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Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

Indian DM came out in frustration and changed no first use or whatever policy in front of few journalists while Bipin bogey was busted already on 27th Feb at BHQ in IoK. Not just that, Bipin really missed to mention the losses on 27th & 28th Feb while his bogey is already called upon. The actually loss of faith was when Indian threatened to attack with missiles - was the bogey when Indian Army, Indian Air Force & Indian Navy failed in all areas.

Pakistan hasn't yet used nuclear bogey at all.
Indian DM came out in frustration and changed no first use or whatever policy in front of few journalists while Bipin bogey was busted already on 27th Feb at BHQ in IoK. Not just that, Bipin really missed to mention the losses on 27th & 28th Feb while his bogey is already called upon. The actually loss of faith was when Indian threatened to attack with missiles - was the bogey when Indian Army, Indian Air Force & Indian Navy failed in all areas.

Pakistan hasn't yet used nuclear bogey at all.
Agreed. the indian army has been consistently getting tightly humiliated ever since February of this year while its air farts don't wanna come near the the border after abhinonedone's busted nose and its navy is carefully watching its distance after its latest scorpene submarine was caught & surfaced (read surrendered) without any challenge. when humiliated & disgraced in all 3 dimensions, explains why the indian dm chose to pull out if the nfu policy, not that we ever believed them to begin with.
Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.

You know what, only Indian Army Chief can say this. Having been humiliated on Feb 27/28 at the conventional warfare india first restored to threatening the use of missiles which was not just successfully foiled and countered. Then the authorities (if they have any in face of RSS) talked about ending the "no first use policy". A few weeks later, the chief talks about Pakistan's nuclear bogey!!

What a dumb thing to say,

Gen Rawat should probably explain, that why in spite of having many times the land , many times the force, and many times the budget, and an over all decisive parity in his favor in conventional means,
India has managed to do zilch in past 70 plus years ?

Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.

tirchi topay valay monkey bippin has so much faith in his army that they couldn't even stop Pakistan from marching in and posing DG ISPR's posters all over srinagar! :lol:
Only one word to amply describe Mr Bipin --- "JACKAS.S" ! :omghaha:
Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.


And we are discussing this extremist Hindutwa agenda supporter:
Mr Bipin - pipped his squeaks on the 27/28th, browned his pants and got the vapours, pray do tell why the heck do you morons have nukes. Surely by your logic and what you are implying is that you Hitlerites are so good that Pak needs nukes, so why do you have them, so by the same extension, you must be really shite. Oh too late, you need to change your nappy mate, looks like you lot have done another Balakot.
yes your right ol bipiny ol boy ol chap, that's why your defense minister spoke about pulling out ofthe "no first use" policy now didn't he? no confidence in his own forces' conventional capabilities...:enjoy:

Why is that human sitting on that monkey?

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