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Pakistan needs to come out of destructive India mindset: US


ulta choor kotwal ko dante

they should first stop india to stop supporting BLA and TTP with munitions and money

hnadover kashmir to their own people

then we will welcome them with our BIG hearts

Kashmir is our land.
WE have never supported any terrorists.
well we get oil for free, try to do that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

your india has been looking for failed relation ships for 60 years, you are now turning to friends which pakistan made 60 years ago..

the most important fator which separated pakistan from bengladesh was not language etc etc, it was the distance, in your logic the south and north india should be together, both have different culture language etc, but still they are together..

religion is a uniting factor abs right, but bangladesh didnt get independence alone, india invaded bangladesh after strengthening factors like awami league for years just like LTTE, benglais i met hate awami leage and hasina, all of them..

You get free oil? I may be wrong but I think the total oil import of Pakistan is worth of $6.5 billion and thats all inclusive.
Ignore it. They are out of their minds due to recent events... Instead provide them sympathy...

what sympathy :argh:
see the whole history of indo-Pak Relations and the role of India in the whole South Asia
every time it try to become the boss of small countries like Nepal,Bengladesh,Maldep,Sri-lanka
even it also has repeatedly many battles with big countries like China and Pakistan
from 1947 to day ........from Mr. Jawahir Nehru to Mr.Manmohan....... India has never tried to make Real peace with its Neighbours :smokin:
Who broke Pakistan in 1972
Who is stealing the water
Who is helping BLA
Who want Afghanistan to be Indian proxy

Some questions , no body writes on these issues in Dawn news as every one see through the orange bug in their mind.

But for better economy Pakistan will be force to accept India as the big brother and surrender to it. economically Pakistan is weak so a class inside the financial hub think PA to be obstetrical in peace with India.

> Idiotic pakistani estabshment broke pakistan in 1971... read history...

> If we wanted to do that , we would have diverted all the water ... we didn't during three wars fought.... "hum dushmani main bhi ek sharafat rakhte hain"

> We are not helping baloch insurgency.. its your internal matter... Hopefully pakistan doesn't instigate kashmir which will someday lead any soft corner to BLA... if that happens then it will be a big mess for you....

> We dont fight our wars through proxies... As long as taliban and AQ scumbags are kept away from Afghanistan, its a victory for the entire region, but pakistani intentions were very clear the way they have bred taliban and supported the the most horrendous regime in history of freeworld. Pakistani establishment single handedly pushed Afghanistan back to dark ages. If the afghanistan wants india to throw its weight behind it to keep Pakistan and its taliban cronies away, its morale duty of india and the rest of free world to back afganistan.

> For better economy of pakistan, install Democracy and bring military under peoples control... thats the solution ... dont come up with indian hegemony drama...

The disinformation of big bad India attacking pakistan to occupy it under tyrant hindu regime has been goin on for far too long. Stop cheating your own people.
yes we do get free Petrolium from our Friend Saudi Arab for some durations in Past

Just asking for information,when did this used to happen.I am quite sure,nothing of that sort is happening now.When did this use to happen? Any facts and figures that we can refer to?
India is our number 1 enemy and will always remain so untill india is totally destroyed.
sadly then we ll remain your enemy for infinitely long time! :lol:,well not if Pakistan collapses on its own(looking at it's current condition)..
what sympathy :argh:
see the whole history of indo-Pak Relations and the role of India in the whole South Asia
every time it try to become the boss of small countries like Nepal,Bengladesh,Maldep,Sri-lanka
even it also has repeatedly many battles with big countries like China and Pakistan
from 1947 to day ........from Mr. Jawahir Nehru to Mr.Manmohan....... India has never tried to make Real peace with its Neighbours :smokin:

Never started a war though, protected maldives, Helped Sri Lanka, Liberated Bangladesh, did not retaliate against Pakistani state sponsored terror, Protected rights of the developing countries worldwide in international trade, Been a democracy since the inception of republic of india....

I think we have played our part quite well... but what about pakistan?
India is our number 1 enemy and will always remain so untill india is totally destroyed.

Okay last time Pakistan tried a full scale war,it lost a chunk of its country,back in 1971.Again when Pakistan tried in 1999,it was not only beaten back,but also ended up having the fourth military coupe in the country's short history of around 50 years.Wanna give it one more try?
yes its unfortunate for india

India Enemy No 1 ..

USA enemy no 2

3rd number pe world bank hoga..

4th pe BLA

5th pe Any civilian government of Pakistan

6th i am guessing Israel

7th pe Indian cricket team

@ hmmm please correct if needed
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