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Pakistan needs to come out of destructive India mindset: US

if you think two nation theory failed miserably in 1971 what you think about hyderabad, junagadh, ferozpur, occupied kashmir etc which well belonged to pakistan as per the motto of separation were lost from pakistan in the very beginning??

pakistan's relation with muslim countries is enough to prove that two nation theory holds true

even after separation bengladeshis feel more towards pakistani than indian, infact both a a very common similarity of being disgusted about their indian neighbour hood at the same time

The core essence of Two Nation Theory that Hindus & Muslims cannot co-exist peacefully was lost when Bengali Muslims had enough of the West Pakistanis and went their own way showing the world that religion (read Islam) is not a strong enough motivation to forget linguistic, cultural & national differences.

India enjoys excellent relations with all Muslim countries except Pakistan. We buys arms from Israel and oil from Arabs. Try to do that yourself.

Refer point#3. Also if Bangladeshis are so pro-Pakistan and anti- India ask them to forget 1971 and join back as East Pakistan.
so you still think that these threats are "Empty Threats" orn are without any reason
first indian military bragged about trying Surgical operations In Pakistan:devil:
then Pak Army threaten them of their ultimate Fate:yahoo:
and USA also advised India not even to think about it (as the whole world know Indian Bad Performance against Pakistan

What happened? A day ago you were an Afghan. I guess after the NYC bomb scare pakistanis are still hiding behind flags.

As for your lame unworthy sentence all I gotta say is 1971. Hope you understand what India is capable of :)

Btw you can keep yapping. Fact of the matter is, your country is hiding behind a curtain to save it's face. Must be humiliating to be called a pakistani. :lol:
The core essence of Two Nation Theory that Hindus & Muslims cannot co-exist peacefully was lost when Bengali Muslims had enough of the West Pakistanis and went their own way showing the world that religion (read Islam) is not a strong enough motivation to forget linguistic, cultural & national differences.

India enjoys excellent relations with all Muslim countries except Pakistan. We buys arms from Israel and oil from Arabs. Try to do that yourself.

Refer point#3. Also if Bangladeshis are so pro-Pakistan and anti- India ask them to forget 1971 and join back as East Pakistan.

well we get oil for free, try to do that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

your india has been looking for failed relation ships for 60 years, you are now turning to friends which pakistan made 60 years ago..

the most important fator which separated pakistan from bengladesh was not language etc etc, it was the distance, in your logic the south and north india should be together, both have different culture language etc, but still they are together..

religion is a uniting factor abs right, but bangladesh didnt get independence alone, india invaded bangladesh after strengthening factors like awami league for years just like LTTE, benglais i met hate awami leage and hasina, all of them..
Washington Top US lawmakers and experts have asked Pakistan to come out of its India-centric mindset which they argued is nothing but destructive for it, a day after Islamabad resorted to rhetoric against New Delhi.
"Pakistan's strategic view and posture vis-a-vis India is, at least in this senator's judgment, and I think for many people who so talk about it is absurd in this modern context," Senator John Kerry, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said at a Congressional hearing.

"Both nuclear nations, both with much bigger interests that would take them, under good reasoning, to, you know, a very different conclusion, but there just seems to be a kind of, you know, automatic historical, cultural desire to keep focusing on India.

"And it is depleting their ability to focus on their own economy, on their own needs, to learn that they have increased their nuclear arsenal, when, by most people's judgment, they already had a bigger one than India and an absolutely adequate capacity to deter as well as to destroy within the region simply doesn't make sense," Kerry said at the first of the series of hearings on Pakistan convened by him.

Resorting to rhetoric, Pakistan Army and the government yesterday warned India against any Abbottabad-like "misadventure", saying it would be responded to "very strongly" that could lead to a "terrible catastrophe".

Senator Richard Lugar, the Ranking member, argued that the US should not cut off its relationship with Pakistan.

"Distancing ourselves from Pakistan would be unwise and extremely dangerous. It would weaken our intelligence gathering; limit our ability to prevent conflict between India and Pakistan; further complicate military operations in Afghanistan; end cooperation on finding terrorists; and eliminate engagement with Islamabad on the security of its nuclear weapons," he said.

"When I visit Pakistan, I get the sense that the Pakistani business community, the political classes, get it that they have no future if they're at constant war mentally with India. I think a lot of people get it now. But the national security establishment, which is a rather important part of Pakistan, still doesn't get it," said Michael Krepon, Co-Founder and Senior Associate South Asia, Henry Stimson Center.

The US ties with India are going to continue to get better, as they should.

"And Pakistan's national security establishment is going to feel more insecure as a result," he said.

"We can't convince Pakistan's military to befriend India. We can work with them to have a more normal relationship with India, especially in the areas of trade and regional development. The biggest challenge facing Pakistan's national security establishment is to recognize how growing links to extremist groups mortgage that country's future," he said.

"The ISI still doesn't get this. Outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba are the leading edge of Pakistan's national demise. If Pakistan's military leaders can't rethink the fundamentals of their anti-India policy and their increased reliance on nuclear weapons, they will never know true security," Krepon said.

Moeed Yusuf, South Asia Adviser Center for Conflict Management, US Institute of Peace, argued that no amount of money is going to change Pakistan's India mindset.

"Both sides were fairly close to an understanding on a Kashmir solution themselves. I think we dropped the ball by not pushing them hard enough to keep sitting on the table when they pulled back in 2007," he said.

"Terrorism is a serious issue. And I think Pakistan needs to be pushed as much as it can. There's a joint terrorism mechanism which we need to continue; both sides have agreed. But we want to make sure they don't pull out. And third, I think equally important and overlooked is the economic relationship," he said.

Observing that Indo-Pak normalization is critical for Pakistan, but it is not US aid that is going to do the trick, he said.

"It would therefore be best to use America's economic leverage to ensure better development outcomes, and returns on the counterterrorism front should be linked only to security assistance," Yusuf said.

Senator Ben Cardin said the death of Osama bin Laden presents the US with an opportunity to "reset" its ties with the Pakistani people.

"The death of bin Laden provides us with an opportunity to reach out to the Pakistani people so that they understand that the gravest threat they face is not from the US military, but from terrorists who are using their country as a safe heaven," said Cardin, a member of Senate Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection.

"We need to do a better job of helping Pakistanis understand that it is in their economic and security interests to partner with the United States," he said in a statement.

"In Pakistan, we have an obligation and responsibility to American taxpayers to make sure that US foreign aid is used to ensure our national security. Focusing on the perception of the US by the Pakistani people is very important," he said.

"We need to ensure that our economic and development efforts show that the United States is a partner with the Pakistani people," Cardin said.

However, Congressman Vern Buchanan called for a freeze in foreign aid to Pakistan until its leaders can show they had no knowledge of bin Laden's whereabouts.

"While the death of bin Laden represents a historic victory in our fight against terrorism, it also raises serious concerns about Pakistan's commitment and reliability as an ally in our fight against terrorism," said Buchanan.

"We should freeze all aid to Pakistan until we have assurances that the Pakistani government is not in the business of harboring terrorists," he said.

Pakistan needs to come out of destructive India mindset: US - Express India

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: look whose talking. .

- - They say that we are obsessed of destroying India and just after the Abbotabad Operation; India expressed its will to raid Pakistan. .
well we get oil for free, try to do that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

we dont want oil for free..we are not beggars..
really show ur thought process if u think that getting something for free is great...
your india has been looking for failed relation ships for 60 years, you are now turning to friends which pakistan made 60 years ago..

the most important fator which separated pakistan from bengladesh was not language etc etc, it was the distance, in your logic the south and north india should be together, both have different culture language etc, but still they are together..
U dont know about india...this above shows how much is ur knowledge....
North and South india should be together not becoz of shared culture/religion but because we share the same democratic principles...
and dont even compare India and Pakistan's friends in international fora...Pakistan is the most isolated country may be after North Korea and Somalia..even ur so called gr8 friend-brother China pays only lip service when u r attacked..and see what our friend 'Russia' did in 1971 when US 7th fleet threatned India...
benglais i met hate awami leage and hasina, all of them..
..and that is y they won with a majority and now in power....
well we get oil for free, try to do that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That is called AID and AID is like AIDS- it will kill you some day

your india has been looking for failed relation ships for 60 years, you are now turning to friends which pakistan made 60 years ago..

You may be referring to USA, but the hard truth is that Pakistan was never a friend of US but only a disposable proxy.

the most important fator which separated pakistan from bengladesh was not language etc etc, it was the distance, in your logic the south and north india should be together, both have different culture language etc, but still they are together..

Then Alaska should separate from US, Andaman Nicobar Islands should separate from India, Greenland from Denmark and Indonesia should basically separate from eachother.

religion is a uniting factor abs right, but bangladesh didnt get independence alone, india invaded bangladesh after strengthening factors like awami league for years just like LTTE, benglais i met hate awami leage and hasina, all of them..

The Two Nation Theory was the basis of the formation of Pakistan- not India. So the burden of proving it right in the real world fell upon Pakistan and you failed in 1971. India was just a catalyst in 1971. With or without India you guys were heading for a split, India just hasten the process.

ulta choor kotwal ko dante

they should first stop india to stop supporting BLA and TTP with munitions and money

hnadover kashmir to their own people

then we will welcome them with our BIG hearts

What do u have to do with Kashmir first of all... and how do u say that Kashmir is not in the hand of its people. The chief minister is selected democratically in Kashmir, if u are not aware of this. Get out of your muslim first attitude.

Neway ..Its a fact that Indian Muslims (Including Kashmir)are respected world wide unlike other muslims... so better mind your own business and in your country rather than thinking for the Muslims world wide .
Who broke Pakistan in 1972
Who is stealing the water
Who is helping BLA
Who want Afghanistan to be Indian proxy

Some questions , no body writes on these issues in Dawn news as every one see through the orange bug in their mind.

But for better economy Pakistan will be force to accept India as the big brother and surrender to it. economically Pakistan is weak so a class inside the financial hub think PA to be obstetrical in peace with India.

And what do you think incidence from Pak History are very pious. OMG... in Pakistan history is always manipulated.

One more thing, Afghanistan is not Pakistan.. So better.. lets the Afghani decide what they want to do with their own country. You guys have already meddled Afghanistan to such a worst condition.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: look whose talking. .

- - They say that we are obsessed of destroying India and just after the Abbotabad Operation; India expressed its will to raid Pakistan. .

And ... you were present in the Indian Cabinet Meeting where it was decided that India might raid Pakistan.
we dont want oil for free..we are not beggars..
really show ur thought process if u think that getting something for free is great...

if you dont wanna be beggars than stop exporting your indian immigrants for free and populate them on middle class in your own country, are you living under the shades of arabian money??

and no getting oil for free is the symbol of friendship, which i guess india will never ever get, no body is crazy to provide oil to india for free

pakistan also got free oil during 1947 and 1965 wars, even the nazim or hyderabad helped us monetarily after our independence
if you dont wanna be beggars than stop exporting your indian immigrants for free and populate them on middle class in your own country, are you living under the shades of arabian money??

and no getting oil for free is the symbol of friendship, which i guess india will never ever get, no body is crazy to provide oil to india for free

pakistan also got free oil during 1947 and 1965 wars, even the nazim or hyderabad helped us monetarily after our independence

Yes all pakistanis working abroad are also considered beggars. By your logic anyone working abroad is considered a beggar. Congrats with your "free oil" :lol:
I'm pretty damn sure you have very little or no knowledge of economics or international trade.

Btw I'm in my last year of middle school, so I myself am not very advanced regarding international trade etc. Pretty much just the basics.
Yes all pakistanis working abroad are also considered beggars. By your logic anyone working abroad is considered a beggar. Congrats with your "free oil" :lol:
I'm pretty damn sure you have very little or no knowledge of economics.

Well what the current price of Petrol and Diesel in Pakistan... ?
if you dont wanna be beggars than stop exporting your indian immigrants for free and populate them on middle class in your own country, are you living under the shades of arabian money??

and no getting oil for free is the symbol of friendship, which i guess india will never ever get, no body is crazy to provide oil to india for free

pakistan also got free oil during 1947 and 1965 wars, even the nazim or hyderabad helped us monetarily after our independence

I guerss american immigrats and european immigrants in india make them beggers by that logic.

And rest about friendship, lol friendship is between equals not about one providing other with free lunches constantly. Its called charity
if you dont wanna be beggars than stop exporting your indian immigrants for free and populate them on middle class in your own country, are you living under the shades of arabian money??

The immigrants -whether legal or illegal- are not beggars . They work very hard for for every Dollar/Dirham/Riyal that they sent home.

and no getting oil for free is the symbol of friendship, which i guess india will never ever get, no body is crazy to provide oil to india for free

You are confusing gestures of charity with friendship.

pakistan also got free oil during 1947 and 1965 wars, even the nazim or hyderabad helped us monetarily after our independence

Good for you but that didn't changed the outcome of war. Kashmir is still in our hands.
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