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Pakistan Needs to Deploy a Battle Group In Saudi Arabia & Emirates

For that to happen we first need lots of assurances and practical steps being taken by Gulf states esp UAE n KSA. If UAE assures it would stop anti Gawader ventures n all GCC openly supports us in our Kashmir and Sir Creek issues plus play active role in normalizing tense situation at our eastern borders and ofcourse the promised investments in Pakistan then ofcourse why wud we not deploy our troops in GCC areas as we would be able to spare all those from eastern borders. There is no Army and Air Force trained with excellence in fighting terrorists than Pak Army and PAF are. Without having secured above mentioned goals we wud never be at ease in commiting troops to GCC as U can never go to help others when Ur own backyard isnt safe?
Yeah---after 25-30 years of death and destruction of the Palestinians--Lebanese---now Iraq and Syria----indeed Ira is a great lover of peace---only on the dead bodies of others.

Ignore him bro, he is clueless. Iran isn't the only thing he mentioned. Don't forget Bangladesh!

Secondly, the point is NOT a multinational force but a Pakistani Force. Why dilute it?

Thirdly, the Pakistani black money in KSA, Qatar and the UAE, back to the Pakistani people, that is another $20bn at least. So you are looking at $150bn ballpark. Not too bad! Ever thought of moving to Abu Dhabi? I could use someone like you on my staff.
1) When was the last time Pakistan was Pro-active? 1947?

2) The figure you have stated $100bn is very doable, over 5 years. $20bn per Annum, split between not two, but three. Qatar, KSA and UAE. $6.66Bn per partner. Strictly for Infrastructure work and job creation. Very realistic figure!

3)Secondly, there can be an additional $30bn over 5 years. $6bn per Annum. $2bn per partner as investments into Agriculture, Textile etc.

4) What you have stated is a very good idea. Only problem is, we don't have the guts or foresight to do it.

It's the thought that counts. Thanks you get a +ve rating from me :enjoy:


Whenever there is a problem---there is also a solution attached to it. Sometimes it comes for free---sometimes you have to pay heavily for it---. But you have to decide the price that you are going to pay for what you want to do and then take a firm stand.

Assisting the Saudis and Emiratis and Qataris is not gong to be an easy task----a lots of commitment---tact and tenaciousness will go into the project. And if done right---the results would be as pleasing.

First of all and the most important part would be that it would bring a lots of respectability to Pakistan and Pakistan's military form around the world. The name of Pakistan that has been dragged thru mud--dirt and filth over the years by Pakistani naysayers will be looked at differently---.

What is the price to pay for that alone----I do not think that a number can be put on that---it is tantamount to a COUPE DE GRACE----.

But just the simple thought of our richest neighbors coming to our house and seeking our protection is a gift given from ALLAH---it is a unique moment in the history of our nation---that a time has come that a poor country like Pakistan can help its elder brothers in Saudia and Emirates and Qatar to maintain peace and order----.

It is a gift from heavens----how often does a rich brothers asks a poor brother for help---. I want you guys to look at this issue like it is of your own household----I want you guys to think about it like it is your brother from the same mother asking you for help----how many of you will refuse---how many of you have refused your blood brother to help him.

I mean to say----if one wants to think about this situation deeply---this incidence is of COSMIC proportions---this is like shifting of stars and moving them one orbit to a different orbit----the likes of which are never accounted for.

I think that if the Saudi govt and Emirati govt would get hold of me and hire me to be their spokes person in front of the Pakistani pubic, govt and military to force the state into committing, I would welcome that.

I think it is all about marketing----this project was marketed in the wrong manner by the wrong people---that is why it failed----.
Wow..what an idea to enlighten us in the labor day long week end...I am just thinking, when would Pakistan will think independently of its own interests?? Pakistan did not send troop because Iran does not like it...Why is it so??? Why do you have to think about someone if you are assured that you will net benifit with this step..Again, if you decided that you are not joining the war, again why do you think it is wise to go there??? Just because SA is not liking it,,,,,So i am not sure in between these descisons, what is the people of Pakistan thinks and what they do like their Gov to do?? Forget about what Iran and SA think about your decisions.
I don't think our Irani friends would agree on bold part. Look at population of Iran and GCC countries , Iran alone has greater human resource than all GCC countries combined.To say it modestly,Iran is a superpower in Gulf region.

@Serpentine @2800 @haman10 @The Last of us

Of course we disagree with it, but we are used to this line of thinking.

And there is no point in wasting time in this thread, is there? Only because a guy on internet says 'Pakistan should deploy troops there', doesn't mean Pakistan is going to deploy troops there.

Every nation has its share of haters. No one is an exception, so...

Ignore him bro, he is clueless. Iran isn't the only thing he mentioned. Don't forget Bangladesh!

Secondly, the point is NOT a multinational force but a Pakistani Force. Why dilute it?

Thirdly, the Pakistani black money in KSA, Qatar and the UAE, back to the Pakistani people, that is another $20bn at least. So you are looking at $150bn ballpark. Not too bad! Ever thought of moving to Abu Dhabi? I could use someone like you on my staff.


Just come to think of it----that by in itself would be a total game changer----. These criminals would not be able to run to the gulf and hide----.

100000 thousand troops will create millions of jobs in Pakistan---hospitals--university---colleges--schools---blood banks---cancer centers---industry---roads---water---electricity---.

The paycheck that these guys would send home would be a boon in itself.

We will also have to change our life styles in Pakistan----. Order in the society and the imposition of the rule of law would be primary---. Security would be taken as a serious concern----corruption would be eliminated----. There will be hope and expectations in the minds of men and women----.

Of course we disagree with it, but we are used to this line of thinking.

And there is no point in wasting time in this thread, is there? Only because a guy on internet says 'Pakistan should deploy troops there', doesn't mean Pakistan is going to deploy troops there.

Every nation has its share of haters. No one is an exception, so...



This is a matter of strategic discussion for the wellbeing of Pakistan-----. It is not about hatred towards Iran---.

The Iranian moderator is making a threatening gesture towards me---and that is not acceptable.
I don't think our Irani friends would agree on bold part. Look at population of Iran and GCC countries , Iran alone has greater human resource than all GCC countries combined.To say it modestly,Iran is a superpower in Gulf region.

@Serpentine @2800 @haman10 @The Last of us


They may not agree----but the issue is about Pakistan and its sustenance.

My personal experience with Iranians----I will never trust them---that is me----. And we already found that out a couple of 5 months ago----the Iranian tilt towards india after Pakistan chopped its feet off by refusing troops on Iranian urgence---.
Why would those countries trust Pakistan? With 100,000 troops, weapons and aircraft, what guarantee can exist that the next nutjob general of Pakistan will not decide to take over Saudi Arabia in a coup in a coup of sorts? they have done it repeatedly so the rapsheet exists.

Nah, the sheiks are never ever gonna trust Pakistan. kapput.
You do not even have any idea how sacred the holy places of Saudi Arabia are to us. Go brown nose Israel. Get a history lesson before your next childish post.
If war broke out with India, do you expect they will help us?

Look what happened to innocent civilians in Syria. The below numbers tells everything. We are not even Arabs.

1) Syrians are majority Shias. Why would the Sunni Gulf take them in?

2) You have any clue how the UAE, KSA & Qatar helped our nuclear program?

3) KSA helps in the '65, '71 and '99 wars?

4) Abu Dhabi's help in '71 & '99?

Thanks & Have a good evening!

They may not agree----but the issue is about Pakistan and its sustenance.

My personal experience with Iranians----I will never trust them---that is me----. And we already found that out a couple of 5 months ago----the Iranian tilt towards india after Pakistan chopped its feet off by refusing troops on Iranian urgence---.

Renting your soldiers to other's cause and you call it Pakistan's sustenance.:o:

May be you know better.
Renting your soldiers to other's cause and you call it Pakistan's sustenance.:o:

May be you know better.


Welcome to this world---if you did not remember---the American rented their troops in the first and 2nd world wars---.

They again did it in the first Iraq and 2nd iraq war as well. You know that the Iraqis paid for the expense of the U S to fight these wars against them---ironic isn't it---.
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Welcome to this world---if you did not remember---the American rented their troops in the first and 2nd world wars---.

They again did it in the first Iraq and 2nd iraq war as well. You know that the Iraqis paid for the exense of the U S to fight these wars---.

Renting your soldiers to other's cause and you call it Pakistan's sustenance.:o:

May be you know better.

Lets not forget the Indians who died for the British Raj!!!!
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