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Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

The chief was asked about it and he gave a response, unlike the DGISPR having a press conference every other day. Pakistani overstatement as always.
And the chief lied through his teeth!!

Either that or he is unaware of what his own gov. and authorities have been doing about nuclear conflict policy. Read my above post again, you MAY understand.
And the chief lied through his teeth!!

Either that or he is unaware of what his own gov. and authorities have been doing about nuclear conflict policy. Read my above post again, you MAY understand.

I HAVE understood your post Arsalan. You expect your defence chiefs and defence ministers to issue such statements in a scenario such as this and every country is entitled to it including mine and yours.

But the sabre rattling coming from Pakistan every other day either by your PM, regular pressers by DGISPR and by your ministers has not gone unnoticed to the observer community and Gen Bipin Rawat is voicing just that, the nuclear boggy.
Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.


Have to agree with the Indian Army Chief; whenever our 'politicians' and other retards bring up the Nuclear Weapons, we are actually spreading lack of conviction in the ability of our Armed Forces to deter an Indian assault conventionally.

There is hardly any talk of a war and our Ministers and Politicians start harping and barking about our Nuclear Assets as if we have no faith in our conventional fighting abilities, why spend Billions of Dollars on conventional forces if you have no trust in them? We should clearly demonstrate to India that we are fully prepared to defend Pakistan, and Kashmir, with conventional means and that Nuclear Weapons were developed only in response to Indian Nuclear Weapons program otherwise we wouldn't even have Nuclear Weapons.
Have to agree with the Indian Army Chief; whenever our 'politicians' and other retards bring up the Nuclear Weapons, we are actually spreading lack of conviction in the ability of our Armed Forces to deter an Indian assault conventionally.

There is hardly any talk of a war and our Ministers and Politicians start harping and barking about our Nuclear Assets as if we have no faith in our conventional fighting abilities, why spend Billions of Dollars on conventional forces if you have no trust in them? We should clearly demonstrate to India that we are fully prepared to defend Pakistan, and Kashmir, with conventional means and that Nuclear Weapons were developed only in response to Indian Nuclear Weapons program otherwise we wouldn't even have Nuclear Weapons.

The fact that there is pretty much zero probability of a meaningful non nuclear conflict between 2 nuclear powers cross your mind? ?

Indians live in a delusion . . Nuclear and conventional is spectrum of same conflict not a distant reality
The fact that there is pretty much zero probability of a meaningful non nuclear conflict between 2 nuclear powers cross your mind? ?

Indians live in a delusion . . Nuclear and conventional is spectrum of same conflict not a distant reality


Infact, there is NO possibility of any Nuclear exchange between the 2 countries. None, whatsoever.

Infact, there is NO possibility of any Nuclear exchange between the 2 countries. None, whatsoever.

100% agreed. At most some tactical nukes might be used. But that's it. In an all out war, the war will remain conventional.
We divided ajk and GB years ago. Gave a defacto province status to GB many years ago

What exactly have you done about it? Nothing

First gather courage yourself to remove curfew then challenge others

Is de-facto status legal.

These regions according to your own constitution are not even part of your country.

Modi showed courage now ball is in your court.
Is de-facto status legal.

These regions according to your own constitution are not even part of your country.

Modi showed courage now ball is in your court.

It is done and dusted and you did nothing but whining for few days

Modi just overplayed his hand and we appreciate that. That is why we say Modi is good for Pakistan :)
Even though it is POS enemy that is saying this but I have to agree with his statement. This constant supply of statements from our side of trying to "hide behind" the nuclear weapons in an effort to run away from the conventional war is indeed a clear sign of "weakness", we don't need gangu general to tell us about it, we already know about it since our "leaders" are proud to be "pacifists" when it comes to war. I often imagine what if Dr Abdul Qadeer has not come to Pakistan for the development of the nuclear weapons, what would be the "position" of our side in the hypothetical scenario of "non-existent nuclear weapons", I am really interested to find the answer of this hypothetical scenario of Pakistan vs India war where Pakistan doesn't have "nuclear weapons", would it be same as 1971 episode or something different taking into account the "pacifists" in charge of positions of decision making in Pakistan these days.

100% agreed. At most some tactical nukes might be used. But that's it. In an all out war, the war will remain conventional.

That is the reality, in 1999 Kargil military battle both Pakistan and India were declared nuclear powers in possession of deadly nuclear weapons yet that battle remained restricted to "conventional war". USA has inflicted conventional wars on Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan despite being a "supreme nuclear power" and never used "nuclear weapons" in any of these places even though if they wanted to use them no one could have been in a position to "stop" them.
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Even though it is POS enemy that is saying this but I have to agree with his statement. This constant supply of statements from our side of trying to "hide behind" the nuclear weapons in an effort to run away from the conventional war is indeed a clear sign of "weakness", we don't need gangu general to tell us about it, we already know about it since our "leaders" are proud to be "pacifists" when it comes to war. I often imagine what if Dr Abdul Qadeer has not come to Pakistan for the development of the nuclear weapons, what would be the "position" of our side in the hypothetical scenario of "non-existent nuclear weapons", I am really interested to find the answer of this hypothetical scenario of Pakistan vs India war where Pakistan doesn't have "nuclear weapons", would it be same as 1971 episode or something different taking into account the "pacifists" in charge of positions of decision making in Pakistan these days.

That is the reality, in 1999 Kargil military battle both Pakistan and India were declared nuclear powers in possession of deadly nuclear weapons yet that battle remained restricted to "conventional war". USA has inflicted conventional wars on Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan despite being a "supreme nuclear power" and never used "nuclear weapons" in any of these places even though if the wanted no one could have been in a position to "stop" them.

IMO, only darpok buzdil mofos talk about both countries nuking each other or nuclear war BS. Gangoos would never ever ever use nukes in a war. Because if nukes are used then their so called Holy Land (Mother India) will be contaminated and will become inhabitable forever and nobody would be left to worship snakes, monkeys, trees, cows, rats etc. So they would never use nukes in war.

Unfortunately our elite starts ranting about nuclear war if there is any debate about war with India.
This is quite a humiliating statement for Pakistan. The Indian general whatshisname effectively called Pakistan out. Indians on this thread are correct. Pakistan for the past 70 years warned India that any move to incorporate Indian Kashmir into India would be a declaration of war. The "Indian Monkeys" for the past month formally annexed and incorporated their part of Kashmir into India after dividing the state further. What does Pakistan do? Tweet. Call every politician who would take their call to complain. Threaten a nuclear war. What does India do? It goes ahead with its plans. Its leader gets accolades and medals from Arab nations and the Ummah seems to slap it with congratulations on the back. It shows its middle finger to the Pakistani military saying go ahead, do it. It cuts off any communication in the Valley and removes the leadership in Kashmir.

Whatever happened to the jugular vein of Pakistan?
Unfortunately our elite starts ranting about nuclear war if there is any debate about war with India.

I strongly believe it is psychologically driven by their internal cowardice, to me it looks more like a childish rant whenever they bring "use of nuclear weapons" as a starting argument rather than considering it a weapon of the last of the last resorts. With this kind of BS around use of nuclear weapons the world is bound to "mistrust" us being mature enough to be in possession of nuclear weapons. With great nuclear weapons capability comes great responsibility which we should always demonstrate to the whole world that we are not jokers who start our arguments with the use of nuclear weapons whenever there is a talk of war between Pakistan and any other country.
It is done and dusted and you did nothing but whining for few days

Modi just overplayed his hand and we appreciate that. That is why we say Modi is good for Pakistan :)

Do you have any date to show when this was " Done and Dusted " Or you simply believe whatever is dished out to you.

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