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Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

I would assume they want a western system…SAMPT comes to mind.
It would be game changer for us
Hq 9 and SAMPT can crush any Fighter jet if we succeded in protecting them for long time during war.

May be Army wants air defence missiles in numbers. western systems are very expensive so can't be acquired in numbers.thats why Hq 9 p.

Also nowadays, Army is just feeling comfortable with Chinese systems.just saying :D
Can anyone smart logically goes through how good is this system? its competition?

oh just googled it

" The HQ-9 is a medium- to long-range, active radar homing surface-to-air missile. Similar in capability to the Russian S-300 and American Patriot systems, the HQ-9 uses a HT-233 PESA radar system. The naval variant, HHQ-9, appears to be identical to the land-based variant. "

Its S-300 level
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Can anyone smart logically goes through how good is this system? its competition?

oh just googled it

" The HQ-9 is a medium- to long-range, active radar homing surface-to-air missile. Similar in capability to the Russian S-300 and American Patriot systems, the HQ-9 uses a HT-233 PESA radar system. The naval variant, HHQ-9, appears to be identical to the land-based variant. "

Its S-300 level
"one Type 120 low altitude search radar, one Type 305A AESA search radar for full anti ballistic missile capability, and a passive radar against stealth targets."

Now AESA radar and active homing ability can be new addition in our air defence arsenal.

Sources say its s300v level system.

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keep your head down/become invisible when you are weak like China did for many many decades.

bluffing and bragging gets you killed, ask sadman of Iraq or more recently your own leader the teli from gujarat. it is your attempts at looking strong is what has caused you to get shafted time and again.

you should be using saam daam dand bhed but wisely like the rulers before BJP did
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @SQ8 can you guys comment about why these are under army? I thought overall airspace defence was under PAF, while specific army installation/ assets like corps or mech divs airspace was Army's responsibility visa vis short and medium range SAMs.
I think it's evolving thanks to greater tri-services integration (e.g., Project Vision and RAMP, Space Command, etc). So, the tri-services could be building towards common goals, but can be responsible for domains they're best equipped to handle. With its investments in air defence over the years, it seems the Army is confident it can support the HQ-9. In fact, this sets the precedent for the Navy to also induct a long-range SAM down the line for its surface ships.

The alternative is that the tri-services have revised the coverages they're responsible for ... e.g., maybe the Army and Navy can go up to 150 km range and 60,000 ft altitude, but the Air Force owns everything above that plus stuff like BMDs, satellites, etc. So, the PAF is becoming more of an 'Air and Space Force'.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @SQ8 can you guys comment about why these are under army? I thought overall airspace defence was under PAF, while specific army installation/ assets like corps or mech divs airspace was Army's responsibility visa vis short and medium range SAMs.

i had the same question, does AD comes under Army or Airforce? how does it goes?
I think it's evolving thanks to greater tri-services integration (e.g., Project Vision and RAMP, Space Command, etc). So, the tri-services could be building towards common goals, but can be responsible for domains they're best equipped to handle. With its investments in air defence over the years, it seems the Army is confident it can support the HQ-9. In fact, this sets the precedent for the Navy to also induct a long-range SAM down the line for its surface ships.

The alternative is that the tri-services have revised the coverages they're responsible for ... e.g., maybe the Army and Navy can go up to 150 km range and 60,000 ft altitude, but the Air Force owns everything above that plus stuff like BMDs, satellites, etc.
I was actually thinking the opposite. That PA doesn't trust the PAF to be able to defend some locations so they want to enforce their own no-fly zones. It would be more in line with @kursed's assertion that PAF's vision and PA's CIADBAM are their own dairh eent ki masjids.
What I mean is, is it comparable to S400 or Patriots in terms of capabilities?

China, the country that developed this system, itself spent billions on the S-400 from Russia (now inducted as its flagship system) --- that should tell you what you need to know.

India also ordered the S-400.
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