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Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

Arihant is not meant to fire cruise missiles, its class was meant to use ballistic missiles from the beginning....

U mean this....

1. Video: was from the failed GSLV launch...... one failure out of +100 successful space missions
2. Video: A Pakistani quoting a Fox news video.... big LOL Whenever Pakistan is mentioned its PROPAGANDA... but this time you are even right, its total BS: That rocket is a WW2 German V2 rocket.
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I showed you why.

So just because Prithvi glides a bit in the terminal phase after re-entering the atmosphere, at far below hypersonic velocity, it is similar to Iskander which has a huge cruise phase covered at hypersonic velocities while remaining inside the atmosphere?

Where did I underestimate.... I cannot say that Pakistan has Megaton Yield warheads and ICBMs... like many others want to hear.
I never claimed Pakistan has any Megaton yield nukes and ICBMs. Frankly speaking, Pakistan has nothing more than a ~50 kt device at best.

CEP for most Pakistani missiles ranges between 300-100m.

Glad to hear that. However thats for the MRBMs, the SRBMs are more accurate.

Me claiming about Ghauri... :hitwall: I gave you the source where the scientist from your missile/nuclear program has been saying that... and you are blaming me for quoting/writing what he said.:rolleyes:
The source mentioned 3 failed tests only (first two and the last one). Read it again.

There are more Photoshop experts here than BR... I gave you what is correct... If you want don't want to believe its upto you keep it to yourself.... But If you want to prove me wrong better produce something which says I was wrong.
And yes I can see the level of Knowledge among other knowledgeable members.

About the photoshop experts, I say that because I see them mounting a 180 kg nuclear device on top of K-15 (because they think that it would really go upto 2000 km with that) without accounting for warhead electronics, arming systems and triggering mechanisms. The weights they mention are of just the devices, the other systems that are necessary (not in case of conventional warheads) are never taken in.

There are fanboys here, but the sensible people don't take them seriously.
Do you have the Pakistani version ?
Not one which you will believe in, so its not worth it.
You can bring in the western source which falsifies my Indian source.
If India holds thermonuclear weapon.... It has to be mentioned... you people quiet easily take western sources as correct when it says something which makes you happy... for example the warhead estimates of Pakistan in time to come... even If it is true... what is Pakistan going to do with that many warheads... one of the knowledgeable member here claimed the estimates to reach 400... :woot:
The west currently doesn't gives a damn about Indian nuclear weapons. However you can read the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists' report of past year. Their estimates of Pakistani deployed warheads is accurate IMO.

Now where are the delivery systems for that many warheads... you still rely on old Chinese missile derivatives which the Chinese them self have been retiring.... or North Korean missiles which according to your own scientist remains doubtful... coming to Bombers... Mirage planes have already passed their age of retirement... Nasr doesn't have the reach... neither it can carry something more than 30-40kg nuclear.... coming to Babur and Raad old Abdali/Ghaznavi have better chance of reaching its target... All keeping in mind the future and current developments in Integrated air-defense Indian armed forces.

You've got to get the primitive image of Pakistan out of your head to understand it.

The only thing that is "old" in Pakistan's Chinese origin missiles is the design of the solid fuel motor. There hasn't been a revolutionary change in that design uptil now (I believe Shaheen-IA did bring some improvements, so will Shaheen-III).
All else including the guidance systems, stage systems, re-enntry vehicle, warhead design is new and upto the current day requirements.

Exactly which missile are the Chinese retiring?
I agree 100% that Ghauri is an obsolete system in today's Modern warfare.

Now If I by mistake even say that Indian arsenal is/will surely be much more than what Pakistan has or will ever have[I know other Knowledgeable members would be ready to jump on my throat with their knowledge].... keeping in mind the Newer missiles coming up... like Agni 3/4/5/6... K-15/4/5... etc... and other Hypersonic,Supersonic,Subsonic cruise missiles and new Bombers like Rafale.. ever Increasing MKI fleet... the Increasing SSBN fleet[by 2020 there would be 4-5] plus the SSK fleet with VLTs and reserves for those submarines.... I would somehow be wrong... because western source doesn't say about it and somehow It doesn't makes you feel good.

See thats the problem. You guys talk too much about the future, because India has declared its future plans, while Pakistan hasn't. Which does NOT means that Pakistan's defence industry will hibernate from now on.
You guys kept saying the same stuff in the past, you were surprised then and you'll be surprised again.
So just because Prithvi glides a bit in the terminal phase after re-entering the atmosphere, at far below hypersonic velocity, it is similar to Iskander which has a huge cruise phase covered at hypersonic velocities while remaining inside the atmosphere?

A glide of almost 200 km from the apogee is a bit for you ?:cheesy:
I guess below 50km still has a lot of atmospheric air.
:lol: How did you conclude that Prithvi is not Hypersonic at terminal stage ?
Even Its burn out velocity is about 5 mach or more.
Other than that since you have been downplaying Prithvi... I would like to now If any missile in Pakistan has these types of nozzels.


To maneuver along with Fins to keep stability while in hypersonic cruise flight.

The source mentioned 3 failed tests only (first two and the last one). Read it again.

You mean to say the rest of the 7 tests according to you were success even with the faulty guidance supplied by North Korea... :rolleyes:

About the photoshop experts, I say that because I see them mounting a 180 kg nuclear device on top of K-15 (because they think that it would really go upto 2000 km with that) without accounting for warhead electronics, arming systems and triggering mechanisms. The weights they mention are of just the devices, the other systems that are necessary (not in case of conventional warheads) are never taken in.

I was showing you the warhead configurations... why are you going to range figures ?
The range graph made by that person was his own assessment while the warhead configuration were gathered from different sources.... of which I can confirm about the Thermonuclear design, 200KT Boosted fission design and the 17KT Boosted fission and its sub-kiloton design[non-boosted fission].

Not one which you will believe in, so its not worth it.

Usual suni-sunayi batein.... I know there has been recent urgency there to make Plutonium weapons but you can't simply dump away the old stock which has been acquired over 5-8 year period... more so because you heavily depend on it... even If it is crude and low yield.

The only thing that is "old" in Pakistan's Chinese origin missiles is the design of the solid fuel motor. There hasn't been a revolutionary change in that design uptil now (I believe Shaheen-IA did bring some improvements, so will Shaheen-III).
All else including the guidance systems, stage systems, re-enntry vehicle, warhead design is new and upto the current day requirements.

Which is the Heart of any missile system.
You forgot to mention Guidance.... I would rather say improved guidance was verified on Shaheen 1A instead of an upgraded rocket motor.

Exactly which missile are the Chinese retiring?
I agree 100% that Ghauri is an obsolete system in today's Modern warfare.

M series... like M-18/9 Replaced by DF series mostly DF-21.

See thats the problem. You guys talk too much about the future, because India has declared its future plans, while Pakistan hasn't. Which does NOT means that Pakistan's defence industry will hibernate from now on.
You guys kept saying the same stuff in the past, you were surprised then and you'll be surprised again.

Future is declared upon some base.... what is being done today and what will be achieved in 5-10 years... wouldn't it be laughable If someone says India will make Death stars and Intergalactic cruisers.

When I say 4-5 SSBN fleet I mean it.... 1st is about to be fully operational If not already... 2nd would be rolled out in sea... 3rd hull was completed about an year ago by L&T... work on 4th must be nearing completion... and simultaneously work on the larger S-5 hull perhaps already started[design was revealed last year].

And It would be utterly foolish to think they would serve unarmed in the sea.

Now what is going on in Pakistan ?.... nothing... other than keeping the propaganda alive by testing a few SRBM every now and then in response to Indian tests and declaring the success even before they hit their targets.. which hardly having any future other than Babur.
I am not sure about the US report... thanks to the USA... because of the low profile we are able to get Uranium from Australia.... Now US pushing us into NSG..... I don't mind my fellow members who are thinking Pakistani nuclear arsenal is higher than India....
Indians really get worked up when they read reports of Pakistan leading India in military technology in foreign press. It is sometimes hard to stomach the fact, but the truth is like that. Gulp it down.
Future is declared upon some base.... what is being done today and what will be achieved in 5-10 years... wouldn't it be laughable If someone says India will make Death stars and Intergalactic cruisers.

When I say 4-5 SSBN fleet I mean it.... 1st is about to be fully operational If not already... 2nd would be rolled out in sea... 3rd hull was completed about an year ago by L&T... work on 4th must be nearing completion... and simultaneously work on the larger S-5 hull perhaps already started[design was revealed last year].

And It would be utterly foolish to think they would serve unarmed in the sea.

Now what is going on in Pakistan ?.... nothing... other than keeping the propaganda alive by testing a few SRBM every now and then in response to Indian tests and declaring the success even before they hit their targets.. which hardly having any future other than Babur.

Man i am impressed :woot: keep it up ;)
A glide of almost 200 km from the apogee is a bit for you ?:cheesy:
I guess below 50km still has a lot of atmospheric air.
:lol: How did you conclude that Prithvi is not Hypersonic at terminal stage ?
Even Its burn out velocity is about 5 mach or more.
Other than that since you have been downplaying Prithvi... I would like to now If any missile in Pakistan has these types of nozzels.


To maneuver along with Fins to keep stability while in hypersonic cruise flight.

It is a GLIDE. Prithvi is a ballistic missile, it does not remain powered throughout its flight. Dude, you really think with those giant quad wings that thing could go hypersonic without being powered?
It uses the glide just to increase the range.

If Prithvi missile, developed in the 80s from a SAM, is really that super duper...I wonder why Russia went for Iskander or India didn't develop a "range extended" version of Prithvi instead of Shaurya.
You are ridiculing yourself.

You mean to say the rest of the 7 tests according to you were success even with the faulty guidance supplied by North Korea... :rolleyes:

Yes, I do mean that.

I was showing you the warhead configurations... why are you going to range figures ?
The range graph made by that person was his own assessment while the warhead configuration were gathered from different sources.... of which I can confirm about the Thermonuclear design, 200KT Boosted fission design and the 17KT Boosted fission and its sub-kiloton design[non-boosted fission].

All I'm saying is that these guys tend to ignore the technical stuff and are big on words.

Usual suni-sunayi batein.... I know there has been recent urgency there to make Plutonium weapons but you can't simply dump away the old stock which has been acquired over 5-8 year period... more so because you heavily depend on it... even If it is crude and low yield.

To you they may seem suni-sunai baatein, I can also say the same for you.
The old stock can always be reprocessed.

Which is the Heart of any missile system.
You forgot to mention Guidance.... I would rather say improved guidance was verified on Shaheen 1A instead of an upgraded rocket motor.

It sure is, but if an 80's-designed solid fuel motor is providing enough thrust and is reliable to the maximum extent, I wonder how exactly it affects the missile's lethality. Provided that they constantly being improved, produced and re-lifed, so there is no question of "old" systems.
Ghaznavis and Shaheens use modern mechanical INSs, all other solid fuel missiles use stellar guidance as well. Pakistan is also going to integrate BeiDou SNS in future with all missiles.
Shaheen-IA and Shaheen-III represent the new approach, you'll get to know more about them in future.

M series... like M-18/9 Replaced by DF series mostly DF-21.
The strategic forces have moved on to the latest missiles, however the artillery still has M-11/DF-11, M-9/DF-15B/C in service. The M-18 was never in the Chinese service nor its existence has been verified yet.

Future is declared upon some base.... what is being done today and what will be achieved in 5-10 years... wouldn't it be laughable If someone says India will make Death stars and Intergalactic cruisers.
That is why Pakistani authorities stay silent on the future. Nobody told the world that Pakistan will become a nuclear power in 5-10 years, have more AEW&C aircrafts than India in 5-10 years, demonstrate the capability to develop a cruise missile arsenal, develop and deploy its SFC capable of targeting half of India within 5 years.
Stop underestimating Pakistan.

Now what is going on in Pakistan ?.... nothing... other than keeping the propaganda alive by testing a few SRBM every now and then in response to Indian tests and declaring the success even before they hit their targets.. which hardly having any future other than Babur.

Pakistani authorities don't boast, otherwise you'd know whats going on in Pakistan. You have my word, you'll be surprised.
Missile tests are never responses to rival tests, exercises are sometimes. Every project has deadlines finalized months and years ahead, and missiles are tested as soon as they are ready, whether India has tested a missile in near past or not.

Stop these nonsense allegations, every missile power has had failures.
It is a GLIDE. Prithvi is a ballistic missile, it does not remain powered throughout its flight. Dude, you really think with those giant quad wings that thing could go hypersonic without being powered?
It uses the glide just to increase the range.

Who said that Prithvi loses all its fuel while reaching Apogee ?
I am certain that neither the Prithvi nor the Iskander is powered thought its flight but I don't understand how you concluded the Prithvi losses all its fuel just at apogee and doesn't have any left for cruise glide simply because it has stabilizing wings. :cheesy:

BTW even Bigger wings go Hypersonic.

Whats wrong with Prithvi ?

If Prithvi missile, developed in the 80s from a SAM, is really that super duper...I wonder why Russia went for Iskander or India didn't develop a "range extended" version of Prithvi instead of Shaurya.
You are ridiculing yourself.

Prithvi has an old engine which has its limitations... It cannot maneuver as much as a Shaurya or Iskander... even the weight to fuel ratio is worse... the main aim behind shaurya was to make it canisterised and allow storage for very long period of time the 2nd stage Prithvi motor is Liquid which burns the longest and has to be fueled more frequently.... say 15-30 days or so... there was a news back in 2006 that they have tested a liquid fuel successfully which could be stored as long as 6 months but that still was unfavorable as a SSBN would normally have had to fuel its missile once in two sorties make it an extremely complex and lengthy task delaying deployment.

Yes, I do mean that.

Good for you till the next time some one comes out and reveals more truth about the rest of the tests.

All I'm saying is that these guys tend to ignore the technical stuff and are big on words.[/quotes]

They are as good as you or me or any one on this forum or else where... had they been as good they'd be working for DRDO.

To you they may seem suni-sunai baatein, I can also say the same for you.
The old stock can always be reprocessed.

Most of the things I say here is backed by authentic source and information available on Internet for all.

It sure is, but if an 80's-designed solid fuel motor is providing enough thrust and is reliable to the maximum extent, I wonder how exactly it affects the missile's lethality. Provided that they constantly being improved, produced and re-lifed, so there is no question of "old" systems.
Ghaznavis and Shaheens use modern mechanical INSs, all other solid fuel missiles use stellar guidance as well. Pakistan is also going to integrate BeiDou SNS in future with all missiles.
Shaheen-IA and Shaheen-III represent the new approach, you'll get to know more about them in future.

There's a limitation to technology... If I'd say I can improve an Agni II then It can be done only upto certain extent... I make the 2nd stage of missile composite body the motor design same but using composite casings... the REV with special metal coating which melts while in RE and creates a vaccum around it reducing drag and substantially increasing the range of the missile to almost double but can I make it an Agni III.

GPS is vulnerable to Jamming... I Hope you know that... Ballistic missiles depending on GPS can be far more unsuccessful that a Cruise missile using GPS... other threats and parameters considered.

The strategic forces have moved on to the latest missiles, however the artillery still has M-11/DF-11, M-9/DF-15B/C in service. The M-18 was never in the Chinese service nor its existence has been verified yet.

In Reserves yes... they even keep the age old DF-5 there.
M-18 design was sold to Pakistan... Its components transferred... Shaheen II is the proof of its existence... not saying they are the same missile although.

That is why Pakistani authorities stay silent on the future. Nobody told the world that Pakistan will become a nuclear power in 5-10 years, have more AEW&C aircrafts than India in 5-10 years, demonstrate the capability to develop a cruise missile arsenal, develop and deploy its SFC capable of targeting half of India within 5 years.
Stop underestimating Pakistan.

Which would do you live in ?
Pakistan was throwing its hands right during the 70s after the 71 war and when India tested its 1st bomb... there were threats to bomb Pakistani facilities from IAF and PAF threatened the same to India aswell... its not 5-10 years... I did not expect that from you.

The SFC of Pakistan or I should rather say PA have not been able to move beyond west India.... and thats the truth... Shaheen II(15-20) are little in numbers are to be used only for specific targets towards south... I should say Shaheen II needs more tests to validate as an trustworthy missile for Long ranges.

Pakistani authorities don't boast, otherwise you'd know whats going on in Pakistan. You have my word, you'll be surprised.
Missile tests are never responses to rival tests, exercises are sometimes. Every project has deadlines finalized months and years ahead, and missiles are tested as soon as they are ready, whether India has tested a missile in near past or not.

Stop these nonsense allegations, every missile power has had failures.

Was it me who was boosting about all Ghauri missiles being Pakistani.
Was it me who was boosting all Gaharui missiles tests including the last test to be a success.
Was it me who says that all the missiles are indigenous to Pakistan and no foreign help was involved whatsoever.
Was it me who has been saying that all Pakistani missiles have been pin-point success.
Was it me who was saying the we can target Indian withing 8 minutes with a Nuclear strike when the primary strike missile Ghauri would have about 30 minutes just to fuel up ?
Was it me talking about nuclear strikes when the missile Ghauri was deemed a failure even by scientists associated in testing it and the military staff who thought of scrapping it or sending it back to Korea.
Is it me who is still claiming that Ghauri had rest of the 7 tests successful in spite the fact the military wanted it scrapped or send back from where they imported it.

Look around you who is bragging... or I should say look to yourself.
I never claimed anything outside the frame where I could not prove that to you with authentic internet sources.... you claim that Pakistan has more AWACS than India but completely ignore that you are importing them from outside while we have two AWACS projects running simultaneously with 3 PTs already being tested.

There are many things which are being worked upon in Indian towards the Nuclear field... we are building a 1st worlds arsenal with thermonuclear bombs and almost pinpoint accurate missiles... had we tried dirty fission bombs we would be competing China in numbers but can it make us similar in the yield and power.
Who said that Prithvi loses all its fuel while reaching Apogee ?
I am certain that neither the Prithvi nor the Iskander is powered thought its flight but I don't understand how you concluded the Prithvi losses all its fuel just at apogee and doesn't have any left for cruise glide simply because it has stabilizing wings. :cheesy:

BTW even Bigger wings go Hypersonic.

Whats wrong with Prithvi ?
I'm saying that. As a matter of fact most ballistic missiles terminate boost phase much before reaching apogee.
Iskander is powered throughout the flight except for the terminal stage where it dives down and the EO seeker (in a variant) identifies the target.
The stabilizing wings in Prithvi are meant to provide lift in the terminal stage, so that maneuvering is possible and more lateral distance is covered.

The HTV-2's outer body is designed to sustain the high temperatures of hypersonic flight. Since the nose tip doesn't takes most of the heat as happens in most ballistic missiles, the whole body including wings must have heat shielding. Something which Prithvi doesn't have, and besides it has FOUR delta wings, which are designed for generating lift in atmosphere, not sustaining hypersonic velocities. It would be a disaster to make it travel at Mach 5.

Stop making baseless and ridiculous claims.

Prithvi has an old engine which has its limitations... It cannot maneuver as much as a Shaurya or Iskander... even the weight to fuel ratio is worse... the main aim behind shaurya was to make it canisterised and allow storage for very long period of time the 2nd stage Prithvi motor is Liquid which burns the longest and has to be fueled more frequently.... say 15-30 days or so... there was a news back in 2006 that they have tested a liquid fuel successfully which could be stored as long as 6 months but that still was unfavorable as a SSBN would normally have had to fuel its missile once in two sorties make it an extremely complex and lengthy task delaying deployment.

Oh...so ummm why not just replace the liquid fuel motor with a solid fuel one and maintain the supreme hypersonic quasi-ballistic-with-four-delta-wings design?

Good for you till the next time some one comes out and reveals more truth about the rest of the tests.

Not accepting, eh? Dude, if there were more failures, why not disclose them all by saying it failed all tests?
The guy pointed out the exact tests, thats it. MOVE ON!

Most of the things I say here is backed by authentic source and information available on Internet for all.
You mean BR, right? :disagree:
Here in Pakistan we have the ISI-syndrome, most people who know the technical (but not harmful) details abstain from sharing it.

There's a limitation to technology... If I'd say I can improve an Agni II then It can be done only upto certain extent... I make the 2nd stage of missile composite body the motor design same but using composite casings... the REV with special metal coating which melts while in RE and creates a vaccum around it reducing drag and substantially increasing the range of the missile to almost double but can I make it an Agni III.

Ummm why would anybody want an Agni-III motor for a Agni-II payload? Get over it, the solid fuel motors are meeting current requirements...when the need arises, more efficient ones will be developed.
As a matter of fact they already are being developed, as in Shaheen-IA.

And by the way that chromium coating does not creates vaccum, it creates a less dense medium so that the air does not come directly in contact with the ReV.

GPS is vulnerable to Jamming... I Hope you know that... Ballistic missiles depending on GPS can be far more unsuccessful that a Cruise missile using GPS... other threats and parameters considered.

I know, but the methods are quite difficult, not easily achievable by India.
No modern missile system depends entirely on one guidance system. IMU (INS), Satellite Navigation, Stellar Guidance (for > IRBMs) , DSMAC/TERCOM (in case of cruise missiles) all work in coherence.

M-18 design was sold to Pakistan... Its components transferred... Shaheen II is the proof of its existence... not saying they are the same missile although.

I see ;)

Which would do you live in ?
Pakistan was throwing its hands right during the 70s after the 71 war and when India tested its 1st bomb... there were threats to bomb Pakistani facilities from IAF and PAF threatened the same to India aswell... its not 5-10 years... I did not expect that from you.

The SFC of Pakistan or I should rather say PA have not been able to move beyond west India.... and thats the truth... Shaheen II(15-20) are little in numbers are to be used only for specific targets towards south... I should say Shaheen II needs more tests to validate as an trustworthy missile for Long ranges.

People like you claimed the same stuff just a few years before from those developments, but they were surprised. Of course now it seems all "we-expected-it" stuff.

First, nobody on the internet know the number of Shaheen-II missiles. Although you could ask your BR guys how many 6-axle TELs they have seen on GE.
Second, Shaheen-II had probably the best record of test flights, thats why after 4 years and 6 flights, it was made operational.

Was it me who was boosting about all Ghauri missiles being Pakistani.
Was it me who was boosting all Gaharui missiles tests including the last test to be a success.
Was it me who says that all the missiles are indigenous to Pakistan and no foreign help was involved whatsoever.
Was it me who has been saying that all Pakistani missiles have been pin-point success.
Was it me who was saying the we can target Indian withing 8 minutes with a Nuclear strike when the primary strike missile Ghauri would have about 30 minutes just to fuel up ?
Was it me talking about nuclear strikes when the missile Ghauri was deemed a failure even by scientists associated in testing it and the military staff who thought of scrapping it or sending it back to Korea.
Is it me who is still claiming that Ghauri had rest of the 7 tests successful in spite the fact the military wanted it scrapped or send back from where they imported it.
Bhai meray Pakistan has 6 other ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons besides Ghauri. Thodi unhain bhi suna dijiye.

The 8 minutes claim is for after the launch has occurred. The launch preparations last for hours, even for solid-fueled missiles.
Reliability doubts are one thing, they don't change facts.

Look around you who is bragging... or I should say look to yourself.
I never claimed anything outside the frame where I could not prove that to you with authentic internet sources.... you claim that Pakistan has more AWACS than India but completely ignore that you are importing them from outside while we have two AWACS projects running simultaneously with 3 PTs already being tested.

Ah, the "authentic" Internet sources...anyways if its all about the internet sources, then I'm out of this discussion.

There are many things which are being worked upon in Indian towards the Nuclear field... we are building a 1st worlds arsenal with thermonuclear bombs and almost pinpoint accurate missiles... had we tried dirty fission bombs we would be competing China in numbers but can it make us similar in the yield and power.

Have I refuted these claims?

M-18 was a 10t missile with 1000km range

Shaheen II is a 25t missile with 3000km range

a person saying that Shaheen II is a m-18 is is either indian or a fool

M-18 was a 10t missile with 1000km range

Shaheen II is a 25t missile with 3000km range

a person saying that Shaheen II is a m-18 is is either indian or a fool

Or he could be someone from FAS, Missilethreat or GlobalSecurity too, the "authentic" sources! :woot:

Correction: Shaheen-II has a maximum range of 2000km.
CANT BELIEVE THIS THREAD IS STIL OPEN. its a rediculous TITLE and claim.

The indians send rockets into space with satalites FOR FUN.
THE INDIANS have a multi billion dollar space program and AGNI 5 IS A IRBM

in conrast the PAKISTANIS use uranuim nuclear warheads as per USA bombs from 1950s rather than plutonuim like INDIA. and HAVE NIL ZERO capablity as a SPACE POWER.

A few chinease/north korean technology based ballistic missles on old fashioned uranuim warheads WILL NOT GIVE ANY LEAD over india whose budget for nuclear weapons and space is ten x that of pakistan and GAP is gowing
CANT BELIEVE THIS THREAD IS STIL OPEN. its a rediculous TITLE and claim.

The indians send rockets into space with satalites FOR FUN.
THE INDIANS have a multi billion dollar space program and AGNI 5 IS A IRBM

in conrast the PAKISTANIS use uranuim nuclear warheads as per USA bombs from 1950s rather than plutonuim like INDIA. and HAVE NIL ZERO capablity as a SPACE POWER.

A few chinease/north korean technology based ballistic missles on old fashioned uranuim warheads WILL NOT GIVE ANY LEAD over india whose budget for nuclear weapons and space is ten x that of pakistan and GAP is gowing

I think you just got your period.

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