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Pakistan offers to help train Libyan Army


Jan 24, 2020
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Pakistan offers to help train Libyan Army

The Libyan Defense Minister Salah Al-Namroush met Monday with the Pakistani military attaché Atef Talha and discussed boosting cooperation between the two countries' Defense Ministries.

Libya's Defense Ministry said on Facebook that the meeting reviewed the capabilities of the Pakistani military and its experience in different fields such as fighting organized crime and terrorism.

The military attaché said Pakistan hopes to cooperate with Libya in military fields and in training Libyan Army forces in fighting terrorism and demining.

Ek tw hamari army ko sb ka abba bn nay ka bara shoq hai. Middle East is a mess, better to stay away. We have enough problems of our own to deal with.
This is likely in response to all the anti-Pakistan moves the UAE has been making. It's probably a warning to the Arabs that Pakistan can get involved in Arab affairs, and make things very difficult for the Emiraties.
Ek tw hamari army ko sb ka abba bn nay ka bara shoq hai. Middle East is a mess, better to stay away. We have enough problems of our own to deal with.
Middle East may be a mess but it's our mess. Better to have a hand in it so we can have some leverage against others like UAE and Saudi later. Unlike India, Libyan problem will be solved eventually and when it does, Pakistan will benefit if we are on the right side. I think increasing recent Pakistani engagement in Azerbaijan, Syria, and Libya is an interesting change in long term strategy from PA.
If anyone had any doubts, this is basically Pakistan's official entry into Libyan civil war without saying it.
Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but I getting the feeling that this is Pakistan telling the Arabs to stop making anti-Pakistan moves, or else. I'm pretty sure Pakistan's civil and military leaders are tired of being financially blackmailed, and this is their warning shot.
This is likely in response to all the anti-Pakistan moves the UAE has been making. It's probably a warning to the Arabs that Pakistan can get involved in Arab affairs, and make things very difficult for the Emiraties.
Yes given the timing this is a possibility, but it means that negotiations are not going well either. It would be interesting to see what comes of this and the result of UAE ties in the end if this is the case, I would prefer a solution that is mutually beneficial is worked out as soon as possible to prevent this escalatory ladder from destroying a decades long relationship.
This is likely in response to all the anti-Pakistan moves the UAE has been making. It's probably a warning to the Arabs that Pakistan can get involved in Arab affairs, and make things very difficult for the Emiraties.
Exactly what I was thinking. Seems like Pakistan is starting to take more active role in regional conflicts. First Azerbaijan, then Syria, now Libya. Very intriguing. Good way to take out revenge on Khaleeji Arabs via proxy and gain some leverage over them by force.
Middle East may be a mess but it's our mess. Better to have a hand in it so we can have some leverage against others like UAE and Saudi later. Unlike India, Libyan problem will be solved eventually and when it does, Pakistan will benefit if we are on the right side. I think increasing recent Pakistani engagement in Azerbaijan, Syria, and Libya is an interesting change in long term strategy from PA.
With the Azeri victory in the Caucuses, and increasing anti-Pakistan steps the Gulf Arabs have been taking, it seems like Pakistan is finally committing itself to a Turkish led group of nations.
Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but I getting the feeling that this is Pakistan telling the Arabs to stop making anti-Pakistan moves, or else. I'm pretty sure Pakistan's civil and military leaders are tired of being financially blackmailed, and this is their warning shot.
Fully agree

I think last straw was Indian Army chief visit to Saudi. I would not be surprised at all if PA finally decided to take the gloves off after that episode and show them who's boss. Pakistan knows they can make life hell for Khaleejis in these regional conflicts if they want to and seems like they are in a good position to do just that. This will also be a good opportunity for Pakistan to test out new weapons platforms and military technologies outside the stale Kashmir/Afghanistan environments. Now we can finally get some new experience fighting different enemies with new tactics and apply it back home. Maybe this is where Pakistan will finally test out it's drones. I think this is a very significant and interesting development for PA. Also very interesting times ahead to see how PA develops stronger military integration with Iran and Turkey to counter Arabs.
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With the Azeri victory in the Caucuses, and increasing anti-Pakistan steps the Gulf Arabs have been taking, it seems like Pakistan is finally committing itself to a Turkish led group of nations.
I think it's actually bigger than that.

The recent Israel normalization trend has really accelerated the split of the Middle East and basically has caused a situation where now nobody can stay neutral anymore. Pakistan tried it's best to stay neutral for as long as could but Israel normalization was a clear red line we were not willing to cross. There is really no middle ground on this issue, it is a yes or no question and for Pakistan that is no.

So basically this forced all of the countries of Middle East to reveal their cards and show the big power brokers what side they were really on.

So now on one side you have countries who either recognize Israel officially or unofficially. On the other side you have countries that do not recognize Israel and are forming a separate coalition. Pakistan has ultimately decided that in spite of its differences with Turkey and Iran on certain issues, in the long term Pakistan has more unity in common with Turkey and Iran in terms of geopolitical alignment than with Arabs.

So basically now it is Israel/Arabs/India vs Turkey/Iran/Pakistan.

It is a long game and it will be interesting to see which alliance comes out on top in the long term.
I think it's actually bigger than that.

The recent Israel normalization trend has really accelerated the split of the Middle East and basically has caused a situation where now nobody can stay neutral anymore. Pakistan tried it's best to stay neutral for as long as could but Israel normalization was a clear red line we were not willing to cross. There is really no middle ground on this issue, it is a yes or no question and for Pakistan that is no.

So basically this forced all of the countries of Middle East to reveal their cards and show the big power brokers what side they were really on.

So now on one side you have countries who either recognize Israel officially or unofficially. On the other side you have countries that do not recognize Israel and are forming a separate coalition. Pakistan has ultimately decided that in spite of its differences with Turkey and Iran on certain issues, in the long term Pakistan has more unity in common with Turkey and Iran in terms of geopolitical alignment than with Arabs.

So basically now it is Israel/Arabs/India vs Turkey/Iran/Pakistan.

It is a long game and it will be interesting to see which alliance comes out on top in the long term.
This 'Turkey/Iran/Pakistan' nexus is merely an alliance of rumours, Pakistan enjoys way better relations with the Arab states than even India does. Pakistan is willing to recognize Israel at least the people in high seats are, we could see this with the Litmus test regarding a few journalists and even during the Musharraf era. Heck Pakistan shares some covert relations with Israel.
At the moment it is not clear what Pakistan's goal is in Libya however it does raise eyebrows in context with the current lows with the UAE.
This 'Turkey/Iran/Pakistan' nexus is merely an alliance of rumours, Pakistan enjoys way better relations with the Arab states than even India does. Pakistan is willing to recognize Israel at least the people in high seats are, we could see this with the Litmus test regarding a few journalists and even during the Musharraf era. Heck Pakistan shares some covert relations with Israel.
At the moment it is not clear what Pakistan's goal is in Libya however it does raise eyebrows in context with the current lows with the UAE.

What the Libyans needs is solid basic infantry leadership and training. Turks doing good job with UAVs etc for them, but essentially this is a messy urban war. No big tank battles or air combat. It will be city and countryside CT warfare. Something Pak did for 2 decades now.

What we need to do is

1) Send lots of Libyan officer cadets to PMA
2) Train their special forces
3) Set up basic infantry courses in Libya for their infantry battlaions
4) Where need be supply light arms and ATGMs

Ware will not be one by massive air raids or ships. It will be messy, painful and long infantry work, Something UAE and Egypt will certainly not have the stomach or men for.
I think many here are too focused on the military, and not other aspects. Pakisatan is economically weak and has always needed the help of others. This not even mentioning economic sanctions.

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