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Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.


We will nuke you Inshallah
Oh I see the hypocrisy...Rajnath: "We are not sure about our policy of no first use in future" and this change comes after the bhindu army of coward terrorists and airforce both received @ss whooping on Feb 27 and in the following weeks. So imagine guys that we rattled them so thoroughly that a country of 1.2 billion got forced to change her policies.

Guy imagine yourself as the army chief of world's second or third largest army of a country with 1.2 billion creatures (some of them are humans as well). Then you prepare for surprise attack on the enemy which 7-8 times smaller and you reach one of the divisional head quarters near the enemy border but still at a very safe distance and you're holding a meeting with all your top leadership on the fine sunny day, the sun is shining and the birds are singing and there's no cloud cover as well :lol:, and you're discussing the failed airstrike by your airforce carried out in the last night and still celebrating that none of your pilots got shot because of the cloud cover. But all of the sudden, the whole room starts to shake and you think it is an earthquake but then you hear huge bangs that deafen your ears and things start to fall.. you hide under the table with your tails between your legs (just suppose that you had a tail for whatever the reason).. but the intensity of the earth quake increases and you realise that one of depots of ammo is exploding and something happens and you faint there...while seeing the the room shaking like a spaghetti and everything goes dark...and you lose consciousness

Next you open your eyes, you see people dressed in white coats and you realise that you're in a hospital. You are so shocked that you lost the faith in life. You don't talk to anyone even with your wife or parents for the next few months. You receive electric shock therapy at one of the best hospital in your country.. your eyes and mouth are wide open and a personal attendant has been hired to shut your eyes and mouth every night. and then after 2-3 months you start to come out of shock.. as psychiatrist give medicines to lose your bad memories and eliminate the nightmares...

and eventually you forget those memories and then after 7 months of treatment you give this statement "

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That statement by Def min on 'No First use' was directed at China & Not Pakistan.

At least with Pakistan - we are facing a much larger enemy .

India and China both are much more comparable in population and size than Pakistan and india. Yet India has little confidence in its military capability with regards to China, if we go by his statement.
Indian Policy recently changed about first use of nuclear weapon if i m not wrong. What does that tells about the confidence on Indian armed forces. Pakistan is facing a much larger army and its understandble about their stance about nuclear use but whats wrong with Indians. Are they that scared or they that incapable ?
General Bipin is a funny fellow.
He should be the last person to talk about Pakistan conventional might. Hope ringing in his ears is gone in the aftermath of swift retort.
You know what, only Indian Army Chief can say this. Having been humiliated on Feb 27/28 at the conventional warfare india first restored to threatening the use of missiles which was not just successfully foiled and countered. Then the authorities (if they have any in face of RSS) talked about ending the "no first use policy". A few weeks later, the chief talks about Pakistan's nuclear bogey!!


The chief was asked about it and he gave a response, unlike the DGISPR having a press conference every other day. Pakistani overstatement as always.
Oh I see the hypocrisy...Rajnath: "We are not sure about our policy of no first use in future" and this change comes after the bhindu army of coward terrorists and airforce both received @ss whooping on Feb 27 and in the following weeks. So imagine guys that we rattled them so thoroughly that a country of 1.2 billion got forced to change her policies.

Guy imagine you the army chief of world's second or third largest army of a country with 1.2 billion creatures (some of them are humans as well). Then you prepare for surprise attack and you reach one of the divisional head quarters near the enemy but still at a very safe distance and you're holding a meeting with all your top leadership on the fine day, the sun is shining and the birds are singing and there's no cloud cover as well :lol:, and discussing the failed airstrike by your airforce the last night and still celebrating that none of your pilots got shot because of the cloud cover. But all of the sudden, the whole room starts to shake and you think it is an earth but then you huge bangs that deafen your ears and things start to fall.. you hide under the table with your tails between your legs (just suppose that you had a tail for whatever the reason).. but it earth quake increases in intensity as you realise that one of depots of ammo is exploding and something happens and you faint there...

You are so shocked that you lost the faith in life. You don't talk to anyone even with your wife or parents for the next few months. You receive electric shock therapy at one of the best hospital in your country.. your eyes and mouth are wide open and a personal attendant has been hired to shut your eyes and mouth every night. and then after 2-3 months you start to come out of shock.. as psychiatrist give medicines to lose your bad memories and eliminate the nightmares...
and eventually you forget those memories and then after 7 months of treatment you give this statement "


He (Bipin) is openly challenging and Modi has annexed your "Shay Reg". Isn't it Time for Bajwa to accept the challenge
He (Bipin) is openly challenging and Modi has annexed your "Shay Reg". Isn't it Time for Bajwa to accept the challenge

Anex our shay reg?

BC we have been building CPEC for past many years on your atoot ang.

When will you gather guts to do anything about it? What's good is all this huge budget and numerical superiority when the best you can do is a failed strike at balakot and removal of a clause from your own constitution that too after imposing a curfew that continues fur a month now?
Anex our shay reg?

BC we have been building CPEC for past many years on your atoot ang.

When will you gather guts to do anything about it?

We have been building dams on your shey reg.

It's been even so far.

Now Modi has officially annexed J&K and you are expecting your civilians to stand in line to regain your shey reg ?
We have been building dams on your shey reg.

It's been even so far.

Now Modi has officially annexed J&K and you are expecting your civilians to stand in line to regain your shey reg ?

We divided ajk and GB years ago. Gave a defacto province status to GB many years ago

What exactly have you done about it? Nothing

First gather courage yourself to remove curfew then challenge others

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