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Pakistan Needs to Deploy a Battle Group In Saudi Arabia & Emirates

If war broke out with India, do you expect they will help us?

Look what happened to innocent civilians in Syria. The below numbers tells everything. We are not even Arabs.



We don't need their help if war break with india---we may just want to use some of their weapons---otherwise---the funds we will receive----within a period of 2-5 years we will be finacillay and militarily well equipped to face the indian challenge.

But---once the troops are in the gulf region---India won't make the blunder of fighting a war with Pakistan----just imagine all those expats being expelled by saudia and emirates and Qatar.

Saudia and emirates and Qatar would want to see an extremely stable Pakistan during that time----. So---this by in itself would reduce hostilities from India.

This is a matter of strategic discussion for the wellbeing of Pakistan-----. It is not about hatred towards Iran---.

The Iranian moderator is making a threatening gesture towards me---and that is not acceptable.

Stop crying and playing victim, my post here has nothing to do with me being a Mod. Threatening gesture? Did I hurt your delicate feelings in the process?

I don't find any 'strategic' discussion here, I see hatred towards a country.

If I say 'Iran should invade Afghanistan, kill any pro-Pakistan person and destroy Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan'. it means I am talking based on hatred. That's not how things work in real world.

Yemen war was a hysteric reaction to a natural set of events in Yemen, a corrupt and weak government being toppled. Those attacked Yemen couldn't tolerate their stooge being toppled and tried to justify their invasion by making it look like they are fighting Iran's influence in that country (which is over-exaggerated, even according to Obama), and as always, naïve and gullible people fell for it.

Houthis do have good relations with Iran in general, but that doesn't mean they are agents of Iran, they are a very popular group with massive support base. Blaming Iran for what happened in Yemen is like blaming Pakistan for unrest in Libya.
1) Syrians are majority Shias. Why would the Sunni Gulf take them in?

2) You have any clue how the UAE, KSA & Qatar helped our nuclear program?

3) KSA helps in the '65, '71 and '99 wars?

4) Abu Dhabi's help in '71 & '99?

Thanks & Have a good evening!

Your argument fails in first sentence. Syria is Sunni majority around 70%. Don't forget Pakistan also got shia population and I am sure its more than Syria shias as our population is 5th or 6th largest in world.

They why christian countries are taking Muslim refugees?

I would be glad to know how those countries helped only the one thing I know is Saudi Arabia provided us free oil.

Its about humanity dude. If they can allow Hindus to work in their countries why not take some refugees with having so much money. Just now as I am typing this

i think its a great idea,why just stop wit ME,its not the only place right now you have opportunities else where as well,like in Africa.
Its a great business model and good out of box thinking to recover the economy.
If you haven't figured it out by now. You never will.
Take a example of India, India has attracted lot of dollors even from UAE without sending a single soldier to another's cause.
Why India , Even pakistan has attracted billions from China with out fighting Chinese war.


Welcome to this world---if you did not remember---the American rented their troops in the first and 2nd world wars---.

They again did it in the first Iraq and 2nd iraq war as well. You know that the Iraqis paid for the exense of the U S to fight these wars---.

USA entered 1s world war when it's merchent flotilla get hammering from marauding German U-Boats.Until then USA was giving loans to both Germany and Britain.

USA entered 2nd world war when Pearl Harbour was attacked by Japanese.

Lets not forget the Indians who died for the British Raj!!!!

Those Indians were not free citizens. Even every Naionalist leader at that time opposed Indian involvement and launched quit India movement.

We don't need their help if war break with india---we may just want to use some of their weapons---otherwise---the funds we will receive----within a period of 2-5 years we will be finacillay and militarily well equipped to face the indian challenge.

But---once the troops are in the gulf region---India won't make the blunder of fighting a war with Pakistan----just imagine all those expats being expelled by saudia and emirates and Qatar.

Saudia and emirates and Qatar would want to see an extremely stable Pakistan during that time----. So---this by in itself would reduce hostilities from India.

Tell them to expel all Indians now really we will do anything. Do you how hard is to get visa to those countries for Pakistanis and Indians get it easily even on arrival. Kuwait has even banned visas for Pakistan in difficult times. In 2011 Kuwait suspended the granting of visas to citizens from five countries, including Pakistan, for any purposes. The suspension was due to the "difficult security conditions in the five countries"
Tell them to expel all Indians now really we will do anything. Do you how hard is to get visa to those countries for Pakistanis and Indians get it easily even on arrival. Kuwait has even banned visas for Pakistan in difficult times. In 2011 Kuwait suspended the granting of visas to citizens from five countries, including Pakistan, for any purposes. The suspension was due to the "difficult security conditions in the five countries"


Well---don't support terrorism in those countries and don't do terrorist activities----. When you sell your soul and become a terrorist---what else do you expect.
Your argument fails in first sentence. Syria is Sunni majority around 70%. Don't forget Pakistan also got shia population and I am sure its more than Syria shias as our population is 5th or 6th largest in world.

They why christian countries are taking Muslim refugees?

I would be glad to know how those countries helped only the one thing I know is Saudi Arabia provided us free oil.

Its about humanity dude. If they can allow Hindus to work in their countries why not take some refugees with having so much money. Just now as I am typing this

1) Bashar Al Asad and his cronies are...........?

2) Chrisitan countries talking in refugees - Thank You. We should do more. I agree

3) KSA, UAE, Qatar did a lot. But I'm not going to disclose that on a internet forum at the cost of my job! Do ask serving officers in the forces or Min. of Finance.

4) To your comment about hindus-
Pakistanis in the UAE - 1.6m
Indians in the UAE - 2.6m

Pakistani population 200m
Indian population 1.2bn

5) Refugees come with their own set of problems. But they do support refugee camps in Jordan, Egypt, etc.They have seen what Afghanis have done to Pakistan, They don't want to become another Pakistan. They learned form our mistakes. We didn't.

Well---don't support terrorism in those countries and don't do terrorist activities----. When you sell your soul and become a terrorist---what else do you expect.
So you are saying Pakistani is a terrorist nation. :(

Then how can you expect those countries to accept your offer of Pakistani with guns provided with their money in their country.
So you are saying Pakistani is a terrorist nation. :(

Then how can you expect those countries to accept your offer of Pakistani with guns provided with their money in their country.

Welll---don't put a spin on it---you know very well the reason that visa's were stopped----.

A soldier is committed to his job and to his sovereign duty----he has taken an oath---and the opath is very important to him---.

for many a Pakistani civilian---oath means nothing----.

Stop crying and playing victim, my post here has nothing to do with me being a Mod. Threatening gesture? Did I hurt your delicate feelings in the process?

I don't find any 'strategic' discussion here, I see hatred towards a country..

Typical insulting comments from an Iranian----. Just simply cannot disagree---. It is not a part of their culture---.

Regardless of what you say---. I have had interactions with 100's of Iranians over the years in the U S---L A being their capital in the U S----. Never could trust a single one of them.

That is why I am saying----Pakistanis are extremely gullible people----. Never trust iranians.
1) Bashar Al Asad and his cronies are...........?

2) Chrisitan countries talking in refugees - Thank You. We should do more. I agree

3) KSA, UAE, Qatar did a lot. But I'm not going to disclose that on a internet forum at the cost of my job! Do ask serving officers in the forces or Min. of Finance.

4) To your comment about hindus-
Pakistanis in the UAE - 1.6m
Indians in the UAE - 2.6m

Pakistani population 200m
Indian population 1.2bn

5) Refugees come with their own set of problems. But they do support refugee camps in Jordan, Egypt, etc.They have seen what Afghanis have done to Pakistan, They don't want to become another Pakistan. They learned form our mistakes. We didn't.
Shia can become a Prime Minister or President of Pakistan too so it means they will just dump Pakistan because Pakistan leader is Shia in Sunni Majority.

I dont want to get in argument anymore as it is just useless and making no sense at all.
Typical insulting comments from an Iranian----. Just simply cannot disagree---. It is not a part of their culture---.

Regardless of what you say---. I have had interactions with 100's of Iranians over the years in the U S---L A being their capital in the U S----. Never could trust a single one of them.

That is why I am saying----Pakistanis are extremely gullible people----. Never trust iranians.

What you think or any ill-will you hold about Iranians, does not matter for anyone for a second, and won't change anything in the bigger picture.

Sophistry is not going to help either. I did not insult you anywhere, but you seem to have a problem dealing with opposing voices by acting like this.
I have only read the first post in this thread.

With all due respect what kind of thread is this? Is anyone foolish enough to attack the GCC since this is discussed?

KSA and the GCC are perfectly capable of dealing with Yemen which 6 months of war is a testament of.

KSA itself is an leading regional power and the GCC has some of the most powerful armies (combined) not only in the region but world that are perfectly capable of defending themselves.

The good intentions are appreciated but Pakistan has its own problems to look after.
Why would those countries trust Pakistan? With 100,000 troops, weapons and aircraft, what guarantee can exist that the next nutjob general of Pakistan will not decide to take over Saudi Arabia in a coup in a coup of sorts? they have done it repeatedly so the rapsheet exists.

Nah, the sheiks are never ever gonna trust Pakistan. kapput.
due to our forces the UAE minster will never dare to threaten Pakistan with terrorist attacks through sectarian terrorists. also Iran will be kept in a check.
Tell them to expel all Indians now really we will do anything. Do you how hard is to get visa to those countries for Pakistanis and Indians get it easily even on arrival. Kuwait has even banned visas for Pakistan in difficult times. In 2011 Kuwait suspended the granting of visas to citizens from five countries, including Pakistan, for any purposes. The suspension was due to the "difficult security conditions in the five countries"

Why didn't the Pakistani Govt take this up at the highest level?
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