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Pakistan needs more nukes?

Interesting, why?

More nukes, more spending, more strain on economy making pakistan more weaker.Right now, Pakistan is spending billions on nukes yet many key infrastructure projects are dying for funds.

Yes, that is a big danger for India. It would be too easy for China to capitalise on the opportunity considering the fact that there would be no place for UN or international diplomacy when a nuclear war has just occurred in south asia.

In that sense, we can consider China to be a stabilizing factor for south asia. While China has little direct enmity with India and its border disputes can be solved quite easily, China would be sure to capitalize in such an opportunity considering how aggressive China is in South China Sea at the moment.[/FONT]

You need to know China's set of priorities first, their least priority is India.
More nukes, more spending, more strain on economy making pakistan more weaker.Right now, Pakistan is spending billions on nukes yet many key infrastructure projects are dying for funds.

wrong pakistan replacing old nukes and systems with new nukes . tell me a computer of 80s 90s should not be upgraded now? modern nukes are more smart more secure and more computerize then older pakistan is just upgrading them not making more for numbers .sure we will arm our navy air force also with nukes but its not mean every ship boat jet loaded with nukes it will be limited in numbers.no one is idiot to make country week for nuke numbers sir.
wrong pakistan replacing old nukes and systems with new nukes . tell me a computer of 80s 90s should not be upgraded now? modern nukes are more smart more secure and more computerize then older pakistan is just upgrading them not making more for numbers .sure we will arm our navy air force also with nukes but its not mean every ship boat jet loaded with nukes it will be limited in numbers.no one is idiot to make country week for nuke numbers sir.

THen how their number is increasing.
u reckon China will take on India for Pakistan?? lol

maybe not but with a weakened India it could be an opportunity to resolve their border issue with India

More nukes, more spending, more strain on economy making pakistan more weaker.Right now, Pakistan is spending billions on nukes yet many key infrastructure projects are dying for funds.

You could say that on a larger scale as you have a large population for India too
Israel's defence cooperation is not against Pakistan, but for the mutual beneficial of both sides. Russia helped India in empowering its military power more than Israel will ever can, does Russia is an enemy of Pakistan? Last time I checked there was a Pakistani embassy in Moscow, perhaps even with a military attache.

Pakistan has military cooperation with many countries in the Middle East, is it against Israel or in favour of Pakistan's defence industries? Same applies to Israel-India cooperation, no need to involve any nonsense about Zionist-Hindo nexus.

But Zionists are different you see, since Zion is the land from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq according to Genesis. Sooner or later we can expect that some attempt will be made by the IDF to fullfill this prophesy in establishing the biblical frontiers. Furthermore, for the Jewish Messiah to return, the Masjid al Aqsa(the third most important place in Islam) must be annahlated and replaced with the third temple of Solomon. Now you can see, should these events take place, they're will be a great collective commotion among all Muslims so any Muslim country with Nuclear weapons must be neautralised before this takes place.
You could say that on a larger scale as you have a large population for India too

200 nukes for small economy like Pakistan, you are struck in a trap just keep on spending more weaking your economy.

India has nuclear deal and untouched huge Uranium mines, still we are not going for that craziness.
maybe not but with a weakened India it could be an opportunity to resolve their border issue with India

You could say that on a larger scale as you have a large population for India too

Depends on the status of Indo-China relations at that juncture, first of all a nuclear exchange in any scenario is remote, if such a hypothetical situation does arise India and Pakistan would already be into a 1 week old conventional war, whereto Pakistan's conventional strength wanes considerably for it to resort to a nuclear strike against India. Within the 1 or 2 weeks of conventional war all external players would have exposed their cards. We can come to an assumption of how China might or might not take advantage of the situation at that stage.

More global attention would have been already drawn to this war, so a utilization of the weakness will be in that global presence.
India has nuclear deal and untouched huge Uranium mines, still we are not going for that craziness.

That is true. India has vast reserves of Uranium. Don't you think India has much more than the 100 nuclear weapons that is reported (personally, I think this is so)? (Consider the fact that India is very aggressively increasing its defense procurements and armament of its military)
THen how their number is increasing.

dear it was only KRL small uclear plant in 70s 80s

then pakistan build new platinum reactors near khushab for qick work .its not just for military use but civil too we have now 4 platinum reactors there that's why .but after upgrade all nukes and make them stable numbers pakistan will use these plants for civil use only that's why . pakistan not gonna doing same craze of USA SOVIET FOR SURE .
dear it was only KRL small uclear plant in 70s 80s

then pakistan build new platinum reactors near khushab for qick work .its not just for military use but civil too we have now 4 platinum reactors there that's why .but after upgrade all nukes and make them stable numbers pakistan will use these plants for civil use only that's why . pakistan not gonna doing same craze of USA SOVIET FOR SURE .

From civilian energy perspective, Pakistan would be far better off using hydropower and untapped oilfields than going for nuclear power.
200 nukes for small economy like Pakistan, you are struck in a trap just keep on spending more weaking your economy.

India has nuclear deal and untouched huge Uranium mines, still we are not going for that craziness.

always you guys worry abut our economy lolz keep it aside we will keep 200+ nukes all the time and as soon as you accept it without lame excuses its better for you .
Pakistan's nuclear weapons have only two primary targets , India & its zionist cousin Israel. When both of them stop producing nukes , we will too. Until then try to get some sleeping pills.

Thank you.
Pakistan's nuclear weapons have only two primary targets , India & its zionist cousin Israel. When both of them stop producing nukes , we will too. Until then try to get some sleeping pills.

Thank you.

Israel? Is pakistan prepared to destroy itself just for satisfying the hedonistic desire of destroying Israel?

I see this kind of attitude only among the natives here... how many Israeli arabs would be willing to defend pakistan in an india-pakistan war?

From civilian energy perspective, Pakistan would be far better off using hydropower and untapped oilfields than going for nuclear power.

2005 pakistan future nuclear energy planned 8800 MWe generating capacity by 2030.
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