hasn't made any progress ethier. :P No wonder why we are at a stalemate in this region for the past 60 years! :P

No need to get Cheeky, I don't see how christians in the Northeastern Part of India have anything to do with this. And If anything Christianity is mainly in Nagaland, and maybe a bit in Meghlaya, if there is Christianity in the Northeastern part. Secondly Christians arn't even asking for a state for their own so WHY even bring them up :P Your comment has nothing to do with the statement : "India won't redraw the borders, because they know Muslim majority areas will be ceded to Pakistan..."
Also your statement is a desperate attempt to get offtopic so others will think what I'm saying is Garb.... hmmm... LoL, we all know the facts, why not aknowledge them, instead of avoiding them.

By the way speak English, like everyone else here. I don't understand your dialect of Hindi... " Al-burundi" What?

Yes, Jawalhal Nehru was rumored to do some dishonest business. Plus its Common knowledge...so whats your point...???

By the way...
Tibetians also have ethnic divisions within. "Chinese" is not ethnic group its a nationality. There are Hui, Han, Ughurs, Tibetians and many different types of ethnic peoples who live in China.

Pitans are Iranians, Balochi's are Iranian...so your point is... We also have people from the "Indic" race or people from India, like Sindhis & Punjabis. Obviously Kashmiris are Kashmiris. Which include Baltistanis and so on. However then again We are more closely related to them by Religion and maybe even Culturally, (obviously excluding the Buddhists and Hindus which are the minority).

N/A is to represent no presence of that specific group of people. For example in Ladakh if it is 49% Muslim, 50% Buddhist & 1% other & N/A Hindus, obviously it means there are no Hindus, because 49+50+1 = 100%

One Last thing.

Name one place or province in Present Day India (Excluding Kashmir, since we know Kashmir is part of Pakistan; which right now being occupied) where there is Muslim majority of above 50%. When I checked the statistics I only saw high 20%s or low 30%s. Maybe I could be Wrong. Please share the knowledge... I would like to know...

Salim, there is no need to overcomplicate things. Nor is there any need to answer my passages with pure nonsense, or information just to get oftopic.

Hardly a complication and hardly nonsense. It require education to understand and! beyond the stranglehold of religion and petty minded Mullahs. See the damage being done to Pakistan these Mullahs are doing i.e.l Red Mazjid, NWFP. Think as human entities!

LOL have we tried all the tricks in book? Well then obviously India hasn't made any progress ethier. :P No wonder why we are at a stalemate in this region for the past 60 years! :P

What has this to do with India's progress, apart from your pulling it down with wars and terrorists? You spoke of capturing Kashmir. I said 'go ahead'! Now, why are you hunkering down with irrelevant drawdowns? Keep up your belligerent big talk and let's see where it goes. Isn't ti wonderful that tarik daura hai? NWFP. Do promote terrorist and false interpretation of these social malcontent about Islam. They will destroy Pakistan. India does not have to do it! See what you have done to yourself with all this nonsensical talk of jihad and pan Islamic stuff of Zia! Moslems, the world over, are destroying themselves. See the Middle East! It is time to do introspection as Allama Iqbal tried to do and was nearly declared a heretic.

No need to get Cheeky, I don't see how christians in the Northeastern Part of India have anything to do with this. And If anything Christianity is mainly in Nagaland, and maybe a bit in Meghlaya, if there is Christianity in the Northeastern part. Secondly Christians arn't even asking for a state for their own so WHY even bring them up :P Your comment has nothing to do with the statement : "India won't redraw the borders, because they know Muslim majority areas will be ceded to Pakistan..."

I wasn't cheeky. I was just playing on your daydreams that all of India should have been Pakistan!

Also your statement is a desperate attempt to get offtopic so others will think what I'm saying is Garb.... hmmm... LoL, we all know the facts, why not aknowledge them, instead of avoiding them.

Sad to say desperation and frustration is on your side. You only said that you can take Kashmir like a knife through butter. All I said, how come your knife is so useless that it can't go through butter!

By the way speak English, like everyone else here. I don't understand your dialect of Hindi... " Al-burundi" What?

I do speak English and I am quite confident I speak and understand it better than you. That is, if you have a doubt. However, I concede I was never as good a clerk as you in so far as typing is concerned. It is Al Buruni. The 'd' is an error! If you did not understand that, then you know nothing of the Islamic greats!

Yes, Jawalhal Nehru was rumored to do some dishonest business. Plus its Common knowledge...so whats your point...???

So you are the type that listens to rumours and gossip. Great sources of information and knowledge I must say.

You are doing well.

Guess what. Take this rumour and believe it. BB has been declared Miss World. Now, Go pronounce it to the world!

By the way...
Tibetians also have ethnic divisions within. "Chinese" is not ethnic group its a nationality. There are Hui, Han, Ughurs, Tibetians and many different types of ethnic peoples who live in China.

Pitans are Iranians, Balochi's are Iranian...so your point is... We also have people from the "Indic" race or people from India, like Sindhis & Punjabis. Obviously Kashmiris are Kashmiris. Which include Baltistanis and so on. However then again We are more closely related to them by Religion and maybe even Culturally, (obviously excluding the Buddhists and Hindus which are the minority).

N/A is to represent no presence of detection of that specific group of people. For example in Ladakh if it is 49% Muslim, 50% Buddhist & 1% other & N/A Hindus, obviously it means there are no Hindus, because 49+50+1 = 100%

Likewise, Kashmir is an ethnic group.

Indian is a nationality.

so, what is your point?

One Last thing.

Name one place or province in Present Day India (Excluding Kashmir, since we know Kashmir is part of Pakistan; which right now being occupied) where there is Muslim majority of above 50%. When I checked the statistics I only saw high 20%s or low 30%s. Maybe I could be Wrong. Please share the knowledge... I would like to know...

I wouldn't know. You are the expert on 'ummah'.

Educate us, please!


Not Kashmiris, but the rabble that found themselves unemployed after the fall of USSR backed Afghanistan claiming to be Kashmiris and the same rabble that is also plaguing Pakistan in NWFP. It is in Pakistan's interest to divert this to Kashmir so as to keep Pakistan safe and that is what is being done in the guise of 'moral support'.

Though i like you very much but Sir have heart while saying above beacuse

1. Those who fought against USSR had never supported Kashmir nor they ever fought in Indian Held Kashmir'
2. There had never been found any Arab, Uzebk, Chechan, any Tajik not even an Afghan ever found killed while fighting in Kashmir.
3. this is not in our intrest nor we can do it as there was never any ground for Kashmir support from those fighting in Afghanistan.
So your notion is wrong at 180 degree angle

Would you agree that the rabble that is plaguing NWFP are Islamic freedom fighters wanting liberation? I don't think you would agree. Yet, many feel so and repeatedly claim so. Are they right?

what is going on in NWFP and those involved in Terrorism there are outsiders the remainent of Al-Qaeda, they are doing terrorism not Jehad.

While those who are figthing in Indian Held Kashmir are Kashmiris themselves and their fight is legal as the cause they are fighting for is also on United Nations Resolution and also accepted by Indian founders that Kashmir is a disputed issue.

So you can not compare Kashmir struggle to terrorism being going on in FATA not NWFP (to remind u sir :)

There have been foreign scum found amongst those killed in Kashmir.

It is freedom for you in Kashmir and terrorism to me. It is terrorism in NWFP to you and Paktoonistan to the world!

Durand Line is not recognised and it has lapsed!

They claim it is a part of Afghanistan, where the majority of Pashtuns stay!

Personally, I have no opinion on this!

Let the Pashtun people decide.
Kashmir overall is : 75% Muslim

In Indian Occupied Kashmir:

1. In Jammu :30% Muslim, 67% Hindu, N/A Buddhist, 3% Other

2. In Kashmir Valley :95% Muslim, 4% Hindu, N/A Buddhist, N/A Other

3. Ladakh : 49% Muslim, N/A Hindu ,50% Buddhist, 1% Other

In Pakistan Occupied Kashmir:

1. Azad Kashmir : 99% Muslim, everything else N/A

2. Northern Areas : 99% Muslim, Everything else N/A

In Chinese Occupied Kashmir:

1. Aksai Chin: N/A For pretty much everything

Yes this was from Wikipedia

I checked up Aksai Chin on wikipedia; it says there are some Buddhists and Muslims Ugyurs and thats all.

I know a lot people say its undependable, or simply people randomly edit it, but obviously facts are facts and most of them are common knoweldge. I myself say that maybe the percentages maybe off by 1-5% at maximum but this is just estimate.

Check the Census.

But then Pakistan has not done it for ages, of have they?

:smitten: I just love that you used wikipedia as a source...that is so funny. I still can't stop laughing. :rofl:

Mind giving me the exact links so I can "see them" and maybe increase those percentages of being wrong only "1-5%" . Here in America, our teachers give us an automatic 0% on all assignments if we use Wiki.

The correct definition of fact is: "the quality of being actual" (Definition of fact - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). So how is that you are using wikipedia as a source when it has no "quality". And no offense but Indians overpower Pakistanis on the internet, and they just love to edit stuff in their favor, specifically on wikipedia. Notice why more facts on wikipedia favor India.

There have been foreign scum found amongst those killed in Kashmir..
No chechan no Afghan not Tajik Sir

It is freedom for you in Kashmir and terrorism to me. It is terrorism in NWFP to you and Paktoonistan to the world!

Durand Line is not recognised and it has lapsed!

They claim it is a part of Afghanistan, where the majority of Pashtuns stay!

Personally, I have no opinion on this!

Let the Pashtun people decide.

No it is not the same

As India had gone herself over Kashmir to UN.
Indian leaders accepted that they will give freedom to Kashmiris if they want.
UN asked for plebasite that is the open reality.
As far NWFP i will again remind you sir there is no freedom movement there and your claim of Pashtunistan is as false as anything could be.
Give me proof or link of just one such popular movement in NWFP for making it part for Afganistan and which is also equalent to Kashmir movement.
I wil agree with you if you could provide me that.
And there is no Pukhtunistan to the world dear sir.

If it is up to Pashtuns than let us decide sir we have no such maror in our stomchs :P

I did not use Wikipedia. The other bloke did!

Ask him and not me!
:smitten: I just love that you used wikipedia as a source...that is so funny. I still can't stop laughing. :rofl:

Mind giving me the exact links so I can "see them" and maybe increase those percentages of being wrong only "1-5%" . Here in America, our teachers give us an automatic 0% on all assignments if we use Wiki.

. Notice why more facts on wikipedia favor India.

:P they do the right thing by giving 0% as wiki ever since i had understood its way of updating, i come know its sheer BS and NONSENSE where even any thick head can add anything so you can never rely on this garbage and whenever anyone stuff from this site on any forum and support his arguments through this just do understand that he loses his credibility..

@ Sir Ray

:P i thought you were calling me chotu :P
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