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Pakistan offers US joint operation against Haqqani Network: Asif

While the United States continues to suspect Pakistan’s fight against terrorists, Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif says that Islamabad has offered Washington an in-sync operation against the Haqqani network.

US President Donald Trump, while unveiling his strategy for Afghanistan in August, pilloried Pakistan for harbouring “agents of chaos” and the “very enemy US forces have fighting in Afghanistan” for the past 17 years.

‘No safe haven’: Pakistan rejects US report on Taliban, Haqqani network

US and Afghan officials have accused Pakistan of sheltering the Haqqani network – the deadliest of all the Afghan Taliban factions.

“We have offered American authorities to visit Pakistan with evidence of Haqqani network’s safe havens in the country. If they find any activity [of Haqqanis] in the targeted areas, our troops along with the US would destroy them once and for all,” Asif told anchor Javed Chaudhry on the Express News show Kal Tak.

Islamabad not to bow to ‘do more’ demands

The foreign minister, who recently toured Washington and met top Trump administration officials, went on to say that army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa had made the same offer to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani during his Kabul visit earlier this month.

Referring to unsavoury criticism from the United States, Asif said, “If the Trump administration exerts more pressure on us, friendly countries, especially China, Russia, Iran, and Turkey, will stand by our side.”

He further added that “If the US secretary of state and secretary of defence are coming to dictate us, we will refuse to accept their dictates…and now we will do what is in the best interest of our country.”

Last week, AFP reported that President Trump will dispatch Rex Tillerson and Jim Mattis to Pakistan in the coming weeks on a visit designed to drill home the message that Pakistani state support for jihadi groups has to end.

It is obvious that US has been following a double policy in Afghar War while dumping the burden on Pakistan. A joint action should expose real US intentions..US has been long plagued by self-righteousness
This traitor needs to be behind the bars or rather swinging from a tree with his head thrown in the nearby sewer instead of being the foreign minister of the country. What a helpless situation.
The ‘Muricans will always find excuses to ask Pakistan to do more. Today it is Haqqani. Tomorrow it will be the Santa. The real aim is to destabilize and undo Pakistan as a whole. This is no secret after 16 years of cross border proxy war. They failed and they couldn’t achieve any of their malicious objectives.

Pakistan should tell them to STFU. America is a country which has allowed India to promote terror in Pakistan through their so-called Afghan consulates. ‘Murica can cry foul all day long. It won’t make an iota of difference. Pakistan doesn’t care about Yankee sobbing. It is meaningless. The Pak armed forces will do whatever necessary to safeguard the nation.
we already allowed them to use drone, what more he is offering?

Anyways appeasement never gonna work with US, as maximus said, they have different agenda and plans for the region which are totally against Pakistan and regional interests. They will keep barking at us like mad dogs.. No matter what..
Even Americans are not that crazy to come to Pakistan.

Dude we are financial leeches. They would be crazy as hell invading Pakistan.

Aziz Arkadashim!!! You do posses a sense of humor!!!!!! By the by, do you have any Persian connections??? Mamtaj Mahal type!!!!!

we already allowed them to use drone, what more he is offering?

Anyways appeasement never gonna work with US, as maximus said, they have different agenda and plans for the region which are totally against Pakistan and regional interests. They will keep barking at us like mad dogs.. No matter what..
The defense secretary's nick name is in fact "mad dog"!!!!! As if unless you're moron, crazy or debauch if you have no chance at DC nowadays!!!! Effect of cheap weeds is taking a toll!!!!!
Negative ratings won't hide the fact what I said is true

In his first interview since commanding the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, CIA chief Leon Panetta tells TIME that U.S. officials feared that Pakistan could have undermined the operation by leaking word to its targets.

I wonder why Panetta came to that conclusion
Yet poor weak Americans are too dumb and a confused Hindu Indian knows everything.

You should work for Pentagon
And which is you're an NRI and not living in intelligent land of ancient ganga

And you're dumber than dumbest person on earth

you have a hard time with sarcasm
either than or you must be still sore with loss of your golden goose
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