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Pakistan Premier League: National cricketers join the bandwagon

Everything will depend when PPL is going to happen and schedule for other countries at that time. Obviously security of Pakistan is a big issue. It is unlikely much established players will visit Pakistan. Gayel has recently solved problem with the board. So it is unlikely for him to visit Pakistan if WI has any tour at that time. Australians are more choosy about security. If Pakistan can not show that it has enough security or green light from ICC that Pakistan is safe it will be just a local cricket league with players from Afghanistan and Pakistan and some oldies retired decades ago. Why not include all retired Pakistani players also... It may give some publicity to the league. N how much Pak is willing to pay to the players?
these indians are annoying me, use your head indians, money brings players not your idiotic bickering, if you are not interested to read the article then you can go some where else, things are not as easy and simple as you dream

I can understand your frustration.

So many years...Not a single international player or team went to Pakistan...trust me security is the major issue...recently you might have seen that even Bangaladeshi team refuse to go Pakistan...Again security is the reason... I hope if any country goes to Pakistan to play then surly that country Player will get money...even then they are not ready to go Pakistan...So it proves that Life is first money is next....Again security is MAJOR concern... So Moral of the story is Lotus can only be found in Lake...means you need peace....Come out of denial and accept the fact…Writing bad words is not going to help.
I think anything like PPl will boost certainly help pakistan international cricket. It's not impossible to have anything like that in Pakistan...just Pakistan or PCB might have to start with a very profile...and might take some time to get the kind of popularity that the Pakistani members here are talking about. But its certainly not impossible.

while we talk about PPl few things also need to be kept in mind...firstly the schedule...its already such a big problem due to IPl that most of the international players face a lot of difficulty in attending the IPL. but somehow it still works with the support of ICC and scheduling according to the ICC calendar...so the most of the players are able to attend it.

second problem is secuirty..I know few Pakistani friends might say its about money and not security but lets be realistic. How many players you think will choose money over their lives ?? Now am not saying that the situation is life threatening in pakistan, but thats what the image is around the world and will take some time before others understand the situation.Players do come to IPL because of money..no doubts about that but I am sure if there is any secuirty threat (something like 2009 sri lanka attack incident), then they will never come to IPL.

third is money...no doubt PPL will get many players who may well go for the money inspite of the security or whatever situation..but then again..the no of those players will be really low and that too might be the one's who are already retired or not playing in IPL, as others in demand will be already exhausted by their national tours, IPL..so to bring them to PPL, PCB or the team owners will need to shell out amounts higher than the IPL.

all said.i stil think PPL is possible and wil definitely help PCB and Pakistan cricket, but you just need to be patient and shouldnt start withthe mindset of competition with IPL.
we can see who is frustrated :D

& we dont need ur advice we are already doing it read article before poking nose everywhere

poor soul

i'm not advisin you buddy. i'm just raising a valid point.
if you think they are gonna come to pakistan for money- why don't you offer them some and see what happens?
cool down dude!
i know its very frustrating for commen pakistanis to live without cricket. trust me - No star or established cricketer would prefer going to pakistan in this situation. its very dangerous you know.
yup we should concentrate but you should not spoil it. Its nt your business that who comes are not because we are not invitimg you and will be happy to not see you. As far other players are concerned they are not asking you to come. Hope you got it.

what a stupid post!

hope you know its a public forum. everybody is free to express their views. if something is offensive- then mods are here to issue infractions. may be you wanna go through the terms and conditions again?
u r exectly right buddy when money can bring players in india than even afghanistan can bring them with money leave aside Pakistan, & BTW the prob now a days that teams are not touring Pakistan is political more than security issue......

nyways guys leave this indians with their burning ***** they will see when intl players will show middle finger to ICC & India & will come in Pakistan for money...:D
What money???
Where will you get money from? BCCI?? I dunno but I guess that almost 90% of all the sponsorship money for even the ICC comes from India.
First bring the Bangladesh team to come play in Pakistan and then talk about international stars.
What money???
Where will you get money from? BCCI?? I dunno but I guess that almost 90% of all the sponsorship money for even the ICC comes from India.
First bring the Bangladesh team to come play in Pakistan and then talk about international stars.

I don't know why some people think they are experts in every matter. Since your slow, I'll try to explain this to you in simple terms. First off post the source where it says 90% of sponsorship comes from India, if you don't have the source then it's obvious your a mental dog barking for attention. Second of all, many companies are in talks with PCB to start the PPL. A lot of companies have taken interest and PCB is not going to pay for the salaries, these companies are. First try to understand how premier leagues work. The board isn't responsible for salaries, it's the people who own the teams which are.
Lastly, Bangladesh already got clearance to play in Pakistan but since BCB is BCCI's puppy, it's obvious politics has stopped that tour. I hope Bangladesh don't come to Pakistan, since playing minnows is useless.

Now if you have some self respect left then you won't show your face in this thread ever again.
I don't know why some people think they are experts in every matter. Since your slow, I'll try to explain this to you in simple terms. First off post the source where it says 90% of sponsorship comes from India, if you don't have the source then it's obvious your a mental dog barking for attention. Second of all, many companies are in talks with PCB to start the PPL. A lot of companies have taken interest and PCB is not going to pay for the salaries, these companies are. First try to understand how premier leagues work. The board isn't responsible for salaries, it's the people who own the teams which are.
Lastly, Bangladesh already got clearance to play in Pakistan but since BCB is BCCI's puppy, it's obvious politics has stopped that tour. I hope Bangladesh don't come to Pakistan, since playing minnows is useless.

Now if you have some self respect left then you won't show your face in this thread ever again.

Sour Grapes ???? :rofl:
Sour Grapes ????

you give a reason huh and dont give security they checked and said yes do you get what that means or is your english weak they came checked the security and said they liked it and went back happy so hmmm what happened then that they said no?

anyway indians over here talking without sense plz read the op and the entire thread before posting as it contains enough information.
Ppl has been anticipated from 3-4 years and still there isn't even a starting point..control the excitement..btw avoid these leagues if you want to save your national cricket..trust me!
Ppl has been anticipated from 3-4 years and still there isn't even a starting point..control the excitement..btw avoid these leagues if you want to save your national cricket..trust me!

its because it was not considered seriously
Good for pakistan. But don't try to compete with IPL. Given a chance even Pakistani Players will prefer IPL over ppL.:devil:
with so many cricket crazy people pakistan can surely make PPL a success....having foreign players in PPL is different story..I think even IPL will work without foreign players...
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