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Pakistan needs more nukes?

A little part of the truth to Indians, is that Pakistan is keeping its Uranium war heads plus some sheap plutonium ones for thermonuclear 1 Mt ++, while making some modern compact plutonium nuclear fission warheads with boosting capacity up to 200 and 300 Kt.
So just 100 of the latter can obliterate India (in case of MAD).

Since Israel is the most radical religious regime on earth with Hindus, than some are being reserved for their annihilation in case they find the cipher to use the few(a dozen sent by the US in the 1973 war; the Ramadan war) American nukes (300 Kt each) in their possession.
2005 pakistan future nuclear energy planned 8800 MWe generating capacity by 2030.

That amount of electricity can be produced by just one or two hydropower projects, which can be completed far earlier... Hydropower potential of pakistan is estimated at over 100,000 MW

One hydropower plant in Russia alone is enough for 7000 MW
A little part of the truth to Indians, is that Pakistan is keeping its Uranium war heads plus some sheap plutonium ones for thermonuclear 1 Mt ++, while making some modern compact plutonium nuclear fission warheads with boosting capacity up to 200 and 300 Kt.
So just 100 of the latter can obliterate India (in case of MAD).

Since Israel is the most radical religious regime on earth with Hindus, than some are being reserved for their annihilation in case they find the cipher to use the few(a dozen sent by the US in the 1973 war; the Ramadan war) American nukes (300 Kt each) in their possession.

Its Funny that Radicalization and Fundamentalism is associated more with Islam than with any other religion.
That amount of electricity can be produced by just one or two hydropower projects, which can be completed far earlier... Hydropower potential of pakistan is estimated at over 100,000 MW

multiple sources for power will be used sir in future . i accept what you say is right .just wait few more months after pakistan got some serious and strong gov it will be first job of them to generate power and make it surplus. its now matter of time only for pakistan .

That is true. India has vast reserves of Uranium. Don't you think India has much more than the 100 nuclear weapons that is reported (personally, I think this is so)? (Consider the fact that India is very aggressively increasing its defense procurements and armament of its military)

Nukes are like vanity box, just for show off. So keeping 100 nukes is enough for us.
Helping developing a ballistic missile...:lol: they provide readymade Missile in a colour of your choice ..You have just call there Chinese Missile Home Delivery Number .....Its 7 days delivery guaranteed or Money back....They Accpet Visa/Mastercard/PAypal.... its open 24*7 ..... an extra Manchow soup is complimentary if you order two missile:rofl:
Pakistan is there regular customer:azn:

Yup brahmos is a good example... i bet they delivered some free cheap vodka with tht Yakhont.
That amount of electricity can be produced by just one or two hydropower projects, which can be completed far earlier... Hydropower potential of pakistan is estimated at over 100,000 MW

One hydropower plant in Russia alone is enough for 7000 MW

A lack of hyrdo power projects in Pakistan is intrinsically linked to the perceived discrimination by the largest province 'Punjab' with respect to the other three and so the hyrdo-project that was planned to be initiated as far back as the '80s still remains alive only as far as the feasibility reports ! Other smaller projects have been chucked away for similar reasons because the Provinces either don't agree on a 'Royalty-Sharing Agreement' or the inhabitants who'd need to be relocated for the reservoirs to be constructed find their cause heavily politicized by one party or another ! In the meantime the construction of numerous smaller (1-10 MW) projects were proposed all over Punjab, the Northern Areas and KP but no significant movement has been made as of today; ironically enough I've come across a study, in the past, detailing how Punjab and the Northern Areas can be made completely self-sufficient with respect to their power needs by constructing these small hyrdro projects and in fact if this is done in combination with larger projects and coal-powered plants (utilizing immense coal reserves in Pakistan); Pakistan could very easily be a large net-exporter of electricity !
A lack of hyrdo power projects in Pakistan is intrinsically linked to the perceived discrimination by the largest province 'Punjab' with respect to the other three and so the hyrdo-project that was planned to be initiated as far back as the '80s still remains alive only as far as the feasibility reports ! Other smaller projects have been chucked away for similar reasons because the Provinces either don't agree on a 'Royalty-Sharing Agreement' or the inhabitants who'd need to be relocated for the reservoirs to be constructed find their cause heavily politicized by one party or another ! In the meantime the construction of numerous smaller (1-10 MW) projects were proposed all over Punjab, the Northern Areas and KP but no significant movement has been made as of today; ironically enough I've come across a study, in the past, detailing how Punjab and the Northern Areas can be made completely self-sufficient with respect to their power needs by constructing these small hyrdro projects and in fact if this is done in combination with larger projects and coal-powered plants (utilizing immense coal reserves in Pakistan); Pakistan could very easily be a large net-exporter of electricity !

Inter-province fighting... come on, look at russia. Such a big country with more than 80 "provinces". About 60-70% of hydropower and nuclear power plants are in the European part of Russia yet used to supply power across the whole country.

I think the central govt. of pakistan is giving too much freedom to these provinces then...
Yes you guys do need them make more and more of them then spend money on keeping them maintaining them protecting them that would be nice
Inter-province fighting... come on, look at russia. Such a big country with more than 80 "provinces". About 60-70% of hydropower and nuclear power plants are in the European part of Russia yet used to supply power across the whole country.

I think the central govt. of pakistan is giving too much freedom to these provinces then...

On the contrary this lack of a proper devolution of power is whats created a lot of this mess ! Give each Province control over its resources, their use and their allocation and the Politicians, in their, can't really spin themselves out of blame in case they don't perform. Additionally Provinces then don't have to wait for clearance from others and can proceed according to their assessment of what is needed ! Balochistan for example is burning up because the Baloch have been denied their just demands for greater Provincial Autonomy and consequently a greater say in how their Province is to be run ! Punjab is suffering because its almost always held hostage by the demands of the other three because their is a general mistrust of Punjab due to her overwhelming numerical superiority and hence more votes in the 'National Assembly' ! Gilgit Baltistan is suffering because there is a gross-neglect of that Autonomous Federating Unit which has been demanding 'Provincial Status' for the better of the last few decades so that they can elect their own People who are answerable to them directly instead of being managed by the 'Representative from the Federal Capital'. I suppose KP and Sindh too are suffering in their own way because of a lack of devolution to the Provincial Assemblies ! Had this happened in '73 as was envisioned in the Constitution written in that year or better yet had this happened in '48 when Jinnah talked about 'the affairs of each Province be managed by themselves with only a few portfolios like Defence, Foreign Policy and Currency being vested at the Centre', we probably would have avoided a lot of headaches !

P.S Russia is ethnically very homogeneous with, if my figures are't incorrect, the largest ethnic group - the Russians - comprising of nearly 80% of the Entire Population with the other ethnicities not even making into double figures. Pakistan on the other hand is ethnically and linguistically extremely diverse with the largest ethnic/linguistic group - the Punjabis - comprising around 42% of the Population or 80 million out of nearly 190 million which means the other 5 largest ethnic groups average between 10-15 million each and another 10-15 million others who don't fall into either of the 5 groups !
Israel? Is pakistan prepared to destroy itself just for satisfying the hedonistic desire of destroying Israel?

I see this kind of attitude only among the natives here... how many Israeli arabs would be willing to defend pakistan in an india-pakistan war?

I never implied that Pakistan's nukes are to destroy Israel , but rather they are two states we have on target list in case of a war. In other words , these two countries are most like to attack Pakistan in the future than any other.

Now coming back , we actually don't need people to come and defend us. We are fully capable of rubbing any invaders face into the ground ourselves . See how we returned the favor to USSR in Afghanistan for starting the Mukhti Bahini in E.Pakistan?

We historically are country "able" to help --not right now though --- in a war situation not take help since we are self sufficient.
.........I never implied that Pakistan's nukes are to destroy Israel , but rather they are two states we have on target list in case of a war. In other words , these two countries are most like to attack Pakistan in the future than any other.......

Now coming back , we actually don't need people to come and defend us. We are fully capable of rubbing any invaders face into the ground ourselves . See how we returned the favor to USSR in Afghanistan for starting the Mukhti Bahini in E.Pakistan?

We historically are country "able" to help --not right now though --- in a war situation not take help since we are self sufficient....

This issue has been discussed back and forth in the Hiroshima 'war on islam' topic. I suggest you refer there ;).
This issue has been discussed back and forth in the Hiroshima 'war on islam' topic. I suggest you refer there ;).

That was a clear show of typical dumbass American stupidity , what was new in Americans planning to nuke Muslims?..
They cannot digest the fact that they have been defeated in Afghanistan & now they have to take desperate measures to save face , otherwise their alliance itself is in danger.

On topic , i would say again as soon as Indians and their Zionist cousins stop making nukes , Pakistan will too. Having weapons of mass destruction is unislamic before any other norm , Pakistan had to have em to "keep up with the Johne's"
Its Funny that Radicalization and Fundamentalism is associated more with Islam than with any other religion.

Just in you mind.
Hindus and Jews are the most fanatics, since most people know the truth, we let you play your media game.
That was a clear show of typical dumbass American stupidity , what was new in Americans planning to nuke Muslims?..
They cannot digest the fact that they have been defeated in Afghanistan & now they have to take desperate measures to save face , otherwise their alliance itself is in danger.

On topic , i would say again as soon as Indians and their Zionist cousins stop making nukes , Pakistan will too. Having weapons of mass destruction is unislamic before any other norm , Pakistan had to have em to "keep up with the Johne's"

It's not un-islamic to protect yourself when in danger. Nukes should be seen as a method of self-defence, not for terrorizing other countries or trying to boast them off.

Pakistan needs whatever nukes it can get it's hands on to protect itself from Hindu radicals, Zionist Jews and any invaders.
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