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Pakistan needs to come out of destructive India mindset: US

Who broke Pakistan in 1972
Who is stealing the water
Who is helping BLA
Who want Afghanistan to be Indian proxy

Some questions , no body writes on these issues in Dawn news as every one see through the orange bug in their mind.

But for better economy Pakistan will be force to accept India as the big brother and surrender to it. economically Pakistan is weak so a class inside the financial hub think PA to be obstetrical in peace with India.

You dont even remember the proper year, dude.
India has water issues too. Pakistan's issues are due to mismanagement.
Who is helping BLA ? Innocent until proven guilty. Same with next Q.

In 1971, India was just a shadow of what it is now.
Who broke Pakistan in 1972
Pakistan broke more because of internal reason than external.Had the people of Est Pakistan,not wanted a separate nation,then it would have never happened.Now,you ask yourself,why the people of East Pakistan wanted a separate nation.
Who is stealing the water

Water is released as per Indus Water treaty.if Pakistan does not have proper channels to utilize it and end up having floods,then,well god help Pakistan.
Who is helping BLA
Not even a single credible evidence.GoP always says that they will come up with official evidence but then it never comes.India on the other side has given countless evidence of terrorism in Kashmir,ISI involvement in anti national activities and most recently Mumbai attacks.More than one leader/President of Pakistan have even accepted that Pakistan did employ terrorism as a state policy.
Who want Afghanistan to be Indian proxy

Is Afghanistan your forefathers' property??Why don't you try the same?Anyways,there is a difference between proxy and having a good relationship.Pakistan is proxy of US.The same cant be said about Afghanistan and India.
Some questions , no body writes on these issues in Dawn news as every one see through the orange bug in their mind.

But for better economy Pakistan will be force to accept India as the big brother and surrender to it. economically Pakistan is weak so a class inside the financial hub think PA to be obstetrical in peace with India.

Nobody is forcing you to have a good relation with India.It should come naturally.Things would not have taken a wrong turn,only if Pakistan would not have pushed the rebels into Indian territory and made a policy out of it.
dont understand the policy of pakistan,india is not going to give up kashmir due to insurgency,the only thing terrorism has helped pakistan is making it a centre of terrorism and giving it a bad image around the world
dont understand the policy of pakistan,india is not going to give up kashmir due to insurgency,the only thing terrorism has helped pakistan is making it a centre of terrorism and giving it a bad image around the world

insurgency is over in Kashmir and things are better now , even India has cut down its troops in Kashmir because of it.
insurgency is over in Kashmir and things are better now , even India has cut down its troops in Kashmir because of it.

insurgency is still present in kashmir,pakistan should not support terrorist activity in its country it will only burn itself,india is not going to give up kashmir due to terrorism

ulta choor kotwal ko dante

they should first stop india to stop supporting BLA and TTP with munitions and money

hnadover kashmir to their own people

then we will welcome them with our BIG hearts

Good. Good. That's what the monkey trap is all about.

And now you will be thanked by Pakistanis.

Good. Good.
insurgency is still present in kashmir,pakistan should not support terrorist activity in its country it will only burn itself,india is not going to give up kashmir due to terrorism

I think no one is demanding Kashmir for Pakistan any more , the policy got changed during Musharraf time , now they talk about semi autonomous joined Kashmir .
A point to be noted:

Pakistanis care more for Kashmiris (Kashmiris who at least don't get killed) than their fellow Pakistanis who are being killed in thousands by extremists, US drones and other.
A point to be noted:

Pakistanis care more for Kashmiris (Kashmiris who at least don't get killed) than their fellow Pakistanis who are being killed in thousands by extremists, US drones and other.

My friend Pakistani media has not written on Kashmir for ages , its not a burning issue in the media any more. Even on PDF it comes way below in hot issues
insurgency is over in Kashmir and things are better now , even India has cut down its troops in Kashmir because of it.

we would like to see some more positive developments in the future.People in their right mind cannot expect that we can have a good mind set after attacks like that in Mumbai.People in their right mind cannot also expect that they can win over a vast territory like Kashmir by sending a handful of rebels every now and then.These rebels are just like expendable assets.They are sent to create some chaos and are expected to eventually die.
Who broke Pakistan in 1972

Get the history right first and then ask.

It was the 1971 War.

West Pakistanis broke Pakistan.

If the democratically elected PM, Mujibur Rehman was allowed to become PM, there would have been no 1971 War, nor bangaldesh.

Who is stealing the water

"Upstream or downstream, we (India and Pakistan) are in the same boat," said Hameed Ullah Jan Afridi, Pakistan's federal minister for environment, at a recent workshop in Islamabad on cross-border water scarcity and climate change.

Who is helping BLA

Not India.

Pakistan claims remain disproved.

Moon does not reflect light but is a source for light some peasants say. Are they right?

Yet, scientifically it is proved that Moon reflects light and is not a source of light.

Who want Afghanistan to be Indian proxy

Not India, but India and Iran also does not want it to be a Pakistan proxy either.

Some questions , no body writes on these issues in Dawn news as every one see through the orange bug in their mind.

Search me why they don't write in the DAWN.

Try other newspapers.

But for better economy Pakistan will be force to accept India as the big brother and surrender to it. economically Pakistan is weak so a class inside the financial hub think PA to be obstetrical in peace with India.

I don't think Pakistan should be a little brother to anyone.

All they have to do is to stop wasting time on extraneous issues like giving shelter to terrorists or allowing them to rip Pakistan apart. Cut down corruption. Undertake land reforms. Stop the feudal power centres to get stronger. Get the Army to do their main job - defend the country and not worry about governing the country or running industries, business and real estate.

Do that and Pakistan will be as strong a country as any other and will not have to be worried about anyone.
I think no one is demanding Kashmir for Pakistan any more , the policy got changed during Musharraf time , now they talk about semi autonomous joined Kashmir .

It is not practically possible to have a semi autonomous Kashmir.There will again be way too much confusion and problems.The economies,the currencies,the infrastructure,in terms of health,education,connectivity etc dont match.The situation will be like a disaster waiting to happen.The best way is to keep it the way it is,a part with Pakistan and a part with India.
we would like to see some more positive developments in the future.People in their right mind cannot expect that we can have a good mind set after attacks like that in Mumbai.People in their right mind cannot also expect that they can win over a vast territory like Kashmir by sending a handful of rebels every now and then.These rebels are just like expendable assets.They are sent to create some chaos and are expected to eventually die.

Time has changed , GOP will never make US unhappy and will never support any misadventure against India . They will protect US aid flow as much as possible.
My friend Pakistani media has not written on Kashmir for ages , its not a burning issue in the media any more. Even on PDF it comes way below in hot issues

Friend, the other day Meengla came out with a thread about Kashmir and how LOC should be made into IB. The way his fellow pakistani ridiculed him...I felt sad. At least he wanted peace.
It is not practically possible to have a semi autonomous Kashmir.There will again be way too much confusion and problems.The economies,the currencies,the infrastructure,in terms of health,education,connectivity etc dont match.The situation will be like a disaster waiting to happen.The best way is to keep it the way it is,a part with Pakistan and a part with India.

Talk between the real powers on both side can come to this solution but talks should be done on regular bases.
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