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Pakistan needs an Anna Hazare

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Pakistan needs an Anna Hazare | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

By S.m. Hali | Published: August 24, 2011

The killing fields of Karachi, the human slaughterhouses of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, unbridled corruption and, above all, total lack of compassion for the meaningless carnage on the part of Pakistan’s ruling elite, as well as intelligentsia, demand that a messiah akin to India’s social activist Anna Hazare appears to save the Pakistani nation from total disintegration. Anna Hazare is neither a politician, nor a millionaire turned philanthropist, who appeared on India’s bleak horizon to save humanity.

Born on June 15, 1937, to an impoverished labour class family of the village of Parner Taluka of Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra, Kisan Baburao Hazare has done wonders for transforming rural India from poverty to self-sufficiency and has now vigorously take up the task of eradicating the evil of corruption from the Indian society. How the son of an unskilled labourer gets inspired enough to achieve such major accomplishments is a fascinating story by itself.

Hazare and his six younger siblings faced significant hardships. He studied till class seven with the support of a childless aunt, but then started selling flowers to sustain his younger brothers.
During the 1962 Sino-Indian war, he got the opportunity to serve in the Indian Army as driver. When in 1965 Pak-India war, he was deployed at the Khemkaran sector where a Pakistani attack killed all his comrades in his convoy. His near brush with death convinced Hazare that he had been saved for a purpose, which he soon discovered through a booklet titled "Call to the youth for nation building" by Swami Vivekananda in a book stall at the New Delhi railway station. He realised that saints sacrificed their own happiness for others. That he needed to work towards ameliorating the sufferings of the poor. He vowed not to marry to avoid being distracted by a family and set upon his noble task. After voluntary retirement from the army, he started social work from his native village, Ralegan Siddhi, located in drought-prone, rain-shadow zone of Ahmadnagar, which had fallen into an acute state of poverty, deprivation and hopelessness and driven its residents to alcoholism and other moral depravities. Hazare studied the ecological process of water preservation and with the help of volunteers managed to transform his village from total calamitous state into award winning prosperity by utilising the will and resolve of the villagers themselves that made Ralegan Siddhi an oasis of manmade regeneration.

Hazare’s next major challenge was tackling alcoholism. Appeals through volunteer groups uprooted the menace of alcoholism. He also managed to have the state government modify the Bombay Prohibition Act 1949, and promulgated a ban on the sale of tobacco, paan and bidies in his locality. In 1980, he started the unique system of a Grain Bank, where farmers would donate grain to be borrowed in period of need or drought.

After the successful implementation of dairy projects, education systems and mass marriages for the poor - shunning untouchability - it was now time for him to take up the major challenge of corruption. He started a campaign against it from the Forest Department, and through his canvassing managed to get influential ministers punished. He moved against corrupt leaders although he suffered immensely in his struggle; being incarcerated on trumped up charges, attempts on his life and threats to his being. His one modus operandi has been his “fast unto death”, which has borne positive results and enlarged his following. He succeeded in getting the Regulation of Transfers and Prevention of Delay in Discharge of Official Duties Act to the institution of the Right of Information Act passed/sanctioned.

On April 5, 2011, he, now commonly known as “Anna”, went on a fast unto death to exert pressure on the Government of India to enact a strong anti-corruption act as envisaged in the Jan Lokpal Bill - a law to establish a Lokpal (ombudsman) with the power to deal with corruption in public offices. His demands were met through the issuance of a gazette notification of a joint committee to draft an effective bill by August 15, 2011. When the government hedged and jailed him, he started another fast unto death and this time he is joined by most of India.

We in Pakistan are in greater despair than the Indians owing to the apathy, callousness and selfish motives of our political leaders, who are letting the country slide into political anarchy and economic meltdown for their personal interests. We pray that an Anna Hazare will rise from among us to slay our dragons.

The writer is a political and defence analyst.
Even if somebody tried, I am sure he will get killed on very first day. Pakistan and India are totally different culture. one can't treat them with same vaccine. Situation in Pak. more grave and dangerous. Just look around in PDF. Most of the senior Pak. members are finding it difficult to imagine tht Anna can do the Job in India. They are making patty issues with Words being used.

Just look around across Muslim world. Every such revolution is dealt with tremdous blood of innocent civilian. and Pak. is sending it's troops to do this in other country. Imagine wht will they to their own civilians.
Even if somebody tried, I am sure he will get killed on very first day. Pakistan and India are totally different culture. one can't treat them with same vaccine. Situation in Pak. more grave and dangerous.

This is one of the delusions that you and many Bharatis have. Nobody is going to kill him even on 100th day since seriously speaking nobody would care about him. All the corrupt politicians and officials would say "Bhooka rehta hai rahai haimain kia".

Just look around in PDF. Most of the senior Pak. members are finding it difficult to imagine tht Anna can do the Job in India.

And let me tell you. They aren't much wrong either.

Pak. is sending it's troops to do this in other country.

Another delusion. We didn't send any troops to any country.

Imagine wht will they to their own civilians.

Since we didn't send any troops to any country nothing is going to happen with our citizens.


Ansar Burney announces nationwide anti-corruption drive after Eid

The Chairman Ansar Burney Trust International and former Federal Minister for human rights, Ansar Burney on Sunday has announced to kick off a massive anti-corruption campaign and Anti-Terrorism movement after Eid.

According to a press release, Ansar Burney has said that at present Pakistan was facing a dire and painful period in its history with rampant and continuously growing corruption and Terrorism destroying every fabric of our nation and any prospects of a decent future for our children and grandchildren.

“The politicians have joined hands and completely plundered this country to the brink of destruction. They have looted the treasury, bankrupted national institutions, sold off natural resources and even our sovereignty” said Ansar Burney.

“The people have no food or water, no shelter, no electricity, no education, no healthcare, no jobs and no security. Every basic necessity has been stolen from us as a result of rampant and unchecked corruption." Burney added.

“Look where we stand today, the very people we elected to protect us, are the people now responsible for dozens of dead bodies across the country. Murderers and plunderers now hold most important posts in the country.” added Burney.

We have unimaginable violence now spreading all over the country between those holding power and those wanting it – all for the sake of a further opportunity to plunder the nation that little bit more.

It is now up to the civil society to take steps to rid the country of this evil before it is too late; and the Ansar Burney Trust announces to kick start a massive anti-corruption campaign and movement following Eid as a first step towards saving our country.

The purpose is to bring the nation together and make a stand that corruption will no longer be tolerated; and to expose the corrupt, whether they are in politics, our bureaucracy, education institutions, law enforcement agencies, businesses, charities, sports or even the judiciary.

"We urge the nation to stand together in this common cause." Ansar Burney requested with the Nation and Country loving elements.

Ansar Burney announces nationwide anti-corruption drive after Eid | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
I'm not sure how this Gandhiji's non violent way is gonna work in Pakistan, but I really wish it happens. It worked amazing in India.. then and now.. still working...
This is one of the delusions that you and many Bharatis have. Nobody is going to kill him even on 100th day since seriously speaking nobody would care about him. All the corrupt politicians and officials would say "Bhooka rehta hai rahai haimain kia".

And let me tell you. They aren't much wrong either.

Another delusion. We didn't send any troops to any country.

Since we didn't send any troops to any country nothing is going to happen with our citizens.


Remember Salman Taseer. wht he did and wht happen with him. Even the one who prayed during his funeral is now on run.

Pak. is involved in Bahrain on behest of Emirate. open recruitment was done in Pak and PA man joined them.

Just open ur eyes, drink some coffee and see wht happened in Syria, Yeman, Egypt against demonstrators by ur Muslim brothers.

Muslim world doesn't require Israel, USA or India for this bloodshed. They themselves are quite competent in doing this.
Remember Salman Taseer. wht he did and wht happen with him.

So just because he was killed on some religious matter means that every one who would protest for whatever reason would be killed. No genius it isn't that way. I don't want to make it Indian vs Pakistan but India itself isn't a very shining example of tolerance and all that stuff. :pop:

Even the one who prayed during his funeral is now on run.

It is yet to be proven that the guy was threatened and it isn't a pathetic effort to get asylum in some western country.

Pak. is involved in Bahrain on behest of Emirate. open recruitment was done in Pak and PA man joined them.

Please help yourself. Those were the retired personal of PA or Rangers and joined Bahrain forces because it was a source of living for them. Retired personal can go whereever they want to earn a living and this isn't in any way equivalent to "Pakistan sending troops to Bahrain".

Just open ur eyes, drink some coffee and see wht happened in Syria, Yeman, Egypt against demonstrators by ur Muslim brothers.

Muslim world doesn't require Israel, USA or India for this bloodshed. They themselves are quite competent in doing this.

What they are doing in their respective countries isn't of my concern.
Thanks but no Thanks

We have characters more efficient than Anna Hazare so they are enough for us. One more joker will only problem creator but not positive.
"Pakistan wants an Anna hazare...........they can have ours" - says baby Rahul gandhi
Look indian government will be stupid to give in to demands of Anna Hazarae! if it does from tomorrow every suresh,ramesh & suraj will go on hunger strike!!

anna hazare is 70+ this is his drama let him do it give him no attention he will go away. he is too old has nothing to look forward to.

like you can't negotiate with a terrorist you can't listen to each and every individual going on hunger strike!
Look indian government will be stupid to give in to demands of Anna Hazarae! if it does from tomorrow every suresh,ramesh & suraj will go on hunger strike!!

You have no idea about democracy then. This guy has done 15 hunger strikes till today, every time he made a change and many ministers had to resign. And for Suresh and Ramesh, if they have a valid point then they can do it. No one's gonna kill them.

anna hazare is 70+ this is his drama let him do it give him no attention he will go away. he is too old has nothing to look forward to.

We don't think its a drama. You should follow news to understand the revolution.

like you can't negotiate with a terrorist you can't listen to each and every individual going on hunger strike!
I'm not sure about the terrorists, but that's how democracy works. You have a right to voice against anything you think is wrong, provided it should be wrong. A commen man can make a change. Learn from us and bring betterment to your country.
Look indian government will be stupid to give in to demands of Anna Hazarae! if it does from tomorrow every suresh,ramesh & suraj will go on hunger strike!! anna hazare is 70+ this is his drama let him do it give him no attention he will go away. he is too old has nothing to look forward to.

like you can't negotiate with a terrorist you can't listen to each and every individual going on hunger strike!

Missed the trees for the woods... completely

Can't blame this perception though. Lack of similar experience perhaps.

The fact that he is 70 + & has nothing to look forward to unlike politicians and has nopersonal agenda other than a wide based & strong bill makes him acceptable to all who suffer from corruption.

The subject at hand initiated by a Pak author in a Pak newspaper relates to what in his perception Pak needs. Not whether or not the Indian Govt is stupid.
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